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Conspiracy Theory

Inferna Firesword


I think there are two major ones in my life:

  1. The "Get-Inferna-to-start-looking-at-colleges-like-a-normal-high-school-junior" conspiracy (created by my parents and school district)
  2. The "Get-Inferna-addicted-to-caffine-like-a-normal-person" conspiracy (orchastrated by everyone I know) (I mean, seriously -- my friends all seem to drink those Monster and Rockstar things; I can literally smell the caffine coming from the opening of those cans)


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ugh, don't go and get yourself addicted to ceffeine. It's really a pointless addiction: people claim it gives you so much energy, but then you crash and have to drink more or sleep.

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I'd go along with that first conspiracy. Trust me.


And ewww too much caffeine is ew. I stick with tea.

I resent that comment. I am not a blob of caffeine.



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I'd go along with that first conspiracy. Trust me.


And ewww too much caffeine is ew. I stick with tea.

I resent that comment. I am not a blob of caffeine.



thus why i stay away from coffee

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I'd go along with that first conspiracy. Trust me.


And ewww too much caffeine is ew. I stick with tea.


Isn't there caffeine in tea?

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I'd go along with that first conspiracy. Trust me.


And ewww too much caffeine is ew. I stick with tea.


Isn't there caffeine in tea?

Yes, but it's milder. I feel unhealthy when I drink too much of it...unless I'm in a mood to have mountain dew at times.



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Me, I'm only going into ninth grade and I already want to go to MIT. :P


How I'd pay it's 20k year fee I'm not sure but I'll figure out something.

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Same as Alex really.


You know, if you qualify and your parents make less than 100,000$ a year, you don't have to pay the fees to get into Harvard.

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The only conspiracy I have identified in my life is the conspiracy to get me to stop reading.




SHOW ME THE BLIGHTER! I'll teach them to try to stop someone from reading!


that's just.... Crazy.




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Number two was really bad in my school last year. For some reason, the Italian 4 class sold coffee every Friday morning for most of the year. Considering most people got there ten minutes before class started, it was fairly hard to drink it at all without burning your tongue.

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