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Ah, don't worry! I don't have that many interesting things to put in my signature! I hope...


...Say what? Eat my siggy! You monster! *screams*



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People go on and on about the taste of spam and flame and all that fun stuff. Personally, I can't see what's so tasty about it. It all tastes awful.


But signatures... oh, those are marvellous indeed. Just leave some for the rest of us, is all I ask. :D

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*hugs her sig* No worries, J. My sig ain't going anywhere and ain't growin'.


But the newbies don't really know about the rules. Have fun chewing.



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But signatures... oh, those are marvellous indeed. Just leave some for the rest of us, is all I ask. :D

Is that what the delicious armoma is that ever so rarely whafts through the vents in the palace every so often?

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People go on and on about the taste of spam and flame and all that fun stuff. Personally, I can't see what's so tasty about it. It all tastes awful.


But signatures... oh, those are marvellous indeed. Just leave some for the rest of us, is all I ask. :D

If you hate them so much, why do you eat it? :P


Umm..Just try not to hurt the member as well when you're eating the sig...heh heh...*backs up slowly*



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I suppose it should show how far gone to the dark side I've become when I'm scanning over every signature in here for a rule infraction o.o;



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But signatures... oh, those are marvellous indeed. Just leave some for the rest of us, is all I ask. :D

Is that what the delicious armoma is that ever so rarely whafts through the vents in the palace every so often?

No, that would be the cookies. It's a rare scent because they always seem to get devoured quickly... :glare:


I suppose it should show how far gone to the dark side I've become when I'm scanning over every signature in here for a rule infraction o.o;-Janus

Don't I know what you're talking about. Just you wait until the first late-night sig-hunt craving. Those can be madness.

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