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Artwork 3: Bionicle Comics



I can't get over how terrible the majority of these comics are (excluding a few). A lot of them are very unoriginal. Why does everyone use Chimoru? IMO, it's a very ugly kit.


Honestly, I think I could make better comics.




That doesn't mean anything by the way.


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There's a lot less Chimoru now than there was... before.


At any rate, whenever people go there, they dwell on there being bad comics there (of course there will be--anyone can make them), and then put in the 'oh there's some good ones too but I'll just ignore them and complain' general idea for whatever they're posting.



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There's a lot less Chimoru now than there was... before.


At any rate, whenever people go there, they dwell on there being bad comics there (of course there will be--anyone can make them), and then put in the 'oh there's some good ones too but I'll just ignore them and complain' general idea for whatever they're posting.



You're describing me, right? :P


They all use Chimoru cause everyone wants to be like Dark709. :P


His comics aren't so bad though.

I've heard.


I've never used chimoru and never will.


[advertising]These comics are pretty good.[/advertising]









okay, i'll check them out




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