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Camping Swag



I bought four things while I was camping, all of them really cool, especially the last one.


1. Bionicle graphic novel #8. The first two stories and art were amazing. The third one was good two, and you get to see the element lords, but I still hate his art style. The art was best in the first story, and my favorite story was the one with Malum. It gave him so much character, and my opinion of him is much higher now. But the first two stories make me sad since now we'll never see baterra or a green rock steed as real sets. ;__;


2. Hero factory sets. Jimi and Meltdown. And I had no idea that these two were paired against each other on the back of the boxes. I was debating whether to buy him or Xplode, but the dciding facotr was when I saw the side view of Meltdown's face. I had thought it was just round, but to my delight has 3 points. And it frusturates me to no end the stupid gun arm on Jimi. If they had fiddled around with the mold, they could've easily put it on another arm. Then I could have two black hands. Also, his helmet is still the coolest.


3. Halo Reach t-shirt. This is my favorite item that I purchased. It's so amaaaazing. The only bad thing about it is that I can't wear it all the time. Stupid body odor.




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I sooo want those graphic novels.

Well, I don't care about #9 since I've seen it all, but you should definitely get #8 like I did. The art of the first two is so amazing, and the story about Malum gives him so much character. Also, the vorox are drawn very well.


I might upload some scans of panels I really liked later.



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Store with geeky swag in the wilderness lolwut?


Jimi is the second worst of the Heros, in my opinion. All the rookies and Bulk are better. His helmet is cool, though. And those feet are awesome in any color.

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No trophy skullz? o-o

Well... there's a skull on the shirt.



it would be funnier if you wore it while playing a game of head hunter

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No trophy skullz? o-o

Well... there's a skull on the shirt.



it would be funnier if you wore it while playing a game of head hunter

Well at least your wearing skullz :P

Skull shirts can make a boring moment alittle better XD

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