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This Experiment Should Be Performed

-Toa Lhikevikk-


1. Build a tower exactly like either the North or South Tower of the World Trade Center in some random desert somewhere.

2. Obtain an airplane, exactly like the one which destroyed whichever tower was replicated.

3. Crash airplane (via R/C, obviously) into said tower, at exactly the same speed and from the same angle as the 11/09/2001 attack.

4. Observe results.


I don't care how bleeping expensive this would be, it needs to happen.


BTW this comes from a person who neither believes nor disbelieves the 9/11 conspiracy theories. (I, however, lean more towards disbelief, because such an operation would have to have been extremely complex, causing issues with Ockham's Razor.)


Also, no political discussion or this entry gets locked.


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Conspiracy theories are fun to read about but I don't believe any of them, especially if it involves Nostradamus and/or 2012.


(also you misspelled "observe" wrong in #4 :teehee:)

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Or you could, you know, analyse the mass of footage we already have, which quite clearly refutes all conspiracy theory arguments.


If you set up that experiment people would accuse you of being in on the conspiracy and using controlled demolition too, I guarantee it.

The people who wouldn't already don't follow the conspiracy theories.


Grr... Conspiracy theories are funny but they really annoy me.


EDIT: The people within the building would also play slight variable roles, too, because of weight and such. The experiment wouldn't be accurate unless you had the people in the building doing what they did in the original (or perfectly weighted/shaped/textured replicas), and that is basically impossible.

They also had potential to slow the plane slightly with their impact, so they need to have the consistency of humans too. Every little detail is important in this sort of thing.

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My stance on most conspiracy theories is more or less equal to my stance on 9/11.


(Also, that one theory about a secret civilization of reptilian humanoids living underground, as absurd as it is, has to be my favorite. Not because I believe in it, but... guess why!)


EDIT: @Ravrahn Well, a lot of people insist the footage was edited. Also, we'd need to have several conspiracy theorists supervise the project (but of course supervise them too), and several thousand ballistics gel dummies should more or less take care of the people problem.

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There was this other building named WTC7, I think, (not even sure what it was) that collapsed shortly after the destruction of the Twin Towers. It's a huge subject of conspiracy theories due to the odd circumstances around its fate.

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