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Metroid: Other M Review

MT Zehvor


And....it's over. The latest Metroid is completed by me(save post credit stuff). I don't feel like updating the "diary" thing I had going, cause the end was just such an emotional roller coaster(yes, I'm a loser for getting sucked into a video game like that). Anyways, here's my opinion on the game.


Story: Definitely not lacking in story at all. And that's a problem. Samus' character gets really overused in this story, which comes as a nasty surprise if you haven't read the manga. I won't complain about the authorization stuff(though it's a little mind boggling). The actual story is nearly perfect until about halfway through the game, and then it slowly unravels until it crashes and burns in the end. 7/10. In it's defense, I would honestly recommend ignoring X-Play's review of this if you happen to read it, because it claims the game is somehow sexist, which it isn't. At all.


Gameplay: The gameplay is actually fairly fun, and thankfully for this game, most of what makes a game memorable is it's gameplay, not the story. There's a lot in the game that's overused, such as search view and sense move, and then other stuff that's downright amazing, such as speed booster and screw attack. Changing into 1st person can be annoying, sadly, and it kinda makes you wonder just how much better this game could've been if Nintendo could tear themselves away from "OMG NOSTALGIA" and just put the nunchuk in. Regardless, it's still fun. 8.5/10.


Music: The music was....well....dissapointing, to say the least. Some of the themes, such as Ridley's and the "Escape Sector 0" music was absolutely amazing, and yet at other times it's just pathetic. Of course, it's supposed to "set the mood," but did they really need to make it boring when you listen to it outside of the game for that? 7/10.


Graphics: While it still isn't up to the level of say, the 360, it, like every other Metroid 3D game, looks as good as anything else on the Wii. Only complaint is that they overlooked some parts in sector 2 with some really pixelated stalactites. 9/10.


OVERALL: 8.7/10. Not as great as the Prime series, but playing it is still fun. This is definitely the game that you wish they had included a co-op mode for.


Finished the game just in time for Reach next week. Awesome September is awesome.




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Just throwin that gif out there...


I still don't know if I'm ever gonna play it. The only game I've ever played/beat is corruption and that was fantastic. Don't know if this looks better.



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Didn't like this as much as Corruption, but still definitely a great game. One of the top 10 Wii games, and I expect it to be the 2nd best game of the year behind Reach.



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Yeah. Anthony didn't actually die and stuff. B)


So now we can go call the developers racist for only killing off the white people and asian guy.


And yeah, K.G. was the one dumped into the volcano, which you've probably realised by now.

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Yeah. Anthony didn't actually die and stuff. B)


So now we can go call the developers racist for only killing off the white people and asian guy.


And yeah, K.G. was the one dumped into the volcano, which you've probably realised by now.

Spoilers much?


You can thank Koth now since I'm never going to play the game because of this :angry:



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Dunno. Maybe he found this video game where these incredibly advanced aliens attack a bunch of humans on this one planet and there's this group of soldiers trying to defend it and they go into space and stuff.



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