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Denatured Protein Follicles!



Okay, so you know that 'fro I had at Brickfair? And it was all curly and poofy and stuff? Well, the other night I was just chilling in this lounge and playing Apples to Apples with some cool people when the female elements of the group started saying things like "oh, we should straighten Ean's hair" and "plug it in over here!" Next thing I know I'm trapped in a chair as two or three girls attack my hair with two straighteners. Escape would have involved tearing chunks out of my scalp, so I was forced to remain there until the deed was done.




Mind, this is after some rain got on it. When I first saw my perfectly straight hair, I seriously tweaked something in my gut from laughing so hard. I hope it doesn't mean I'm going to die.


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Humanoid: Yes

Hair: Brownish, über-curly

Magic Points: 310 <3 Seran


I guess this needs changing now? :P


But seriously. This needs to stay.


- :l: :flagcanada:

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Humanoid: Yes

Hair: Brownish, über-curly

Magic Points: 310 <3 Seran


I guess this needs changing now? :P


But seriously. This needs to stay.


- :l: :flagcanada:

I did change it. Then I changed it back after I showered this morning. :P

You look Awesome!


just hope that your female friends don't insist that you do it every day. That would be a lot of work...

Believe me, this is not going to be a regular occurrence. Special occasions only after this.

Please straighten it a bit more, cut it, dye it, and be twins with Yanni forever and ever. :lol:



That is a marvellous idea. It was very much straight earlier, and I really should cut it the next time I get it straightened; it was quite uneven in places.

Not bad. It suits you (but so does the Arpfro).


And hey, if the ladies like to play with your hair...




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You know, as soon as I saw this picture, I could have sworn you looked somewhat reminiscent of someone, but I couldn't quite put my finger on who.

Now I think I remember. You look a bit like Elton John.

But just a bit.

It might be the shades.

- :l: :flagcanada:
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