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You do realise you'd have to live for at least another fifteen billion years or so, right?

ChocolateFrogs can be incredibly resourceful.

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You do realise you'd have to live for at least another fifteen billion years or so, right?

ChocolateFrogs can be incredibly resourceful.

I heard he's on good terms with the Doctor. That ought to count for something.

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You do realise you'd have to live for at least another fifteen billion years or so, right?

ChocolateFrogs can be incredibly resourceful.

that and, no one truly knows how old the earth really is...so who knows? Maybe it's...oh, only a million years or a couple of thousand!


I want a dinosaur. And a pet caveman, and I shall call him Steve and love him muchily.

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People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey... stuff.



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People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey... stuff.



Bah, beat me to it!

Bonus points if the dinosaur can transform into a jet.

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Time does move in circles, but when you are on the edge of the circle, it still looks alot like a line, and you have to back up really far to see the curvature.


Additionally, when this universe ends, it will spark another big bang that will create a universe identical to our own, except it may be a few feet off. [/futurama reference]



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Actually, there is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.


There is another theory which states that this has already happened. [/Hitchhiker's Guide reference]



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