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Kevin Owens


[20:32] Than: yeah, sure, that would be fine

[20:32] Than: I trust you to handle it well

[20:32] Gato: I will~

[20:32] Gato: So I can go ahead and get started on it? Do you want me to run the intro post by you before I post the topic?

[20:33] Than: You can just go ahead and get started, like I said, I trust you can handle it


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Am I supposed to know what's going on?

No. This is something I just got approved tonight. The only person that has the full details is Smeag. Spink and Sisen also have a basic idea of what I have planned.


And please don't pester them about it. =(


Ok, tell me this at very least; will it be in COT?

Yes, it will be in COT.

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Am I supposed to know what's going on?

No. This is something I just got approved tonight. The only person that has the full details is Smeag. Spink and Sisen also have a basic idea of what I have planned.


And please don't pester them about it. =(

Ok, that's good :P

I won't :)

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You should. It was originally meant to be an RPG, then got sent to the blogs, got quickly rerouted to the RPG section, and now has its final destination.


Give me about a week and I'll have it up.

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Oh, so it's going to be like a play-by-post game with only one character thing.

Originally, yes. However, it's evolved dramatically, hence the whole bouncing around thing.


Is this the "big change" B6 mentioned in one of his weekly updates?

No. This is something that I'm doing on my own.

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Is this the "big change" B6 mentioned in one of his weekly updates?

No. This is something that I'm doing on my own.

Nnnng. Now I'm even more nervous about the big change :S

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>RPG judge

>COT Leader

>COT RPG leader


And you know what the best part is?


It's nothing RPG related.

Good. I was beginning to think I was being left out of the loop and would have to do some headbashing again. :)



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