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Book 2?

Takuma Nuva


So, I've been seriously thinking about writing another book for my epic.


Originally, my idea was to go through the entirety of the Bionicle Storyline from the point I started at. However, I think it's be better to skip ahead to the point where the full Toa team is formed. That book would start somewhere in the neighborhood of when the Toa Mata show up on Mata Nui.


So, my question is this:


Would any of you be interested in reading it? I realize that since I've been so absent from BZP lately (aside from NMQ&A) I've quite possibly lost a number of my faithful readers. Then there's the fact that it's a serious work instead of comedy which has never really seemed to catch on.


Just puttin' out some feelers here. What say you lot? "So good" or "no good"? Or maybe it'll even be "STICK TO the COMEDEEZ TUKAMA!!1!"*


*I'm totally calling it now. Somebody is going to quote this in their post unless the mere fact that I predicted it shall change their mind.




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... *Whistles innocently as I walk away*


I personally haven't read the first book of the epic, but it might be a good idea. =)

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... *Whistles innocently as I walk away*


I personally haven't read the first book of the epic, but it might be a good idea. =)

Well, the impression I get from reviews is that those who read it really liked it until the ending which was pretty weak and a bit sudden. Probably worth a read...


«Takuma Nuva»
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Assuming this is the Follow up to Time Slip, I would definitely read it.


But yeah, I do enjoy your comedic stories more than your serious works


Even at that, your Epics are still pretty epic








I have to ask, seeing as we are on the topic of you're stories


When is the next toast Busters?

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I liked when you were doing epic medic. go start that again.

I've considered it more than once, but I never seemed to get any feedback.


I dunno. Maybe everybody who thought it was worth pursuing just never decided to post and say so....


«Takuma Nuva»
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