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Yourself... In An Epic?

Shadow Destroyer




How would you imagine yourself if you were a bionicle character? :blink:


The reason I ask this is because the other day I had this awesome idea about writing a blog epic that has a bunch of BZpower members in it, and I wanted your opinion. (If I do eventually carry out this idea, I would be sure to pm you for your permission first, so don't be scared to post a comment.) Here's the format, (of the description of your character) you should post in...


Name: (Display Name)

Side: (Good or Evil)

Gender: (Male or Female)




My idea would be to write about one chapter a week for the epic, and I would post it here in my blog. The story would take place on a futuristic island called insert cool name here, and the island would closely ressemble BZpower. In the story, some evil entity has made an attack on the Survors, (Machines that run the city) and a group is being assembled to find and eliminate whoever made the attack. Chances are that whoever posts a comment here will get to be part of the group mentioned. (I can't promise that your guy will get a big role though...) Once again, this is just a cool idea I had, so I'm still not sure if I'm going to do this. Please post a comment and give me your opinion...





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Ooh, funfunfunfunfun! :lol:


Name: FenrakkRider

Side: Good

Gender: Male

Appearance: FenrakkRider is a Toa of Air with metru green and silver armor. He has a Kanohi Kualsi (Mask of Quick Travel) and is thin and fast. For reference, look at this PBZP of me made by tourqe11.

Weapons/Powers: FenrakkRider has elemental power over air, like any Toa of Air would. He carries a wind scythe and uses that to channel his elemental powers. He is also good with Rahi and can communicate with some species.



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you don't need to PM me.


Name: Ace Rimmer

Side: Cool Good

Gender: male

Appearance: tall, toa of ice, mask shaped like a hau

Weapons/Powers: mask of water, transparent blue chainsaws.

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Name: Xaeraz (contrary to whatever my display name is at any given point)

Side: Good

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall, barrel-chested, Mostly gray and black with dark red accents. Features a large pair of "wings" on his back that work more like a glider. Left arm small, ending in crude three-fingered hand. Right arm terminates at elbow, larger than left, better made. He is powered by a mixture of high-technology, including a customized eyepiece, and old-fashioned clockwork, more visible than his high tech components. Wears a pakari mata shaped mask, powerless.

Weapons/Powers: Almost all natural elemental powers gone, incapable of combat with them. Maintains just enough control to keep his gears running smoothly. Instead fights with his arm mounted blade, knuckle blade, and the large claw that takes the place of his lower right arm. Capable of gliding long distances with his wings.


Once I stop being lazy, I'll upload a picture of the MoC.

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Eh, what the heck.

Name: Caliga

Side: Good

Gender: Male

Appearance: Rather tall, with large-clawed left hand. Wears a Hau Mata, and has a Yellow and Black color scheme.

Weapons/Powers: A long sword, and his clawed left hand. Can use his power over stone as well.

That's really it.

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Oh, why not.


Name: Smoke Monster.

Side: Evil, just to be different. :)

Gender: Male.

Appearance: Wears a black Hau, stands 8 feet tall, and has a black and green color scheme.

Weapons/Powers: A sword that fires lazers. A shield too. He can walk through walls.

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I'm in!


Name: Hordika22

Side: Good

Gender: Male

Appearance: Green (Metru on arms, legs and torso

and mata on mask, hands and feet.) and wears a Noble Huna.

Weapons/Powers: Control over air and uses a longbow.

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This sounds like a cool idea, I have been meaning to write an epic but have never gotten to it.


Name: Talos the Dark Hunter

Side: Evil


Appearance: Link I apologize for the mediocre pic quality, I'm going to take some new ones soon.

Weapons/Powers: Mechanical arm that can be used for various weapons. Extremely good with technology and other science, has a small force at his disposal.

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Guest kopakanuva13


This kinda thing is really fun. I've actually been planning a similar project... PM me once this is up and I'll be sure to check it out =)


Name: Cap'n Kopaka

Side: Evil (disputed, works to create chaos, basically)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Toa, much like the Toa Nuva in appearance but with all black and orange armor and a black Akaku. Cap'n K's eyes are a bright red-orange. Generally, he looks very gaunt and thin and wears a black cloak and a pirate hat. His voice could be compared to that of Captain Barbossa from the Pirates of the Caribbean film series.

Weapons: A long rapier/cutlass which can channel his iron powers.

Powers: Cap'n K is a Toa of Iron infused with non-elemental Lightning powers. His control over iron, however, is much weaker than that of a normal Toa (he cannot create iron, only manipulate it, and even those skills are rusty). Instead, he relies primarily on sword combat. He wears the Kanohi Akaku which, naturally, allows him to see through opaque objects.

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Might as well give it a try :P


Name: Lord Oblivion

Side: Evil

Gender: Male

Appearance: Wears a Kraahkan. Tall, looks brute-like but is somewhat agile. Has black and dark red clothing with silver protosteel armor on top.

Weapons/Powers:Has a blade like Brutaka's but longer and with spikes comming off the opposite side of the blades. Has all of the kraata powers (like all makuta do), also has partial cntrol over fire. Also has a great shield made out of protosteel and has a skrall shield on the front of it to show his strength.


Thats the basics ^_^ have fun :P


Lord Oblivion

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Name: Codtaro (Awilda ~Mizu to Kaze~)

Side: Depends on who can offer him more

Gender: male

Appearance: Matoran, wearing an Akaku. He is all white, except for his hands and kanohi, which are pure black.

Weapons/Powers: He has all Kanohi absorbed into an internal Suva. He has also absorbed all Kraata powers from Makuta Teridax, Elemental powers from various Toa, and carries the Kanohi Ytrepthru (Mask of Faith: makes the user alter or create or destroy things depending on the level of their faith in it occuring) with him. He rarely, if ever, uses any of these powers, though, to prevent any suspicions falling on him. Typically he only uses his powers when no one can catch him.



Yes, I'm very adament on Codtaro being my Bionicleself XD

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Name: Kohu(Max Justice The Sorceror)

Side: Good

Gender: Male

Appearance: A fast Toa Chai, wearing an Ignokkan shaped as a Hau. He is all red, except for his armor and kanohi, which are pure black.

Weapons/Powers: Wields a Fire-Axe and due to being a Toa Chai has control over both fire and air.

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Name: Inferna Firesword

Side: Evil

Gender: Female

Appearance: An average-sized Toa, garbed in emerald-green armor. The emerald, however, is not easy to see, since "tattoos" (actually scars from past wounds) in the shape of scarlet/gold flame almost completely obscures it. Inferna wears the Kanohi Calix on her face (similarly colored and covered) and has blue eyes.

Weapons/Powers: Inferna is a Toa of both Fire and Air, and her elemental powers reflect this. Her mask enables her to preform at her peak physical capabilities, plainly noticable with her swordplay. She wields a giant broadsword that can slice through most substances (protosteel is one of the things she can't cut through), which she carries quite easily despite its weight.


She also carries homing daggers, which are knives that can lock onto large heat signatures and chase them until their initial momentum has expired. The easiest way to counter them is freezing them solid, but magnetism, iron, psionics, and excessive use of fire/heat can also stop them.

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Name: christo1096

Side: evil

Gender: male

Appearance: white and mata blue color, using akaku adaptive mask. with cape.

Weapons/Powers: dual blade - ice katana. ice power

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Name: thedotwalks

Side: Good

Apperance: Medium height, Lean but muscular build (thats how I am in reality).

Powes/abillities: To deconstruct and reconstruct matter (alchemy).

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