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Robo-dummy Redux!




I think I'll keep doin this coolio border thing cuz its easy to do and is awesome B)
Credit to King Kobra for that illegal connection :P Oh and those infected haus are like battered armor and stuff


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I don't really like the border. It's a cheesy gimp thing.


I like the shoulders.


I don't see how there can be new shiny armour while other parts are old and rusted.

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Try sticking to one type of grey as new grey and old grey aren't really well liked together :/. And the torso could use some armor ;).


Lord Oblivion

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You see- this will answer all your questions: It's a dummy. It most of the time battered but when things brake too much they're replaced(And if no one ever likes it I have grey). Obviously the legs were broken and replaced. The arms are battered but not completely broken . Hope that answers most of the things.
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@AceRimmer: Basically it's a connection that causes a lot of friction or a connection that is not supposed to be made. Take his arms for example. The Rahkshi thigh wasn't ment to go into the metru head but it can but it cause friction and bulges a bit but doesn't cause much damage. Another example would be brickeens' lightning WIP where the knees are connected in a illegal fashion. Don't worry you won't get arrested :P It's just not advised.
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