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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 245-252



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.


The two-hundred-forty-fifth article proposed by Venom is as follows:

Venom hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a one-of-a-kind Kanohi known as the Dezaelus (deh-ZAY-luhs), the Legendary Great Mask of Chaos, which allows the user to change a peaceful scene into a chaotic one by creating a tiny disruption in a target's time stream and causing the present moment of the target to change. Generally this is thought to give the target "bad luck" and it can also manipulate the thoughts of a target. Overuse of this mask power on a single target can badly drain the user and damage not only the target's time stream, but the user's as well, causing extended unpleasant effects on both the target and user in addition to the physical drain they experience. Moreover, in self defense the Kanohi Dezaelus lays a curse upon anyone who touches it, much like the Ignika, although not as a result of sentience, rather merely as a side effect. The sole Kanohi Dezaelus in existence within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" is worn by the Alpha Makuta known as Xakan, who resides upon the satellite of Benevus.


Furthermore, all members of "The C.I.R.C.L.E." agree that at no time will they create or utilize a character that bears a Kanohi Dezaelus in their future storylines, aside from the character of Xakan of course, without first discussing it within "The C.I.R.C.L.E." and once again bringing this issue to a vote.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.



The two-hundred-forty-sixth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist uniquely rare Kanohi known as Fexuba (fehks-OO-buh), the Great Mask of Latency, which grant the user the ability to detect any Matoran who is destined to become a Toa within a three-hundred bio radius. Meanwhile, the Noble version of this mask can track destined Matoran within a ten bio radius, providing for a much easier and more efficient selection process of new Toa Teams.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-forty-seventh article proposed by Iro & Xinlo is as follows:

Iro & Xinlo hereby propose that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist Kanohi known as Onensé (oh-nehn-SEY), the Great Mask of Transmutation, which permit the user to temporarily transform into any other species they have seen, as long as it is of a similar or lesser power than the user.


Furthermore, the mask grants the user with the target species' abilities and traits. The duration of the change is directly dependent upon the user's level of concentration and their innate internal power reserves. Meanwhile, the Noble version of this mask can transform the user into another species of equal or lesser power, however they do not gain the target species' abilities.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-forty-eighth article proposed by ChocoLvr13 & Toa_Ausar is as follows:

ChocoLvr13 & Toa_Ausar hereby propose that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist Kanohi known as Sesh (SEHSH), the Great Mask of Manipulation, which allow the user to mimic the vocalizations of anything they have previously heard. Meanwhile, the Noble version of this mask can imitate the voices of sapient beings, though not Rahi sounds.


Toa would not typically wear this mask, as they feel its' power is immoral.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-forty-ninth article proposed by Iro is as follows:

Iro hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist Kanohi known as Vaihtelos (vigh-TEHH-lohs), the Great Mask of Reconstitution, which grant the user the ability to transform into any material they are in physical contact with, for as long as the user continues to concentrate on the transformation, though they still maintain their initial shape regardless of the material into which they transform. Meanwhile, the Noble version of this mask can transform the user into solid substances but not liquids or gases.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-fiftieth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist rare Kanohi known as Zeyat (ZEY-aat), the Great Mask of Infatuation, which permit the user to induce feelings of devotion in a specific sapient target, essentially making them a slave to the user's wishes for the sake of love.


The instillation of feelings with a Kanohi Zeyat requires the user to be in physical contact with their target for at least ten continuous seconds of concentration, after which point there is no known way to break the mask's spell. Meanwhile, the Noble version of this mask can still prompt feelings of adoration following ten seconds of contact, however the effects only last for a few hours and leave the user drained, which in turn prohibits them from utilizing their mask power more than once per day or so.


Toa would not typically wear this mask, as they feel its' power is immoral.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-fifty-first article proposed by Toa_Ausar & Zahaki is as follows:

Toa_Ausar & Zahaki hereby propose that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "Anarchos" (an-AHR-kohs) shall henceforth be considered an adjective in the Matoran language meaning "chaotic".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-fifty-second article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the word "Keizaln" (KAY-zaln) shall henceforth be considered an archaic noun in the Matoran language with the dual meaning of both "servant" and "king" at the same time.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all eight articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, November 8th, 2010 provided at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.






Recommended Comments

245) Aye. Also, since I'm kind of "in" on Venom's stories, I'd like to mention that this mask is located on the satelite of Benevus, and not in the Matoran Universe.

246) Aye.

247) Aye.

248) Aye.

249) Aye. Just a side-note on the Vaitelos, I'd like to mention that the wearer would maintain his shape, even if he were to reconstitute into a liquid or gaseous form.

250) Aye.

251) Aye.

252) Aye.

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245) Aye,

246) Nay, sorry but, the mask seems pointless.

247) Aye, I was thinking of this to be a Mask Power, looks like I wasn't the only one XD

248) Aye, sounds like a mask a Makuta would wear.

249-250) Aye, Werid but okay

251) Aye

252) Aye


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Article 245 - No Issues with this Article, Aye.

Article 246 - Hmm, Aye in the hopes that this would be a rare mask. I just think that a evil being could use this to take a stroll around a Island/Islands slaughtering Matoran who have the ptential to become Toa.

Article 247 - No Issues with this Article, Aye.

Article 248 - No Issues with this Article, Aye.

Article 249 - No Issues with this Article, Aye.

Article 250 - Aye on the grounds that it is considered immoral.

Article 251 - No Issues with this Article, Aye.

Article 252 - No Issues with this Article, Aye.

Very intresting Articles and I think they were all great.



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245: Aye, no reason to oppose, doesn't seem overpowered

246: Aye, mine

247: Aye, might need it very soon for an epic chapter

248: Aye, sounds good

249: Aye, I've used this before in other materials, I love this power

250: Aye, mine

251: Aye, sounds good

252: Aye, mine

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Aye to Article 245. I have no problem with it.


Aye to Article 246. I have no problem with it.


Aye to Article 247. I have no problem with it.


Aye to Article 248. I have no problem with it.


Aye to Article 249. I have no problem with it.


Undecided on Article 250. As I have said before, I believe that love (romantic love, not brotherly love and the like) isn't neccesary in Bionicle. I'll think on this one.

Aye to Article 250 due to the reason given by Toa_Ausar.


Aye to Article 251. I have no problem with it.


Aye to Article 252. I have no problem with it.


Just a quick question on Kanohi, though. Is there a limit to what kind of power a mask can have, since Kanohi are made out of Kanoka Disks?

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245: Aye. I was ready to say no until I read that last part.

246: Aye.

247: Nay. This can pretty much already be done with a Matatu, except for the power part.

248: Aye.

249: Aye.

250: Aye.

251: Aye.

252: Aye.


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245: Undecided. From the somewhat vague description, this sounds too powerful to not be a Legendary mask, which should have side-effects to breaking it and shouldn't have a wearer. I will consider changing my vote if we could specify exactly how it makes things chaotic (like, does it confuse people, cause natural disasters, etc. - I want to know what the limit of its power is), and preferably if we could also have the curse be just a side-effect of using the mask (the "bad luck" is transferred to the wearer as well as the target) rather than an actual act of self-defense on the mask's part, which would imply it is sentient.

246: Aye, but I would prefer if we could say it is a very rare Kanohi, because if these are easily accessible, it raises a big plot hole in the 2004-2005 story: if this mask is at all common, the whole "planting the wrong destined Toa team in the stars" subplot now makes Teridax and Lhikan look dumb because either just could have used this mask (both would have had good reason to be cautious about who got the Toa stones) and seen through Mata Nui's trick. I'm totally fine with the idea of it being a rare mask that only organizations like the Order or a few powerful individuals had access to.

247: Undecided. It's similar to the canon Kanohi Matatu as well as Ballom's Kanohi Dayku, but it isn't quite identical to either. However, I'm not sure if it's really different enough to qualify for a separate Kanohi. Maybe we could find some way to differentiate a bit more?

248: Aye, pretty cool idea.

249: Aye, good idea.

250: Aye, though the Great version never wearing off after just ten seconds of concentration seems a bit overpowered.

251: I'm kind of adverse to having Matoran words that sound too obviously like an English synonym to their translation but Aye, I suppose.

252: Aye; it doesn't really make sense why any language would use the same word to refer to two individuals primarily defined by their glaring difference in authority, but I'm assuming it has some relevance in one of Koji's stories.

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245: Aye, what about the exception of alternate universes?

246: Aye, sounds cool. Wouldn't help much in battle though, lol.

247: Aye, though it could be a little too powerful.

248: Ayeyeye. ;)

249: Aye. Btw, there's a typo in this article (it says 'o' instead of 'to').

250: Aye, but I hate evil masks, lol.

251: Aye, sure, why not?

252: Aye, fine with me.


You know, I think I might borrow a few of those masks, lol.

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Just a quick question on Kanohi, though. Is there a limit to what kind of power a mask can have, since Kanohi are made out of Kanoka Disks?

Zorrakh, it is my understanding that not all Kanohi are made from Kanoka Disks, simply that all Kanohi on Metru Nui were made that way, thus the kinds of powers are only limited by imagination, though not every idea has been confirmed by the group as reasonable. ;)


245: Aye, what about the exception of alternate universes?

Arkatox, the use of a Kanohi that has been confirmed to the designation of "one-of-a-kind", even within an alternate universe, would have to be brought before the group for a vote.


Now for my ballot:

First of all, after some deliberation I have decided to vote "
" on Article 245 after learning more about the mechanism of action, the limit of the mask's power, and the fact that it is


Next, I vote "
" on Article 246 based upon the amendment that it is uniquely rare, meaning there is a rather limited number of them in existence.


Meanwhile, I vote "
" on Article 247 precisely for the fact that, unlike the Matatu and
, the prospective Onensé would allow for the imitation of powers, not just shape.


Furthermore, I vote "
" on Articles 248 & 249, as one is mine and the other I see no problem with.


On the other hand, I was rather concerned regarding Article 250, but have decided to vote "
" based upon consideration of just how long ten seconds actually is and realizing that, if the Kanohi is rare and readily identifiable, then a target should largely be capable of avoiding such an extended period of contact, though I am still a bit concerned about the inability to
combat the mask's effects.


Lastly, I vote "
" on Articles 251 & 252, as I see no problem with either of them, and would like to say that I intended the word "
" to be analogous to the canon Agori word "
", which I associate with the English word "


Anyway, I look forward to hearing the debate regarding those who have expressed indecision to various proposals in this thread.


Until next time.
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245. Aye.

246. Aye.

247. Aye.

248. Aye.

249. Aye.

250. Aye.

251. Aye. Oh, and I can't but notice that the word Anarchos sounds a lot like the English word anarchy.

252. Nay. It just doesn't make sense to me how the same word could at the same time in history mean two opposite words. It's like having a word that could mean both blue and red. I can't vote "Aye" on this right now.

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245 - Aye.

246 - Aye.

247 - Aye.

248 - Aye.

249 - Aye.

250 - Aye.

251 - Aye.

252 - Aye.


I've read the undecided votes regarding Article 245, and I'll make a write up regarding the voters concerns.

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"AYE" to Article 245. I, like Ausar, would like to know more specifics on the mask's power(s).

"AYE" to Article 246.

"AYE" to Article 247.

"AYE" to Article 248. However, I would like to know how the power is immoral.

"AYE" to Article 249.

"AYE" to Article 250. I dislike the target's inability to fight or counter the mask's power. Otherwise, I think it's fine.

"AYE" to Article 251.

"AYE" to Article 252. If one considers something like morality to be of value, this makes perfect sense.

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"UNDECIDED" on Article 250. I dislike the target's inability to fight or counter the mask's power. Otherwise, I think it's fine.


I figured that the mask had a distinct shape, distinct enough that someone would know what was coming. That, and it would be a rare Kanohi as it is. The MOCed version I made, since I have a wearer in mind, utilized Roodaka's head for the Kanohi, for example.

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For all those concerned about the Kanohi Dezaelus, here is a bit about it:


The Kanohi Dezaelus is not a sentient mask. A "curse" on the bearer is a side effect of the mask. The "unlucky" effects on a target is caused when the mask creates a tiny bump in his/hers timestream causing the present moment of the target to change. Overuse on a single target can badly drain the user and damage the targets timestream causing unpleasant effects on both target and user aside from the drain.

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I'm a bit iffy on Article 245, but I suppose I can give it an Aye.


For Article 246 I will only vote Aye if there is a limited number of these Kanohi in existence.


I vote Aye for Articles 247, 248 & 249 as it seems all were well thought out and have been given much planning.


However, I'm undecided on Article 250, as the fact that the spell cannot be combated seems quite overpowered.


I also vote Aye to Articles 251 & 252 as they are both creative words that can only serve our growing lexicon well.




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245th: Aye, I like the idea, original, and not too powerful.

246th: Aye, seems useful to both the good and the bad.

247th: Aye, pretty cool… though I’m not sure if transmutation is the best term. Oh well.

248th: Aye, like a tape recorder… coolcool.

249th: Aye, though I must wonder… what happens in contact of dangerous substances?

250th: Aye, awesome idea.

251st: Aye, seems right.

252nd: Aye, interesting…


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I do not understand your meaning, do you mean a chaotic side effect for its possible destruction or something else?



We just need to know what would happen if the prospective Dezaelus were destroyed. Here are the examples of what happens with the other Legendary Kanohi:

  • If the Legendary Mask of Creation were destroyed, all beings on Spherus Magna would lose the ability to create new things.
  • If the Legendary Mask of Life were destroyed, all lifeforms on Spherus Magna would cease to live.
  • If the Legendary Mask of Time were destroyed, the time stream itself would completely unravel.
  • When the Legendary Mask of Time Travel was destroyed within intertemporal space, it resulted in the subsequent prohibition of further travel through the time stream.
Anyway, this is just something for you to think about and eventually let us know in order to officially classify the Dezaelus as Legendary.


Until I hear back from you.



Ah, I understand.


If the Mask of Chaos was to be destroyed, the timestreams of all the beings would fall out of balance, and such a disruption would cause the majority of beings on Benevus to go insane.

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Aye to all. Except the Mask of Latency one; I personally think that takes all the fun out of it. And the mystery.



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Okay, here's my two cents on this batch of articles:


Article 245: Aye. Especially considering this exists in a remote corner of the Matoran Universe, I don't think it will create any problems relating to Terra Nui.

Article 246: Nay. Personally I believe that this power is somewhat redundant. Any good Toa who wants to immediately choose a line of successors should go with his/her gut feelings about a group of Matoran who they think would be the next best candidates for Toahood. Or, a wise Toa could watch the stars, as Lhikan did, which was why he chose the destiny-correct team led by Vakama to be the Toa Metru, rather than the destiny-wrong team led by Nuhrii (granted he did this with a little help from Mata Nui, but that's neither here nor there.) Plus the Toa doesn't always choose who becomes Toa next: Turaga Akito had no idea at the time of his creating 8 Toa stones that Chompshi and Vrael would be the first 2, or that the hidden tablet would point the way to Matoba and company stepping up to the plate. I feel that this mask does indeed take the mysticism or surprise out of Toa selection, or the "fun" as Xinlo said.

Article 247: Aye. No problems here.

Article 248: Aye. No problems here.

Article 249: Aye. No problems here.

Article 250: Aye. I was actually half-expecting a Mask of "Love" to materialize around here sooner or later. :P

Article 252: Aye. Taking a bit of Latin into account, a la Koji, are we, Ausar? :sly:

Article 252: Aye. This is rather cool, even though I'm relatively clueless about archaic Matoran.




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