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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 253-260



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.


The two-hundred-fifty-third article proposed by Iro is as follows:

Iro hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the Glatorian species shall henceforth be known as "Cealians" (seh-AHL-ee-uhns) until such time as a Canon name is revealed.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-fifty-fourth article proposed by ChocoLvr13 is as follows:

ChocoLvr13 hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" one Great Being who helped design the Baterra was named "Chaleous" (CHAY-lee-uhs). Furthermore, when it came to the construction of the Matoran Universe, Chaleous felt it could have been larger, and also believed that Agori and Glatorian should have been allowed to have taken shelter in it.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-fifty-fifth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a species known as the "Elemental Saints". This race consists of five powerful beings comprised of extraordinary elemental forms of nature. Each member is hidden away in a form of stasis somewhere on specific undisclosed islands scattered about the Matoran Universe. The Elemental Saints can each manipulate their own elemental form and unleash that power, while also maintaining a high level of speed, agility, stamina, and resistance. The Elemental Saints are beings, who, if they were of evil will, could potentially pose a threat capable of taking over the entire Great Spirit Robot. However, being of benevolent will, they are actually figures to be looked up to by the inhabitants of their islands, despite few knowing of their existence.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-fifty-sixth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a society simply titled "The Illuminati". It is an organization of unknown origin, whose goals have been widespread throughout the ages, unlike the name of the creator. The society's primary objective is to wipe out all powered beings from the universe, viewing them as an unbalance to existence itself. The creators and members are all powerless beings and no being with powers is safe from them, including Toa, Turaga, or even Matoran, due to their potential to become Toa. The Illuminati's membership is extremely exclusive, and secretive. Each member wears a special ring, a golden band with a crimson stone and gold crest atop it. The ring is special in that members of The Illuminati are the only beings who can wear it. This is accomplished through unknown means. Many years ago The Illuminati were mostly exterminated, leaving just a few members alive and scattered through the known universe. Some members include Matoran who turned against their own people, as well as Kabarn, Voeren, and others.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-fifty-seventh article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" roughly one-hundred years prior to the Great Cataclysm, The Illuminati attempted to wipe out every powered being once and for all. They appeared to be on the verge of victory over the various Toa Teams and the like. Thus, to combat The Illuminati, an alliance was forged. This great and powerful coalition incorporated Matoran, Toa, Turaga, Makuta, Skakdi, and many others, all of whom were powered beings, and who simply referred to themselves as "The Alliance". The Illuminati/Alliance War lasted for about a decade, and it ended with an Alliance victory, crushing the Illuminati, leaving only a handful of members alive, none of which were important, they were all just lost soldiers, not commanders or leaders. The Alliance disbanded after this victory, and left The Illuminati survivors on their own, though it is doubtful that they even knew about them.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-fifty-eighth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" at the rise of the League of Six Kingdoms, the Barraki warlords had their top scientists combine into one unified group, known as the "Geleerde Society" (geh-LEER-dey). This society was a group of visionaries that shared the same dream; to maximize the power of the brain. The group reportedly fell when the League fell, but it actually simply went underground throughout the Matoran Universe. The Geleerde Society continued experimentation on various beings, dissecting brains, and learning about the affects of Kanohi on individuals, and more, all in an attempt to maximize the capability of the brain, in order to help advancements, in hopes of creating kinetic powers within their specimens. Though anything that could help the denizens of the Matoran Universe was seen as a victory. The Society is still in existence, but is in hidden in secret within myth and lore. Their membership has grown, and they have been known to go to great lengths to try to gain new associates. They have two main divisions; the scientists and their front-men. The scientists are usually anti-social, meaning the front-men are the ones to recruit new members into their society.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-fifty-ninth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" during the fall of the League of Six Kingdoms, Matoran began training under superior warriors, learning new techniques and fighting styles, eventually becoming great warriors in their own right, able to stay on par with even powered enemies, such as Toa. They also learned to use all varieties of weaponry, for both ranged and close quarters. This group, dubbed "The Soldaat", became mercenaries and hired themselves out to anyone who could afford them. They fought in the Metru Nui Civil War, as well as the Illuminati/Alliance War and many other conflicts. They have bases of operation throughout the Matoran Universe, and membership comes from all around, that is to say it is not limited to specific islands or regions.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-sixtieth article proposed by Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Toa_Ausar hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists an additional Tribe of Matoran that have a distinct association with the Element of Fungi.


Ro-Matoran are quite rare and typically wear armoring that is a combination of Reds, White, or Yellows and tend to have Clingy, Flamboyant, & sometimes Oppressive personalities.


A Toa of Fungi can create, control, and absorb various types of fungi including moss, mushrooms, toadstools, lichen, yeast, mold, etc. The associated powers include inducing hallucinations, euphoria, intoxication, or poisoning of a target, as well as using filaments for binding.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all eight articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, November 8th, 2010 provided at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.






Recommended Comments

253) Aye. Sounds somewhat fitting, if I must comment on my own name. Plus, I think that if they're not going to be named in-canon, we might as well have some shared term to refer them to.

254) Aye.

255) Aye.

256) Aye.

257) Aye.

258) Aye.

259) Aye.

260) Undecided. (First time I vote something other than "Aye," I believe.) I like the concept, and I realize that this could very well be its own element (the hallucinagetic effects definitely being a neat touch), but it's the sound of the prefix that has me reluctant to cast my "Aye" vote. It just has a somewhat silly sound to it, in my mind.

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253) Aye, although; I thought Glatorian was their species name :unsure:

254) Aye

255) Aye

256) Aye, anything against Toa are Ace's in my Books :P

257) Aye

258) Aye

259) Aye

260) Aye, The element seems weird, but it isn't goina to effect me at all.


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Article 253 - Hmm, I quite like the name. Aye.

Article 254 - Again, like the idea. Aye.

Article 255 - Koji has secured my vote... Aye.

Article 256 - A reluctant Aye. I like the idea of the group and have no issues with the name. Just the next article put me off this one a little bit.

Article 257 - Im sorry I just cant see this as possible. A organisation that is very esclusive and secretive. Plus they only let beings that do not have any powers yet somehow managed to force the Toa, Skakdi, the Makuta(who have massive armies themselves) and many of the powered beings throughout the Universe into a alliance to defeat them? Plus I beleive a war on that scale would of devastated some if not a lot of the Universe. Nay.Edit: Arkatox's and Ausar's reason have reinforced my doubts on this Article, I just cant see how this would fit in with the Canon story at all. I shall not change my vote on this.

Article 258 - An organisation of scientists? I like it, Aye.

Article 259 - I like this article. Im going to say Aye even though reference's on Article 257 have made me uneasy on this article

Article 260 - Fungi is a intresting power I must say. I realy like this Article. Aye.


I hope Koji can reasure me on his articles I have not voted Aye on.



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253: Aye, sounds like a good name

254: Aye, I like it

255: Aye, mine, and a very prominent plot point that I require

256: Aye, mine, again, very prominent plot point

257: Aye, mine

258: Aye, mine, great plot idea I've got

259: Aye, mine, feel this is a great way to use Matoran more often, especially when I begin the Matoran Civil War epic for the C.I.R.C.L.E.

260: Aye, very nice idea. I love the power range here



I'm just throwing this out there, the Saints are going to appear as plot points, nothing more. I don't even know if they will appear in person, I just need their existence as a plot point.

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I'm just throwing this out there, the Saints are going to appear as plot points, nothing more. I don't even know if they will appear in person, I just need their existence as a plot point.

Well Koji, if they are there as plot points. Possibly not even appearingin person. They could possibly be a concept or if you decide to let them appear. They can be powerful but not seemingly invincible to many if not all of the inhabitants of the Matoran Universe.



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You know how myth and lore can be spun to ridiculous levels? The Saints are that. Powerful, but spun into a lore of invincibility. The article states that they are powerful, yes, but who is to say if it is true? Besides, they are 'good', not 'evil', so it's not like the story would be massively unbalanced by, say, an attack by them, especially sitting in stasis...

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Aye to Article 253. I have no problem with it.


Aye to Article 254. I have no problem with it.


Aye to Article 255. I have no problem with it.


Undecided on Article 256. If the people that make up the society are powerless and are in such small numbers, what advantages to they have over the Toa and others like them?

Aye to Article 256 due to the reason given by Lord Koji.


Undecided on Article 257. Same question as above.

Nay to Article 257. As other members have said, it is unlikely that Toa, Skakdi, and Makuta would become allies, especially at that time. Also, the Order of Mata Nui, who as well was a secret organization at the time that hardly anyone knew about, even the Brotherhood of Makuta, could possibly have done something as well.


Aye to Article 258. I have no problem with it.


Aye to Article 259. I'm a little wary on it, but I think it will be fine, as it seems important for Koji's epic.


Aye to Article 260. I have no problem with it, however I agree with Maybe it's Time to Change regarding the prefix.


EDIT: Decided on votes.

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Zorrakh-the Illuminati, as displayed in my epic, may be powerless, but they do have ways to fight. They have genetic modifications, mutations, etc. so that they are technically powerless, but at the same time, living weapons. I can't really explain how it's not hypocrisy, but my epic does explain it (written months ago, so I don't recall it).

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253: Aye.

254: Aye.

255: Aye.

256: Nay. I dont like that the name is the name of an actual, historical organization. Nor do I like that the connotation seems to be that of the misguided modern view of it. Aye if the name changes.

257: Aye.

258: Aye.

259: Aye.

260: Nay. This could probably be accomplished with a Toa of the Green.




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253: Aye, no problem with the name.

254: Aye, no problem with this.

255: Aye, no problem with this.

256: Going to have to say Nay, just because of the name. It would be like naming a Bionicle organization The Freemasons or The League of Nations; the Illuminati were a real-life organization that existed at one point in time. However, I have no problem with the concept itself, so I will change my vote if the society can be given another name. I understand that's kind of a major upheaval especially if the epic is already written, but I can't approve of the name for a Bionicle organization.

257: Aye, I don't have a problem with this if, as Koji says, it is properly explained in the epic how it was possible for an organization without powers to do this.

258: Aye, this is a pretty cool idea.

259: Aye, no problem with this.

260: I love the idea of a Toa of Fungi. Aye. While I must agree with dotCARBON that it is uncomfortably close to overlapping with a Toa of the Green's power, I think because fungi are not actually plants but their own separate type of lifeform, it's passable.

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Aye to all but the last one. It's a cool enough I dea, but as Iro said, the prefix is ridiculous (IMO) and it overlaps too much with The Green.



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Aye to all but the last one. It's a cool enough I dea, but as Iro said, the prefix is ridiculous (IMO) and it overlaps too much with The Green.




The Green covers plant life, but fungi aren't plants.... Their properties are different enough to merit something, especially considering Ice/Water and Stone/Earth, canon elements, are separate.

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I used 'Illuminati' as an umbrella name, because isn't it a broad term? I can change it, since the name is referenced only a handful of times, so that's no problem, but I was using it as the broad spectrum term, not a specific name reference.

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253: Aye, I don't know anything about the Glatorian storyline anyway. I need to catch up on the official storyline. >.<

254: Aye, sounds like a good guy. It needed to be much bigger!

255: Aye, though a little cautious.

256: Aye, sounds like something I might end up using.

257: Nay. I would love to have this voted in, but I'm a little queasy how it might cross with the Canon universe.

258: Ayeyeye. Once again, I might use it.

259: Hahahaha, that is awesome! Maybe that's how the Kelvin Ghosts were trained as well as they were! Aye for sure!

260: Haha, that's funny. I may as well go with Aye.

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You know how myth and lore can be spun to ridiculous levels? The Saints are that. Powerful, but spun into a lore of invincibility. The article states that they are powerful, yes, but who is to say if it is true? Besides, they are 'good', not 'evil', so it's not like the story would be massively unbalanced by, say, an attack by them, especially sitting in stasis...

Well Koji, I wish you would of specified that in the actual Article. I will change my vote arcordingly.

Also, I would like it if you could attempt to sway my votes on your other Articles.



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Article 253-Aye Nothing wrong here.

Article 254- Aye

Article 255- Aye. Am I sensing a referenct to The Boondock Saints?

Article 256- Nay. The Illuminati were an actual group in real ife, and they had a similar history concerning thier rise and fall. I'd rather not mix real life with fiction.

Article 257- Nay. My disagreements with Article 256 prompts me to vote against this article as well.

Article 258- Aye.

Article 259- Nay. The idea of powerful Matoran is nice, but my disagreements with Article 256 make me vote Nay. Sorry.

Article 260- Aye. Although I like the idea, the elements are starting to get weirder now. Even so, this is preety creative.




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260) Undecided. (First time I vote something other than "Aye," I believe.) I like the concept, and I realize that this could very well be its own element (the hallucinogenic effects definitely being a neat touch), but it's the sound of the prefix that has me reluctant to cast my "Aye" vote. It just has a somewhat silly sound to it, in my mind.

Iro, I have altered the proposed prefix to negate your concern. ;)


260: Nay. This could probably be accomplished with a Toa of the Green.

.Carbon, there is no way that a Toa of "The Green" could control Fungi. Fungi are not Plant Life, in fact, as you can see here, they are actually more closely related to Animals than they are to Plants:




Aye to all but the last one. It's a cool enough idea, but as Iro said, the prefix is ridiculous (IMO) and it overlaps too much with The Green.

Xinlo, please refrain from the "I vote such-and-such to all articles."-type of ballot in the future, particularly when there is significant opposition to some of the proposals in the thread.


Now for my ballot:

For starters, I vote "
" on Articles 253-255, as I have no problems with any of these proposals.


Next, I vote "
" on Article 256, because I simply do not share the same naming concerns that many of the other members have expressed.


On the other hand, I vote "
" on Article 257, based upon the opposition voiced by
, that is to say, the concern with how the prospective Illuminati/Alliance War would fit with the canon happenings just one-hundred years prior to the Great Cataclysm, as well as
's comment that it doesn't matter to him if this article passes or not.


Meanwhile, I vote "
" on Articles 258-260, as again I see no problems with any of these proposals.


Anyway, I look forward to hearing the debate regarding those who have expressed indecision to various proposals in this thread.


Until next time.
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255: Tahnok, no reference.


Ausar, on the Alliance/Illuminati War, I did, when I wrote it up initially, have a defense for it on how it would be useful in the canon, but it's been too long, and I don't recall what it was anymore, so I can't help. It no longer matters to me, as a result, if it comes into canon or not.

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253. Nay. This is probably not a very good reason, but I just don't think it fits. I just don't think it sounds wrong.

254. A weak 'Aye'. I do not think that the name is especially good, but I don't think it's very bad either.

255. Aye.

256. Nay. I don't like that idea. It seems too unlike BIONICLE to me. Sorry.

257. Nay, since I said nay to the existence of the Illuminati.

258. Aye.

259. Aye. Although I don't like the name 'Soldaat'. (EDIT: The reason I don't like the name is because it is almost exactly like the Swedish word soldat, which means soldier.)

260. Aye. That sounds interesting.

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"AYE" to Article 253.

"AYE" to Article 254.

"AYE" to Article 255.

"AYE" to Article 256.

"NAY" to Article 257. An alliance between Toa, Skakdi, and Makuta? Highly unlikely, especially at that point in time.

"AYE" to Article 258.

"AYE" to Article 259.

"AYE" to Article 260. But only on the count that fungi are not plants.

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A comment about Article 157:

I believe this is the sort of Article that should be discussed first before voteing on it takes place. Like I said before, I think that the Alliance was highly unlikely and as Ausar and Arkatox said, I dont really see how this war would fit in with the Canon Timeline. Plus Koji's comment that it doesnt matter if it passes or not. Im sure he wouldnt mind if we discussed it as a group before we voted on it.

What do you guys think?



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