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Artemis Fowl Strikes Again



Guns, scary elves, and bail; suspect freed


By The Canadian Press


MONTREAL - A man who allegedly armed himself with high-powered weapons because he believed elves were stalking him has been granted bail.


David Abitbol will have to respect a number of conditions which include surrendering his firearms and not using electronic devices like computers to communicate with others.


His father has also agreed to post $25,000 bail.


Testimony at his bail hearing revealed that Abitbol thought he saw elves everywhere and needed the firepower to keep them at bay.



Found this article on Yahoo! News. The article goes on to mention a few things which I can't post on the site, but suffice to say that he's been caught doing some bad things. Now tell me this article isn't the sort of thing to appear at the end of an Artemis Fowl book. :P


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A bit late, but still...


Honestly?! Those guys would go out without being recharged? I mean, I guess Holly did that, but that was one officer...a whole LEPrecon squad with no magic whatsoever? Insane. They didn't even send in some techies to mindwipe the guy! A dark day in LEP history...

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