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One Away

Nuju Metru


Guess who's almost to the world series?


Could it be the Giants? Oh, I don't know. Possibly.




-Nuju Metru


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Lol, I think we're like the two Giants fans here. But I think - I hope - that tomorrow will be the end of the N.L.C.S. It will be perhaps their most difficult game to play up 'til now... but I have confidence.


I'm also rooting for the Rangers. Might be interesting to see how ol' Big Money Molina fares against Lincecum, Sánchez, Cain, Bumgarner, and the bullpen. Regardless, go Giants!

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I'm going Phillies-Ranger cuz I wanna see Halladay vs. Lee in game one.




But yeah, I also don't care for Lincecum. First because he needs a haircut, second because he turned down the Cubs when they first tried to draft him.


Can you imagine how much better the Cubs would be with that guy now?

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I'm going Phillies-Ranger cuz I wanna see Halladay vs. Lee in game one.




But yeah, I also don't care for Lincecum. First because he needs a haircut, second because he turned down the Cubs when they first tried to draft him.


Can you imagine how much better the Cubs would be with that guy now?


In response to the bold, why is that an issue? I don't care if he has long hair; his quality of pitching is the only thing that should really matter.

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I dare because he looks like one of those ridiculous shaggy-haired NFL players. Baseball is a clean-cut sport, and it makes sense to me that they should look that way.


I didn't care for Manny Ramirez either. Cut the dreadlocks, then cut the attitude, and maybe he'd be a respectable player, rather than a burden to every team that has him. He's probably my least favorite player in history outside of Barry Bonds.

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I also dislike Manny, he's conceited... and he was a Red Sock. But unlike someone here, I evidently judge my Baseball players on talent, not haircut. :lol: Thus Lincecum, one of my team's best, is awesome to me.


And clean cut? Then why support the Phillies, with their wild-man Werth?

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If I opposed every team that had a long-haired goofball, I'd only be able to root for New York.


Naw, but Lincecum is practically the face of the Giants. H2O is the face of the Phils. And besides, I'd rather see Halladay (Maybe Oswalt, since Halladay has a minor injury and Oswalt has experience) and Lee in game 1 than Lincecum and Lee--and that's what I'm basing my choices on.


Not that Lincecum vs. Lee wouldn't be epic. But I think having one of Philly's aces against Lee would be better. Plus, it would be awesome to see if Lee can beat his old team in the World Series.

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Well, as a San Francisco fan, that's your job. Just remember, the Cubs in 2003 were five outs away from winning the NLCS in game 6, and then came a eight run inning. Chicago never recovered, and they've still never been to the World Series since 1945. So just don't get your hopes up too high, especially if your team is leading 2-0 in the eighth. Because by the end of the inning, you could be losing 8-2.

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Well, as a San Francisco fan, that's your job. Just remember, the Cubs in 2003 were five outs away from winning the NLCS in game 6, and then came a eight run inning. Chicago never recovered, and they've still never been to the World Series since 1945. So just don't get your hopes up too high, especially if your team is leading 2-0 in the eighth. Because by the end of the inning, you could be losing 8-2.


I'll bear it in mind.


The back of my mind.


Behind all the pro-Giants stuff. XD

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One away...?






The Giants are the NLCS champs! I wish the best of luck to Bengie and the Rangers; this is gonna' be a heckuva World series.

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