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Writers' Alliance Contest #1 Idea Submission Entry

Riisiing Moon


That's right, it's the WACISE! :P


No clue what this babbling madman is rambling about? Well here ya go, don'tcha know!


Now that the WA's oozed into its third week, it's time to spice things up a bit. In a couple of weeks, we'll have our very first contest! Any ideas on what it's going to be? Submit 'em here! No rules, go for anything you want!




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No! I hate word limits! 500?? Are you trying to choke me, Zar?


I was thinking more along the lines of OC meets CC or maybe the past or future of one of the more minor characters.

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Thing is though, an epics competition takes time and commitment, which both end up fizzling out. Ask Lewa Krom.

The LSO ones weren't bad. Except the results... *swears loudly*


Okay, I now hate contests in general... actually, I might do okay in a poetry contest...

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So if there were an Epics and an SS contest, released at the same time, who would participate in either/both/neither?


Only SS...My epic is taking up too much time for another.

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I like songfics. They make for nice SS's


Oh, yes! And I was planning to do some, anyways.


Only problem is, that not everyone listens to music...I think.

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meh, they don't have to listen to music, they just need to be able to read. The lyrics are no different than a poem.


Ah, true. In that case, I'm all for the idea.

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A fan fiction based around or inspired by a song. Similar to a music video in the sense that it has a story that complements the song.


If you're familiar with Nidhiki's Story, Zar wrote a songfic series bout him First one's here, if you need an example. People don't need to even have heard the song before they read the songfic. It's kinda like incorporating a poem into a short story. And somtimes, an author can post the whole song at the beginning or end of the story, all in one chunk, instead of spaced through the text, and let the reader figure out the meaning and correspondance more on their own. I personally love songfics cuz you can interpret however you want, and it gives everyone creative points, author and audience.

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