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Third Part Of Powers That Be



Decided to flip the order of the serials, so just finished part 3 of PTB (yes, you actually don't have to wait six weeks for the next chapter -- I know you're shocked :) ) In this episode:


* We meet the "Who Am I?" winner

* We answer the age-old question, "What happens when Nynrah Ghosts have too much time on their hands?"

* We go inside the red star for the first time, and while we don't come out knowing just what the heck is going on there yet, it sure SOUNDS disturbing

* We get the return of some folks that neither you nor I EVER thought we would see EVER again (and special thanks to Biosector01.com for refreshing my memory about them) (and no, it's not the Makuta, relax :) )


And in chapter 4: More red star, somebody hits the right switch and regrets it ... or is the wrong switch?, and there are some people who get very frustrated by long lines ... murderously frustrated, in fact. Oh, and what does all this have to do with the murders of Karzahni and Tren Krom? And will Kopaka and Pohatu get the chance to find out?


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I was eleven when Bionicle came out, so I don't think I could say it makes me feel like a kid again, since the majority of my story-obsessed years blossomed after 2003, but, Greg has definitely kept alive that innocent spark of happiness Bionicle has always ignited in my heart.



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By your enigmatic array of clues, I have deduced that... the butler did it.


But....he did it last time..... *makes some hasty comment about the Makuta being Mata Nui's butler*


I'm thrilled with excitement and anticipation to see what you will throw at us next. *hides behind a shield incase Greg starts throwing pies*

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Wow, very excited for this new chapter, Greg. Even, though I didn't win the "Who Am I?" contest, I'm actually still pretty excited to meet this character. The way it sounds from you, it sounds like it's going to be awesome.


It's kind of funny that after BIONICLE officially ended is when it starts getting REALLY good. Not to get me wrong, I always enjoyed it, but now it's getting really interesting.


Edit: Ha, I bet now a lot of people are going to be cycling BS01 for potential matoran, toa, etc, who we haven't seen in a while to try and guess who is going to show up. :P

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*gasp* Greg updated his Blog!


Any way, Great to hear Greg

Think this is the Fastest you've ever had chapters together


Can't wait to read them!

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Well this is unexpected. :D Maybe I'll get to read it in time to energize myself for the two exams I have next week. =3


Anyways, I so happy to hear that we would be getting another piece of the story so soon, especially given how slowly things are going lately. ^_^

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Average time between finishing and publishing is really up to Binkmeister and how busy he is. I send it to him and he posts it on the site.

and binky just got a sinking feeling as he realized how many pms this comment will spawn :)


So he better hurries up :P


What I don't get though is... Does that mean we will get 2 chapters updated in a row? WOW.


Thanks Greg for the heads up. Trust me, it's been a while since BIONICLE storyline had me this hooked up >__<

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Just read the new chapter. Absoluletly amazing. I really like Gaardus's character. You better be working on CH4 next :P
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It's wonderful. I'm liking Gaardus's personality already, and I never expected the purple and black entities. What's next, the Spectral Mask? Should Kopaka and Pohatu call Takanuva in to light more fireworks? Thank you for the stories Mr. Farshtey. They're lovely.

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Awesome Chapter Greg, and the return of the JoT species, they were really cool. Perhaps we will also see the larger creatures back on Spherus Magma or in the Red Star.

Can't wait for chapter 4!!

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Hey doesn't anyone notice that GregF has stop writing the three Bionicle Storyline he and the Lego Company promises to do in order to the continue the Bionicle story. Its very strange that he didn't finished them and I am a huge Bionicle fan. GregF should really finished these stories or the promise that that Lego that Lego will continue the Bionicle Story will be waist, an hopeless dream. So GregF, if you have the time to read this, please finish the Bionicle Stories, that would awesome and swell ok. Please read this message.

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