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The Election




Not that we do very much after the World Series but whatever.


I'm so glad all the political ads are gone. We had a horribly fierce race that was within just a couple percent of eachother for about a month straight, and that leads to wicked ads. :sick:


Glad it's over.


Night Fury


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I find it interesting that I saw at least 100% more ads proclaiming the (who knows if they're even true) negative aspects of the other candidate. People can't stop from hating on other people's attributes to the point that they forget focus on their own good virtues now? That's sad.


As well as the fact that it treaded on my precious World Series. ;_;

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We watched the World Series in spite of the election. :P


But yeah, it's nice that I don't have to see ads of Mark Kirk and Alexi Giannoulias or however you spell it bashing each other. Since political corruption is one of Illinois' politicians' favorite pastimes, mudslinging on that subject is popular in campaign ads. Outside of that, I didn't see many Pat Quinn commercials, and no Bill Brady ads, but that's probably because Kirk and Alexi were taking up all the airtime. :P


The sad thing is that only three counties in Illinois voted for Quinn over Brady, yet Quinn is going to remain our Governor. One of those, of course, was Cook County.

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Those political commercials nearly drove me insane. "This person did this!" "Oh yeah? But he did that!" "He hates children!" "He's lying!" :wacko:

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I stopped caring for politics when the politicians stopped telling people what they were going do and began saying all the bad things their opponent would.


AKA before I was born.

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I do think that the politicians have gotten away from saying what they'll do and focus on what the other guy does wrong, more like saying "We're both bad, but I'm the lesser of the two evils". The ads around here were horribly racist and downright sickening.
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We didn't have any racist ones... prolly because there wasn't many interracial runnings in Colorado XD


But yeah, politics is sickening :sick:


Night Fury

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