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I Don't Understand People.

Metallic O'Dalek


Specifically the people at my church. They're all okay with my mentioning that I like groups like Metallica, AC/DC, and Disturbed. Then I mention I like Linkin Park and suddenly I've done some horrible thing. >.<


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my church is a mixed bag- some people think you should only like religious music, some people think religious music is blasphemy and you should listen to secular music, and some people think any music with instruments is from Satan.


all I know is, they'd be horrified if they heard some of the stuff I listen to now.

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I don't think this applies to religious settings, I think it applies just about everywhere. Quite simply, there are people out there who judge you based on your taste in music. I choose to avoid this by purposely changing the subject whenever music comes out. I honestly don't care enough about it one way or another to make a big deal about it.

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I don't think this applies to religious settings, I think it applies just about everywhere. Quite simply, there are people out there who judge you based on your taste in music. I choose to avoid this by purposely changing the subject whenever music comes out. I honestly don't care enough about it one way or another to make a big deal about it.

I'm just a living way to avoid the subject, since I love at least one song from every genre (unless you count rap as music, something I try to avoid).

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