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Sorry, United Kingdom



But I'm seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 today at midnight!


So stoked.


ALSO: This is my first midnight Potter thing. I had never done a book event at midnight, and aside from working the midnight show of HP6 (seeing is 6 hours before those people tehe.png) never seen the movie at midnight either. Excited does not begin to explain my mindset right now, and it is almost hard to believe I am actually doing it!


-CF :kakama:


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Oh? Good. One of my friends is in Scotland and for some reason they aren't getting it at midnight. Maybe I'm assuming wrong and it's just her area, but I also figured it might be to WB keeping it contained in the US.



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Yeah it's been out for two days here.

My sister went to see it, and like I expected it was all build-up and no pay-off.

Hope you have a good time though! :P

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Yeah it's been out for two days here.

My sister went to see it, and like I expected it was all build-up and no pay-off.

Hope you have a good time though! :P

Well it kind of has to be. If a climax is only reached usually more than halfway through the book, and this is half a full movie's story, they can not do much except set it up. They did more, sure, but stepping back it was just a really good set-up that makes us all dearly wanting Part 2.



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