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Santa Claus

-Toa Lhikevikk-


...there are actually parents who delibrately brainwash their kids into believing that there's this fat bearded guy who pilots a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer and jumps down the chimneys of every child's house on the planet delivering presents (which somehow all fit into his sleigh) in a single night, before returning to his home on the North Pole where he compiles lists of the activities of every single child in the world, categorizing them based on the morality of their actions?




Who knows what else they lie so blatently about.


Before re-posting this entry, please remove comment 15, as it contains leet/chatspeak. Thanks! -Nukaya


EDIT: Does simply removing the offending word count? :P


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Okay, Gigi, I am a Christian and you just insulted me in the worst way possible. We don't believe in your so called "Christian Work Ethic." That is a viewpoint that is worldly selfishness. We are commanded to give to people that need it, and that "some kid in Africa" that you referred to needs it, there fore, we SHOULD give.

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People go on and on about how it's wrong to lie to kids about the whole Santa thing... but is it really that bad? My parents did the whole 'Santa Clause' thing and I turned out pretty okay. It's not like I woke up one day and decided to go on a rampage because I found out Santa didn't exist (serious question- have there been any dramatic reactions?). Heck, I still like going to the Norad website and watching 'Santa Clause' make his rounds. It's harmless fun.


Besides, it's a way for parents to get their kids to bake cookies for them. :P


On a more serious note, I love Christmas. It's one of three or four times of the year when family is able to get together and enjoy each other's company. And the concept of gift giving? I like it... the giving part, not the receiving. I go out and buy my friends a nice gift or a card because it a way to say: 'hey, It's Christmas, but you've got your own family to spend time with so I'm giving this to you to let you know that I'm thinking about over the holiday season' (no creepiness intended). I don't see how the exchange of small gifts, or playing around with Santa Clause stories, is in any way harmful to the spirit/meaning of Christmas.

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fine, maybe i used it wrong. i am christian myself and while i am sympathetic to third world countries i detest people who say i shouldn't live my life to its fullest because of them. i'm guessing i came off a lot more offensive then i intended and i apologize for that.
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I forgive you, and I agree. Jesus never said we can't enjoy life, we're just not supposed to forget people like that.


On Santa Claus, I tested it, I asked for a $100 Lego set and never got it. It is translucent if you think about it.

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You guys are harsh ;_;


What's so bad about giving an excuse about a person who gives presents? It's a way of making kids be good all year (yeah right) and gives us more decorations :D

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I detest Christmas. It is one of the most materialistic, greedy, and fowl Holidays of them all. For your info, any parent who plays the "Santa" game outside of jokes and laughs are horrifying to me. Not to say that they are bad people, I do not mean to offend, but merely that if they pressure their kids to put milk and cookies under the trees and mention Santa more than just around Christmas, then they have no respect for their child, and only see him as "this cute, darling thing who just got his gifts from Santa! Look! Santa even ate the cookies we baked for him!"


How the heck this holiday came to be as it is today, I do not know, but I do know that it is an abomination, and we should, if Christian, celebrate the birth of Jesus, and if not, just go over to a family member's home and have dinner together. But no, instead they bring in this Red-Coated Elf Guy to fuel the Cheap plastic junk industry.


Think about it. Us richer countries, mainly America, celebrate this horrid holiday as a day of "moar stuff MOOOOOOOAARRRRR!" when instead we should celebrate

our good fortune in having enough money to give gifts freely to others, not celebrate the gain of wealth. And then the marketing industry had to go off and invent Santa, that horrific mascot of ignorance, materialism and greed.

Childhood innocence is one thing, childhood lies and ignorance are another.

I somewhat agree with this, though the parents of those children (at least not all of them) are like that. They just play this "game" with the kids. Also, you're generalizing a good deal.


People go on and on about how it's wrong to lie to kids about the whole Santa thing... but is it really that bad? My parents did the whole 'Santa Clause' thing and I turned out pretty okay. It's not like I woke up one day and decided to go on a rampage because I found out Santa didn't exist (serious question- have there been any dramatic reactions?). Heck, I still like going to the Norad website and watching 'Santa Clause' make his rounds. It's harmless fun.


Besides, it's a way for parents to get their kids to bake cookies for them. :P


On a more serious note, I love Christmas. It's one of three or four times of the year when family is able to get together and enjoy each other's company. And the concept of gift giving? I like it... the giving part, not the receiving. I go out and buy my friends a nice gift or a card because it a way to say: 'hey, It's Christmas, but you've got your own family to spend time with so I'm giving this to you to let you know that I'm thinking about over the holiday season' (no creepiness intended). I don't see how the exchange of small gifts, or playing around with Santa Clause stories, is in any way harmful to the spirit/meaning of Christmas.

I agree with this also. Contradiction? Not exactly. Yes, to little kids, if it is the parents' choice to lie make up a story for their little kids who don't have any gifts to give. And also, yes, gift-giving (and receiving, too, I must admit) is fun.


Anyways, guys, I'm a Christian too, and everyone has their opinion. BZP has it's opinion, including no religious discussion. Sometimes it's better just to let you opinion simmer, cool it a bit, then post it. Please, I don't want to report this as a proto-drop fest to the staff.

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