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Changing My Name



In a few weeks to "Hatter Mangai". That's why I've eradicated most of the content blocks. Prepare for a new blog, new sig, and new avvie. However, I plan to keep this for a long time, at least a few years...That is, unless I suddenly become POBZPC. That's when I'll change it to "Fearless Leader" :P


Seriously, if I ever become POBZPC, I'll change my name to Fearless Leader. Fat chance of that happening, though...


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Hay, I told myself that I'd keep RRR for a while, and it lasted about 6 months. But I cant' wait for the grand unveiling of the new Hatter Mangai. :D

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I tell you buddy, you try, try to change names and all you do is get unpopular.

I must respectfully disagree sir. Names have nothing to do with fluctuations in popularity, it's how you act and present yourself that dictates whether or not people will like you.

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I tell you buddy, you try, try to change names and all you do is get unpopular.

I must respectfully disagree sir. Names have nothing to do with fluctuations in popularity, it's how you act and present yourself that dictates whether or not people will like you.


How will they remember you if you change names all the time?


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I tell you buddy, you try, try to change names and all you do is get unpopular.

I must respectfully disagree sir. Names have nothing to do with fluctuations in popularity, it's how you act and present yourself that dictates whether or not people will like you.


How will they remember you if you change names all the time?

By the way you act, your posting mannerisms?


I've had 20+ name changes (a majority of which were before I was even OBZPC, let alone staff) and everyone remembers me just fine and, at the risk of sounding conceited, I think I'm still rather popular.

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Just Mangai. I tell you buddy, you try, try to change names and all you do is get unpopular. Stick with Mangai.


In any case, Riggie, look at the facts.


1. My friends don't seem to care

2. I'm warning everyone beforehand

3. I don't care what you dudes think about me :P


The last one is true for roughly 99% of situations, to be honest. I don't really care if people think I'm good or bad, awesome or not, because I know the truth, which is that I'm just a messed-up kid livin' in a messed-up world XP

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Frankly I see no problem in that. I mean, I always keep 'Zarayna' in my name, and because of that, I don't have to put a "I used to be ___" in my sig, yaknow?


Oh, and I'm soon to be Zarayna - Assassin of Archery. :D

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