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Writers' Alliance Contest #1

Riisiing Moon


The WA's first contest is finally here!


So, this contest is twofold--a Short Story contest, and an Epics contest. Here's how it's going to work--I've placed every entrant in groups of three (read on). Whether you choose to participate in the Epics contest, the Short Story contest, or both, your group plays a primary role in the writing of your submission. What role does your group play, exactly? Heck, what's this whole thing going on? Well--


Short Story Contest


If you choose to participate in the Short Story contest, you--surprise--write a short story! What do you write about? Well, you start by browsing the previous written works of each member of your group (including yourself). Look for a character in the writings of your teammates that really interests you--someone you think you'd love to write about. So, once you've picked (at least) 3 chars, one from each of your respective teammates' past writings, write a short story that has all of 'em in it! It can be about pretty much anything--only two qualifications--


1. The chars you choose from every member of your team (including one of your own past chars) are the main chars of the SS. Don't throw them in; they should play a central role in the story.


2. The chars you choose are the same chars as they were in the Epic/SS you took them from! That means they're not people who look, sound, and think like the char from where they were taken, but have a completely different life and have been through totally different experiences--they're the exact same person, with the same history, same life. This means you may have to do some research on the lives and histories of the chars of your teammates--but trust me, you'll find the actual writing experience all the more interesting.


Otherwise, you have total creative control. Feel free to send your SS to a teammate to edit. Entries for the SS Contest should be submitted by Sunday, December 12th, or earlier. I can be flexible on this, but please the to have it in by the 5th.


Epics Contest


The Epics Contest has a similar theme to the SS one, with some twists. First of all, it's a team endeavor--each member of the team will rotate posting new chaps. The order of who posts first, second, and third is decided amongst the teams--the order listed here has nothing to do with it, up to you guys. Now, this is not around robin epic--while you do take turns posting chaps, only members of the team may post, and the written chap should be agreed upon by all members of the team before it's posted in the Epic. This cna be done however your team wants--every member can edit; one guy can write it as is and the other two just skim and approve; however.


Anyways, onto the theme. Like the SS contest, the theme is writing for chars not your own. Except in this contest, you don't choose the char you write for. I just mentioned how you guys choose who on your team posts their chap 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The numbers play another role--poster #1 looks through his old stuff for a char he'd really like to see written about. He gives that char, same life and history and all, to poster #2 to write about (again, research might have to be done on just who that char is by digging through the teammate's old stuff, but it's worth it in the long run). Poster #2 chooses a char of his for poster #3, and, you guessed it, #3 chooses a char for #1. In this way, every member of the team has a totally unknown char to write about, and they get to interact with another totally random char within the Epic, along with--coincidence!--a char the author himself made up!


Again, the chosen chars are the main chars of your team's Epic, and they have the same lives and histories as they did when they were written up originally, along with nay experiences they had in the Epic/SS they were written in by their creator. Plot and other chars are up to your team to decide!


To be a proper submission, the Epic's gotta have at least 6 complete chapters--which should be easy, considering you have until Sunday, December 19th to submit the Epic!




These are the guys that are going to take a look at every submission, for both SS and Epics Contests, and decide on who they think won each contest; for the SS contest, which participant members placed first, second, and third, and for the Epics Contest, which team placed first (those're the positions that get prizes). If they're feeling generous, the judges will stop by and drop your submission a review. Here they are--


--Rising Moon--

--PM me if you want to judge!--

--PM me if you want to judge!--

--PM me if you want to judge!--

--PM me if you want to judge!--


Four spots are open right now. For obvious reasons you can't judge if you're participating in the contest, but if you know someone who's not and who you think is good material tell them to PM me!




If you've got any prizes for either contest you'd like to donate, please let me know, it'd be honestly appreciated and you'd be doing a huge favor. At the moment, prizes are 100--yeah, a hundred!--points on the WA scoreboard!





Well it's about time! Teams, you can PM me if you guys think of a good team name. Otherwise, you're stuck with numbers for now.


Team One


Kehuri Toa of Plants

Scientist Alex Humva

Mr. Mayno


Team Two


Hawk Six




Team Three



Zarayna - Assassin Archer

Toa Spirit


The teams, I believe, are as fair as possible, in terms of skill, style, participation, and generally how well I think you guys can work with each other (though I won't answer any specific questions on why. :P).


Well, get writing!


Recommended Comments

You guys working?

I'm afraid I haven't even started, nor has any of my teammates as far as I'm aware. :|


Might wanna bump the due date; school is going crank down on us soon.

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:tohu: The WA Comix HQ is content packed with new features, including:


*Two New Comics!

*Spoilers For The FIRST WA MOVIE!!!!


We're looking at an amazing 2nd season! :tohu:

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:tohu: The WA Comix HQ is content packed with new features, including:


*Two New Comics!

*Spoilers For The FIRST WA MOVIE!!!!


We're looking at an amazing 2nd season! :tohu:

EDIT: Oops, double-posted, please add this to the other one!

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I'm afraid I'm going drop out of this contest; recent events have come up that are putting a cramp on my time on the computer, so I can't finish this in time.
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Okay, I have some news. Ads is banned from the computer until she gets her math grade up, no idea when that will be though. We've already pretty much made the plot, just need to finalize it then start writing.


Just letting you know that we might be running into some probs that way.



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Yeah, so like I said, anyone for bumping the date? Otherwise--


Zarayna--Can you guys maybe do it over e-mail or some other form of communication? Otherwise, we can bump the date, or worst comes to worst, just the two of you write it.


Alex--Again, bump the date? If that won't help, do you want a replacement? PM me if you have anyone in particular in mind.

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Unfortunately, she said that she got banned from her comp. :(


So unless she manages to get on another computer or something...


I'm not sure, she didn't give a definite time...

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I"m not totally banned. I can sneak time like now when everyone's taking naps, or I'm pretending to do schoolwork. It might just be you and TS, tho, cuz idk when my teacher's gonna update our grades.

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I'm gonna have to drop out. This just isn't working. I'd love to do it, but my team mates and I just aren't communicating. I'm also busy with Haunted Majora's Mask, what with the Convergence on the 21st and all, plus I'm still updating Reawakened as quickly as I can.

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Sorry to say this, but I'm going to have to join Merc. Things in life, combined with a bad case of writers block have seriously crippled me in writing. :(



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