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Dobby! Nooooooooooooooooooooo



:crying: Why, Dobby? WHY!?!?!?!?!? Your death was sadder than Moody, Burbage, Hedwig, Bathilda, Dumbledore, Sirius, and Cedric's deaths put together times a billion!





Also, they left out Phineas Nigellus, so how did Snape find them?


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The last sentence should be spoiler'd.


And also, I KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW!!!! It's because Dobby's so adorable, and he gets charactisation in the film, and Hedwig's not very 3D in the film.


But I was the only one in the cinema who had yelled "Nooo! HEDWIG!" and "DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBBYYYY!!!"

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But I was the only one in the cinema who had yelled "Nooo! HEDWIG!" and "DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBBYYYY!!!"

Are you supposed to do that in a theater? :P




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Yes, Dobby's death was one of the saddest in the entire Harry Potter saga. It was emotional because you suddenly realized Dobby would give anything to help Harry Potter -- and, even worse, you didn't realize he was dead until the knife blade was mentioned.


I miss Dobby. :(

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Cedrics death is the most powerful in the movies IMO, but Dobby hit pretty hard. I was crying in the theatre, (while beating up the kid next to me who was making fun of me) That was pretty sad, and Hedwig, I was like "No. That did not just happen."


.... please not Fred. Anything but Fred next.

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How did Snape find them? WITH MAGIC!


I haven't seen the movie yet, but I am kinda irked about the whole Dobby thing. In the books, he had years to connect with Harry, whereas he never showed up in any of the movies besides the second one (and remember, he was just annoying there) I just feel that, without this history, the character's death has less meaning. (But I guess I need to actually watch the movie before I form said opinion)



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They also left out Dean Thomas, Tonks' parents, and the Dumbledore-Grindelwald friendship. That sucked.


But anyway, I found that Hedwig's death was better in the movie. At least he was free when he died. :crying:

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Cedrics death is the most powerful in the movies IMO, but Dobby hit pretty hard. I was crying in the theatre, (while beating up the kid next to me who was making fun of me) That was pretty sad, and Hedwig, I was like "No. That did not just happen."


.... please not Fred. Anything but Fred next.

I'll have to disagree with you there. Maybe that's because when I saw the movie, I saw Cedric's death as nothing but good news for Harry, who could now steal his girlfriend... or because the scene was kind of ruined by Dan's sub-par crying. :P Ugh, the worst part about Dobby's death is that people in the theatre were cracking up at his jokes, while inside I'm like "DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN IN TWO MINUTES?!?!?"


How did Snape find them? WITH MAGIC!


I haven't seen the movie yet, but I am kinda irked about the whole Dobby thing. In the books, he had years to connect with Harry, whereas he never showed up in any of the movies besides the second one (and remember, he was just annoying there) I just feel that, without this history, the character's death has less meaning. (But I guess I need to actually watch the movie before I form said opinion)



Let's just say he has a somewhat larger role in this film, plus he manages to make his death much more impacting in the movie than the book, which usually isn't the case.


They also left out Dean Thomas, Tonks' parents, and the Dumbledore-Grindelwald friendship. That sucked.


But anyway, I found that Hedwig's death was better in the movie. At least he was free when he died. :crying:

1) Those would've been nice, but I can live without them being in the movie.

2) Yes and no. I felt more sorry for her in the movie, but in the book, Harry has to blow up her body and that's just downright depressing.

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I think what got me in the movie was his line about how it's a beautiful place to be with friends. Cue massive sadface. Also, knowing what happened, I still cracked up at his "just maim" line because he sounds so freaking innocent and honest. I loved it.


Also, as far as Hedwig goes, I felt like in the book J. K. Rowling didn't really know what to do with her. Understandably she didn't want her following them around the entire time, but still, it seemed like she didn't know how to get rid of her. Random killing curse was convenient, I guess.

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Hedwig's death was kinda funky. It worked better in the movie, but it kinda fit more into the book. And that scene with Bathilda was just creepy. I swear, I'll never look at a snake or an old lady the same again. *shudder*

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Hedwig's death was kinda funky. It worked better in the movie, but it kinda fit more into the book. And that scene with Bathilda was just creepy. I swear, I'll never look at a snake or an old lady the same again. *shudder*

I haven't seen the movie, but old ladies always did creep me out.

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I liked how they at least gave Hedwig's death more meaning in the movie, cause if you looked close, she actually dove in the way of the killing curse instead of just taking it accidentally.

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Ever notice that in the books, there's only like one or two sentences about the character's death when it happens?

Most of the discussion/questions/crying happen pages, sometimes chapters later. It's kinda odd. Less of an impact.
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Ever notice that in the books, there's only like one or two sentences about the character's death when it happens?


Most of the discussion/questions/crying happen pages, sometimes chapters later. It's kinda odd. Less of an impact.

Well it's kind of true to reality. Most people don't really cry immediately after someone dies, it usually takes a while for it to sink in.

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