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Computer Needs Halp



My laptop and I have been through a lot, and all things considered, I'm surprised it's even intact now. :P But we also have a love/hate relationship going. There have been times it won't start, when everything disappears, when it refuses to budge, or just plain drives me crazy with its little games. But now it refuses to boot. It's just a black screen with the cursor. Here's a screenshot.




Essentially, my computer's as good as a brick right now. Again. I've tried everything from Last Successful Boot to Safe Mode, to all sorts of other things and nothing's worked. Any ideas to fix it are greatly appreciated. Please. :D




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I just know that I make periodic backups just in case. My only suggestion would be to take the battery out and then put it back in... but it sounds like you might've already tried that. :shrugs:



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You're not fooling anyone, EW. Not only is that cursor faked, I can see lines drawn all over the "screenshot". Which, by the way, you can't get because your computer's as good as a brick. :P


Did you happen to use your mom's computer's Paint program to emulate a screenshot?

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The screenshot's a joke, people. ;_;


The problem is real, though. Geez, I'd expect y'all to understand the way my humor works by now.



I got the joke! :lookaround:

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