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Teachers ><

Taka Nuvia


Just finished studying. And this leads me to something I normally do not do: ranting about teachers. Not that I'll mention names or anything, the subject won't be mentioned, either.


Anyway, I sense troubles coming. Why? Take a guess. Yes, because of a teacher. Why should I write a blog entry about that? Because what is going on right now is highly annoying.


The main problem is that the communication between the teacher and the students somehow won't really work. I'll show you a (slightly extracted, slightly exaggerated) example:


Teacher: And then you do this and that and so on

Student: How? Why? I don't understand this :huh:

Teacher: Because this and that *getting more and more complicated*

Student... I still don't understand

Teacher: Then what about if you switch on your head and start thinking? :angry:


And it goes on and on. And yes, this specific teacher questioned our intelligence as well. In the end everyone hates each other. <_<


and no, I didn't understand it in class, either. I had to invest hours of my spare time re-writing and going through everything again. Now I'm beginning to understand it all. Slowly.


And I highly doubt that I am the problem. My sis has the same teacher in the same subject, and she says that he acts the same there...


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It sounds to me like this is the kind of teacher who sees his/her pupils as a job, not as persons. Once that´s settled into someone´s mind, they´re hardly going to teach anything to anyone. :(



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