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Spring Semester

Lady Kopaka



History II

Art History II

Intro To Sociology

Composition I


aaaaaahh I finally can take normal classes and not useless developmental ones. I originally wanted to do another class--like a actual drawing class, but thanks to issues with my advisor and holds, by the time I got things working, most classes were already filled...not much to take at my college. That and I really should not put too much on my plate due to health.


Either way, decent schedule, won't have to rearrange art teaching too much, but we'll see what the future holds. In in the meantime, this is how I'm going to react to it:



I just have three more finals, three papers (or was it four?) to write, and I am free for a month. One does not know how relieved I am, because I am beyond exhausted, I just want to sleep the holiday season away. So, excuse me as I study some more on my Visual Arts final, and maybe a bit of FF9 before bed. I miss drawing and writing ever so much. :'[


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Yeah, I've got a lax schedule. Doing metal sculpting and practicing some more hard-surface modeling and a digital illustration collab next semester, but they're all morning classes. This semester was hectic. Got burnt out too quick.

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Well, you've certainly got a looser schedule than I do. :P


Anyways, I still have the same number I have this semester (though I have fewer credits-drat! 20 this semester; 16 the next) with one class after another until about 4:20 PM, but as with this semester, I only have labs on Tuesdays and Thursdays--and this time I have no math lab! So, I am somewhat looser. :D


Love the clip of the cat hiding, btw. X3

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Yaaay, not stressing yourself out! Get through those nasty finals, LK. You can do it. Then you're freeee. Also feel free to sleep the holiday away, it sounds like you deserve it.

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Yaaay, not stressing yourself out! Get through those nasty finals, LK. You can do it. Then you're freeee. Also feel free to sleep the holiday away, it sounds like you deserve it.

oh, i'm still stressing myself out--I nearly failed a class this semester. at this exact moment though, i'm all right (I have chocolate).

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That comment in that last... comment....



Makes me extremely happy :D


(yus i'm an awesome friend sending the Stressed LK sum chocolatez)




I wish i could have a schedule like that though..


Maybe if i'm lucky :P

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