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Lady Kopaka


My brother and I are screaming like little girls. New Elder Scrolls Games? Mass Effect 3? Uncharted 3? If only we had news on the next Mirror's Edge...


Either way, I'm going hysterical and I can't wait for some of these, it's just too much awesome to digest. And I can't forget about Portal 2, Guild Wars 2, Dragon Age 2 (so many 2's...); 2011 seems to be a good year for gaming. Not so much for my wallet though. I seriously need to start feeling better and get a job/do more with art commissions...


What games are you guys most looking forward too? Sadness that I'm just picking this off the internet, not watching it on TV.


oh, hi by the way. I'm sorta of out of it because finals are next week and I'm freaking out and being sick on top of it and my life is stressful so things are just a little crazy. just a little.


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Yesyesyes. The only downside is all this video game talk has em wanting to play more games instead of do algebra. Mass Effect 3 most definitely.

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Yesyesyes. The only downside is all this video game talk has em wanting to play more games instead of do algebra. Mass Effect 3 most definitely.

my problem as well. it's impossible for me to study like this.

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I showed up in time to watch the last couple minutes of the show. They were about to show the premier of Uncharted 3 ...


Then my dad switched the channel back to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. <_<



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I've never bought a game, but I was thinking of buying Portal 2 in February since none of my friends were probably getting it for the Xbox (and my computer can't handle it). But then it was moved to April and that means exams are about to start, so I might not play it until the fall unless my friend has it over the summer.


One of my friends did, however, recommend I play Mass Effect 1 and 2 for the story and so lent me those. I'll check them out next semester.



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I must be the only gamer to feel perfectly fine about delays and such.

I've been buying a bunch of games on sale on Steam this last half year, so I have a stockpile of PC games to keep the gamer in me busy till they arrive.

I'm looking foward to either Mass Effect 3 or Portal 2 the most. Dragon Age II is high on the list too.

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The best parts were Mass effect 3 and Elder scrolls.


I wish Portal 2 would've come out this month though. It would've if it hadn't been delayed.



If Portal 2 had come out this month as originally planned VALVe would have an epidemic on their hands. I mean, VALVe release a game ON TIME!?!?!? I'd up and freakin' die.


But anyways, yes, I agree with the Lady K. Gonna be a good year for gaming. I'm looking forward to Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Portal 2, Warhammer 40k Dawn of War II: Retribution, Warhammer 40k Space Marine...


Glad that Poker Night at the Inventory finally came out. Love that game.


«Takuma Nuva»
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Forgot about Deus Ex! Oh that game is going to be amazing.

I am so TOTALLY going to get the augmented edition, Steam be darned.


«Takuma Nuva»
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... What's this? 'Video Games'? Huh?

Wow, I just realized I've been completely unplugged from any and all gaming news for... for a while now, anyway. The only game I'm interested in is already out, Kirby's Epic Yarn which got good reviews so why not. As for all the '2's, yeah, we kinda live in the age of the sequel. Same thing is happening with movies, instead of making anything new, they first A: find some pre-existing franchise to turn in to a movie and then B: after the original make a bunch of sequels. Bah-humbug. Wake me when our entertainment industry starts making new things again...


Er, sorry to be such a drag. Man I sound like such a curmudgeon.

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Well, true about the sequels, but the gaming industry are still making new IPs. There's a lot of Indie developers and small studios crunching out new IPs. This year, I had a dose of Bayonetta, Minecraft, and Vanquish, which, in my opinion, are pretty good games. Problem is that they tend to be swept under the carpet and ignored by the majority of the consumers.

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Well IMO, these are sequels that were already planned and not 'running out of ideas sequels'. It seems everyone started a trilogy game at the same time and they are all coming out now. So it's all good...hopefully.

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I'm weird, I can RP, chat, and do whatever online, but if I start playing any computer/video games for any length of time, I feel like I'm wasting time.


That said, the only one I'm looking forward to is Mount&blade warband, which for some reason, I cannot download the trail version of. >.<



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Well, true about the sequels, but the gaming industry are still making new IPs. There's a lot of Indie developers and small studios crunching out new IPs. This year, I had a dose of Bayonetta, Minecraft, and Vanquish, which, in my opinion, are pretty good games. Problem is that they tend to be swept under the carpet and ignored by the majority of the consumers.
Yeah, as a Minecraft player I can certainly attest to that. It's great that there's all these indie developers making new IPs, I just wish more large developers did it too...

Well IMO, these are sequels that were already planned and not 'running out of ideas sequels'. It seems everyone started a trilogy game at the same time and they are all coming out now. So it's all good...hopefully.
And that's another thing. Planned trilogies. Personally I'm a bit cynical of the whole thing. I mean what, you can't even wait for the first game to come out before making sequels? How are you going to tell if the first game will even be popular? It strikes me as beating a dead cash cow before it's hatched, pardon the mixed metaphor. Of course, all this ranting is secondary to whether or not the games are fun. If developers just happen to be making fun games in sets of three these days, well I have no problem with that.
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I'm sorta following your logic, but with the games I mentioned...most people know they will be popular, like Mass Effect or Portal. And on a storyline standard, it's just like making a trilogy movie. e.g. Lord of the Rings of such. Sure they might be wanting money, but a lot of these developers make excellent works of art. Bioware is a great example.


But I'm don't completely get your point; since you don't play games you're viewing it from that perspective, while people who actually play the games are not as cynical because they're used to the industry and know what to expect. If the game is good, it's good, and I play for the storyline and art mostly.

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NEW ELDER SCROLLS?AHGA;HGKD;AHGK;A HOW DID I NOT HEAR ABOUT THIS BEFORE??? I've been playing Morrowind and Oblivion forever!!


Also Portal 2 <3

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