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Mama Punk

I logged into this site for the first time in two years to dig up an old recipe I'd lost...figured I'd post some recent pictures and a plug for my band while I'm here, for old time's sake. For those who don't remember me, let's just say I was once an admin...briefly.   STRANGE LIPS, fronted by yours truly: http://strangelips.bandcamp.com (twitter/IG: @Strange_Lips). If you live in or around New York, come see us sometime; we generally play at least one show a month.   Most-recent picture of m

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Hey There 2015

I've been checking in the past couple weeks to spy on my lover, Windrider so here's a picture of me for those of you who don't remember me (all of you)

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

! Please Stop and Read This !

This is just an open letter to, well, everybody, in direct response to the goings-on in the blogs currently. Please take a moment to read it.   1. I understand this is probably all overwhelming for some of you and I don't blame you for that but please don't say that we need a "change of subject." Because even if you don't want to talk about these issues, they are important and need to be tackled head-on if we want to work to make our community truly safe and family-friendly. We're finally mak

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise


so InnerRayg has been crankier than usual lately and i'm loving every minute of it because it makes him even easier to annoy   holla

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Vegetarian Shepherd's Pie with Avocado Mashed Potatoes

So recently I've become what I call a "soft vegetarian," in that I'm no longer cooking meat for myself, though I won't turn away dishes that other people make. Since I cook 90% of my meals for myself, this is part of my continuing quest to become less of a fat, disgusting lump.   I've got a semiregular tradition of posting recipes on this blog, because I don't buy it when people claim they can't cook. Cooking is easy - you just need to follow the instructions...and I'm here to spoon-feed them

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise


Let's be real for a moment.     Don't you dare deny the evils of the patriarchy. Don't you dare spit on all the women on whom our society encourages assault and violation. Don't you dare blame the victims of these assaults. Don't you dare try to justify their earning cents on the dollar. Don't you dare tell them what their role in society is, or what you want them to do, or that they should calm down. Don't you dare devalue them because they're angry - they have every right to be angry. A

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Engage Animu Mode

So Becca designed Sailor Scout forms for herself and me and a bunch of our friends and I can't stop drawing them; this is me :* <3

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Did I play too hard?

So I took this picture of my guitar the morning after our gig on the 5th.   I'd torn open three of my fingers about halfway through the show and was spraying blood everywhere but kept playing and finished the set.   The lesson is that you may be metal but you will never be as metal as I am.

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

ballin til he dies

i was deleting old files on my computer and i came across this gif of Black "Moneybags" Six and his entourage and I can't stop laughing     He has all this money but he still won't fund the mastering of my album, what a fascist nazi communist

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise


FEELING HUNGRY, BZPOWER?   Well, I haven't posted one of these in a while, so to make up for it, I'm posting two recipes - a complete meal for your pleasure. On tonight's menu: kafta, a Lebanese dish made from ground meat; and some spiced chickpeas one the side. Mmmmm.   KAFTA     Ingredients 2 pounds ground beef, lamb, or other ground meat (I used beef) 1/2 tablespoon allspice 1/2 tablespoon cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes 1 onion 1/4 cup chopped parsley Note: I only made half of t

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

New Single!

Download here   BZPower has always been really supportive of me over the years, as I've slowly learned how to effectively record music. My simple cover songs in the BZPowercast gave me my first real audience, Maddison (Nukaya) gave me my first radio airplay, and my outings as part of Taped Headphones with Becca (Hahli Husky) gave my my first legitimate musical collaboration.   My early output was rudimentary and - let's face it - pretty awful. But you guys believed in me right from the get-go

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

new gear

check out this hotness     Crate GFX-212 amplifier. 120 watts. It's beautiful and it sounds beautiful.   I'm a big believer in checking out a lot of different amps, including odd ones not made by the big name manufacturers - the sound you want can be found in the most unlikely of places. I almost passed right by this on my way to the Vox Valvetronix I've had my eye on for a while (I've always been a fan of Vox - you can see my trusty little Pathfinder 15R on on top of the Crate in this pictur

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise


human rights   is not a political issue   it's a social issue   more to the point   it's basic human decency

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

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