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I decided I need a better blog entry.


So here we go. I'm trying to get all worked up about something so I can post a really long rant but nothing really comes to mind. Biscotti just means mixed links and images. If you caught the reference and can name the site, +2 meta points.


I suppose I'm a little annoyed about earbuds. Really. I go through earbuds like other people go through socks, provided you're one of those people who wears holes in socks on a weekly basis. It gets expensive and I honestly don't know why they keep breaking. My record is five days, from straight out of the package to the trash can. New Skullcandys. The little metal bit just snapped out while I was sitting on a couch. For real.




That had to have been the worst blog entry in the history of ever.


ION, I've been catching up on everything I've been meaning to catch up on, including a bunch of books, shows and other things that people have recommended me in the past. Finished watching Firefly and Dr. Horrible only a month ago, started up Homestuck and Problem Sleuth last week, currently watching The Last Airbender (series) and a couple other anime: FLAG and Kino's Journey. Both pretty slow, not much action. Good story and concepts. I wouldn't recommend it without knowing what you watch in the first place.


Read (and re-read) most of Douglas Adam's material, started Stieg Larsson. Have a couple more I want to finish but I'll have to find the time.


Graduating in two months. Woo. I still suck at algebra like none other.




I still have the most scattered method of blogging, but that's fine by me. Goodness knows you didn't have to read this, and I thank you if you did.


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I'm the same way with headphones. Nice new pair of Sennheisers and the plug just dies on me before too long. Earbuds I have more luck with; I bought some cheap $20 Sony ones about two and a half years ago, and they sounded fine and only broke yesterday.

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I can't wear earbuds, they hurt my ears. I always buy the headphones that have the little piece you slip behind your ears and then the speaker hangs in my ear. Super cheap, and they last forever.

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I advise against Skullcandies on the basis of build quality and sound quality, though it is difficult to find outstanding build quality in the lower/medium price ranges.

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Skullcandy offers, like, unlimited warranty though, right? I know people who go through tons of pairs just because they'll replace them.


I tend to wear out my headphones too, but I'm usually pretty good at making them last, even if it's at an iffy quality. Believe it or not, the new iPod earbuds are probably some of the most durable ones out there. When I break those, I switch to the airline headphones (the ones that you can literally pull apart by tugging on them) until I have enough for a new pair. It's a vicious cycle.

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