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What next?



"The hunter is nothing without the hunted."


With the campaign to bring back Bionicle just about over, one would think that an addict like me would be all but lost in what do do with my life other than just buying Bionicle sets like anyone else.


Actually, my campaign will continue, albeit much quieter. My aim now will be to keep Bionicle back until at least mid-2016, which would see Bionicle back for a year and a half, bridging the gap between its initial ending in 2010 and the end of its 10th anniversary in 2011.


In addition, I have other goals I can now fully focus on: (However these may be considered political; I will understand if the admins wish to remove the second half of this entry)


While other Bionicle fans turned to My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, I rediscovered my childhood love of trains, and that reshaped my future. I've even gone as far as to design a brand new railway line for my local area. Although said railway line started out as a personal project, I've gone as far as to propose it to the powers that be in hopes of making it a reality, because I realise it can work VERY well!


Unfortunately, those same powers that be would rather build roads than railway lines, and I've become one of many people in my state fighting them in order to stop a particularly expensive road and have its money spent on railway lines statewide.


In addition, I need a job. I've been job-seeking for a year now, and with a looming jobs crisis (especially in my age group), I am a VERY long way from getting one, and there's also the chance that I may NEVER get a job! I am hoping to use the aforementioned railway line design as a portfolio in order to get a job as a transport planner, and the proposal as a way to sell myself and my natural creative skills.


So despite Bionicle coming back, I am still very busy. Its return simply means I now have more time to focus on my other goal(s).


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While other Bionicle fans turned to My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic,

Can I just say how much I don't like what you said here and how many fallacies are contained in this statement?

  • This isn't just some strange occurrence limited to BZP and/or Bionicle. Fans of MLP sprung up EVERYWHERE from EVERY walk of life.
  • MLP at no point replaced Bionicle as you seem to think; We developed an additional interest. You clearly didn't just say, "Oh well, no more Bionicle. Guess I'll just drop it and obsess over Pokemon." That didn't happen with us either. If anything people might have "turned to" Hero Factory.
  • We "turned to" MLP? You make it sound like we're the equivalent of somebody whose best friend just died so we "turn to" alcohol to drown our sorrows.

People don't like My Little Pony; I get it. The MLP fandom has its issues; I get it. But land's sakes, you have got to quit bringing MLP into this. It is completely irrelevant to what you're saying. We could replace your MLP reference in your entry with "Breaking Bad", "practicing guitar", or "playing William Tell with the little kid next door", and it would still make just as little sense as it does now.


On a second note:

(However these may be considered political; I will understand if the admins wish to remove the second half of this entry)

I'm losing track of how many times I've told people this: Making "disclaimer" statements like this doesn't get you off the hook. You either make sure it's okay to post beforehand or you don't post it at all. If you're really unsure then just ask a staff member BEFORE you post it. It's like throwing a brick off a building and then calling downstairs to see if there's anybody walking down the street; it's too late, you've already hit them and you will suffer the consequences.

Takuma Nuva

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