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Simplifying the Species List



BS01's Unnamed Species List has a ridiculous number of sapient species in the MU. Many of them were first mentioned in the bios of the Barraki, OoMN, and DH and simply waved off as their own unique species. But for several years, it's been my fascination to condense this list into as few species as possible based on similar physical traits, powers, or histories. Many of the inconsistencies are easily explained by mutations or technology, or simply interspecies variations. Just as Matoran and Skakdi have elemental subspecies, many of these other species could be divided up in new ways. But before you go critiquing my decisions, please give the FAQs a read, as they address many of the common concerns.

This blog entry is the product of three different revisions of this list, primarily my research but also that of others noted below. With the rearranging of the forums, I wanted to make sure to post it somewhere safe for mine and other's reference. Also I'm using Spoiler tags for ease of reading without really being sure that's okay, so let me know if it's not...



1. Makuta

          Shadow Stealer
This species was prototyped in Protodermis by the Great Beings to fill the role of peacekeepers and creators of the Rahi (proposed by Akavakaku). Different powers were tested and refined until Mata Nui perfected their design and created them in Antidermis. These were given 42 Kraata powers, Shadow, Kaita Dissolution, and the ability to wear Kanohi.

2. Matoran

The main inhabitants of the Matoran Universe, built to maintain Mata Nui's inner workings. Each Matoran possesses an elemental affiliation that is manifested as elemental control should they become a Toa or Turaga. They also have the ability to use Kanohi.

3. Skakdi
Inhabitants of Zakaz, initially peaceful and powerless until Makuta Spiriah's modifications, from which they gained elemental powers when used with another Skakdi, vision powers, and other abilities, as well as an unquenchable thirst for violence. This species is known for their claws, wide grins, and long spines.

4. Steltan
          Upper Class
          The Steltan Upper Class are tall and vaguely Toa-like. Though they can wear Kanohi, they do not depend on their use as the Matoran do. Even among the upper class of the Steltan society, their members are divided into ranks. Platinum armor is reserved for rulers while gold is a typical middle-class color. Hydraxon was created as the template for this species and future generations were modeled on him after he joined the Hand of Artahka. This species is resistant to Pit Mutagen and grow far more powerful when exposed to Antidermis, a trait that becomes noticable only in large quantities.

          The Servants of Stelt, otherwise known as "Bruisers," are large and powerful beings, but their lack of intelligence keeps them from dominating the upper class. They are commonly used as workers or body guards. They are unable to use Kanohi.

          The Slaves of Stelt are even larger and more powerful than the Servants, and their speed and agility is unmatched by the others, but many are somehow forced into fighting for entertainment.

5. Vortixx
The inventive and intelligent inhabitants of Xia. They are typically tall and armored in black. Their society is dominated by the women with little opportunity for men. Conjurer stole their advanced technology and set out for a life of his own and became a ruler of a small group of Matoran. They are able to wear Kanohi.

          A subspecies of the Vortixx with the ability to shatter their bodies into crystal and reform at will.

6. Zyglak
An amphibious species with a hatred for Matoran. Their scaly skin is coated with an organic Protodermis destroying disease. They are immune to Pit Mutagen and virtually invulnerable to elemental attacks.



7. Carapar
Carapar's race was one of the first created in the Matoran Universe, as implied by Axonn's status as an ex-Hand of Artahka member. This species inhabited the Southern Isles and were dominated by warlords such as Axonn and Carapar, the latter of whom was called to be a Barraki. This species is generally large and powerful and have the ability to use Kanohi.

8. Ehlek
In appearance, this species closely resembles Ehlek's mutated form. They are unable to breathe air and are thus most members are confined to the oceans around Zakaz. Each member has been modified by the OoMN, giving them great strength and powerful claws to kill Makuta. They are also able to wear Kanohi.

          The amphibious brethren of Ehlek's race with great agility both on land and in the sea. Also possess enhanced vision. These species are known to work closely together, even to the point of Amphibax leading other members of Ehlek's species.

9. Kalmah
An ancient race inhabiting the bleak, icy land just south of Odina. The inhabitants are split into tribes led by warlords. Ancient's services once turned each tribe against one another in a great civil war that is rekindled every few thousand years. After the first war came to a close, the Shadowed One and Ancient left their island to capture the neighboring Odina after the first civil war. They will never mention their true origins, and they have been forgotten by their people, but the Dark Hunters always welcome newcomers from this island. This species is equipped with natural weapons such as claws, teeth, tusks, and often bladed tails in addition to powerful abilities unique to each tribe. Though they have the ability to wear Kanohi masks, their long, sheild-like faces with two protruding tusks make it difficult and uncomfortable, and thus few do.
          Kalmah was selected to be a Barraki after his great successes as a leader of this tribe. He was eventually replaced by Tyrant, who left his position during the Toa/Dark Hunter War to become a Dark Hunter. At once point, Lurker killed a member of his tribe and was banished. This tribe inherits the ability to absorb and expel heat in great quantities, though Lurker prefers his natural tools, and Kalmah lost this ability when he was mutated. Their armor is typically a vibrant red.
          After Ancient's departure, this tribe was betrayed by one of their own, and Guardian is the sole survivor. This tribe has the ability to make their armor as hard as stone and highly resistant to physical attacks. Their armor is typically blue with metallic coverings.
               The Shadowed One
          It is unknown if others remain after The Shadowed One left them. They possessed powerful eyebeams that were able to disintegrate a target. Their armor is typically black.

10. Mantax
This tall species is known for the large horns protruding from the back of their heads, though these became tentacles when Mantax was mutated. They also are able to wear Kanohi.

11. Pridak
The original inhabitants of Visorak. Pridak was taken to be a Barraki long before most of the rest of his civilization was destroyed by the Visorak. This species is generally tall and powerful and typically has the ability to feed on emotion to grow stronger. While Tobduk feasts on anger, Pridak's emotion may have been pride. They are able to wear Kanohi.

12. Takadox
A species with the abilities to hypnotize others and wear Kanohi.



13. Botar
     Botar's Replacement
Another race hailing from the Southern Isles, known to be "savage," perhaps meaning more primitive or superstitious than the rest of the universe. This species towers over most others and has the ability to teleport and use Kanohi. 

14. Krahka
A sentient species misclassified as a Rahi due to their shapeshifting habits, though they can also take the forms of other sentient beings. Some are able to copy inherent powers of the forms they take, or merge forms together. Very few remain after near devastation by the Visorak, many of whom remain in hiding or serving under more powerful beings who can protect them.

15. Mimic
A species from a distant land that was destroyed in a natural disaster. At least some members of this species possess photographic reflexes.

16. Nocturn
     Four-armed OoMN member
A four-armed and powerful species with the ability to regrow lost limbs. They are immune to Pit Mutagen. Their home island was destroyed by Nocturn with few survivors. Sentrakh was taken before or after and heavily modified by The Shadowed One.

17. Nynrans
This is one of the few MU species to grow as they age, ranging from just below Toa height to towering titans. Their common traits include long, thin wings and horns atop their heads used to channel their psionic subpowers unique to each individual. They originally hailed from Nynrah and are still known to craft there, though members of their species proven to be too violent/not inventive enough were outcast.

18. Odins
The original inhabitants of Odina. Lariska is the only known survivor after she betrayed the rest of her people to the Dark Hunters.

19. Primal
These two are the last survivors of a four-legged race whose island was ravaged by Visorak, and afterwards all but Primal were killed by The Shadowed One. Seeker was recruited as a servant of the Brotherhood of Makuta and escaped the destruction. They are known to be agile and strong.


To be reclassified as Rahi

Airwatchers' backstory seems to imply he is one of the last of his kind. Perhaps the others were hunted to extinction or killed themselves off due to their own dim-wittedness. Airwatcher possesses wings and a chest launcher, the latter may have been the result of Dark Hunter modification.

A species nearly wiped out by Matoran as they were mistaken for unintelligent Rahi. Their poison, which is ejected from their mouths, paralyzes the victim and is lethal within half an hour, though they are not immune. They also possess stunning tails.



1. Why are Brutaka and Hydraxon classified as Steltans?
In the original topic, Akavakaku proposed a theory that Hydraxon, Axonn, and other members of the Hand were created about the same time as Toa Helryx and later used as templates for the rest of their species. Hydraxon likely never lived on Stelt. Brutaka's backstory mentions he was a "prominent figure" of his society before he was recruited by the Brotherhood and likely spent little time on Stelt as well.

Brutaka was also known to have gained a large amount of power after being submerged in Antidermis. Though several members of this classification were known to fight Makuta, they were likely exposed to only trace amounts of Antidermis and the effects were less noticeable. But perhaps in early years the Steltans used this ability to gain dominance over the much stronger Servant and Slave classes.

2. But why can't Hydraxon be put with Axonn and Carapar?
My original list had this pairing, but so many people denied it, saying Hydraxon and Axonn have very few physical characteristics in common and felt like the only excuse was their similar names. So they're separated now.

3. But why can't Hydraxon be put with Trinuma and Mantax?
Trinuma's species is confirmed to have large and prominent horns, and these are noticeably lacking on Hydraxon. I see no reason to make allowances to dismiss Hydraxon from this canon detail when he could easily be a Steltan.

4. But Conjurer is TSO's race now!
This theory's been around since before this canonization, and I'm sticking with it for the purpose of my list. Personally, it makes more sense to me that Conjurer lived as an oppressed male in Vortixx society, stole some advanced tech, and set off to make his fortune more than arbitrarily grouping him based on some design details.

5. But not all of "Kalmah's race" have tails!
Admittedly, this is pretty much the only obstacle with that huge leap that merged several species into an interesting race. Canonically, they all come from a land ruled by warlords and locked in a civil war. Physically, most of them have claws, tusks, digitigrade legs, and some manner of tail. However, Guardian is noticeably lacking this last trait. It could be he lost his tail in the wars or as a result of Dark Hunter modification. Maybe not all members of this species have tails. Whatever it is, these characters fit too well together in my mind to ignore for one tiny detail.

6. Why does Dweller's species have to live on Nynrah?
Because honestly he's the only one that fits. Many of these characters are described to be the last of their species or their island destroyed or in war... Dweller (and the others categorized under him) has very little backstory and what little there is seems close enough to the known inhabitants of Nynrah.

7. Wait, Greg said Krahka was a Rahi and Triglax wasn't! Why are they sapient species when Airwatcher and Poison are not? We still have intelligent Rahi like Keetongu!
"Rahi" is a very relative term in Matoran. It literally means "Not Us." There is no clear line between sapient species and Rahi with the exceptions like Airwatcher and Keetongu. This puzzled me and I asked this question in my What is a "Rahi?" topic. Basically the consensus was that it was entirely Matoran-defined. They see a creature and classify it based on its behavior. Krahka commonly shapeshifts into Rahi, while Triglax mimics other sapient beings, so it would be easy to see how a Matoran might mistake Krahka for a Rahi.

8. Where does Jerbraz fit into all of this?
Given how little we know about Jerbraz's appearance before he turned invisible, it isn't really reasonable for me to try to figure out which one of these species he fits into. I'll leave that to another theory.


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