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Havin' A Heat Wave



Almost too hot to write here in sunny CT ...


Started BL #7 today -- I want to spend some of it dealing with an issue that has been brought up a few times lately, namely why don't Toa kill their enemies? And is that a reasonable stance to take when you are fighting for the safety of millions? Is the code of the Toa important, or is it outmoded when you are up against beings like the Piraka? (It's more fun to write if the books aren't just plot, but actually are ABOUT something.)


Some really exciting plans in the pipeline for 2007 and 2008. BIONICLE will get a big push from LEGO again next year, as it did this year, so the company is still solidly behind it. (Now the fans just need to be ...)




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Oh, man... 100 degrees where I am today. :pirate:


Anyways, yeah, I've always wondered about that Toa-killing issue. I'm glad it will finally be brought up in a book and given a solution. ^_^



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It's raining up here in Canda, but we've also been getting heatwaves. Great job with the books Greg, and I can't wait for 07 and 08. 2006 is already a great start to the new storyline. ^_^

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I don't think you need to worry about the fans being behind it, at least not set-wise. I've heard of a few instances where the Inika sets actually sold out in the first week. And you can't blame them, the Inika are one of the best (if not just the best) canister sets released till now.
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I'm really kind of upset about the "Toa Don't Kill" ordnance. I mean, we have bounty hunters, swarms, tyrants, and just plain fear-making maniacs. But our only heros refuse to take matters in to their own hands and end one life that hates all other life. And it kinda makes the story boring.


I mean, the Jedi killed, even excluding Anakin. They were more than happy to draw their weapons on the emperor. Obi-Wan aimed to kill Vader on Mustafar and the Death Star. Luke killed Jabba. Why can't hero's just like the Jedi kill villains even worse than the Sith and Hutts?


As for the heat, I can't imagine it. California's beautiful this time of year. But if NE is like the Med-West, I know how you feel. I HATE the humidity in the mid-west. *Chokes at the thought*


And the promo scene is really heating up for BIOINCLE. Awsome. But it really should have been Coldplay for this year.


"Lights will guide you home

And Ignite your bones

And I will try

To Fix you."


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I'm really kind of upset about the "Toa Don't Kill" ordnance. I mean, we have bounty hunters, swarms, tyrants, and just plain fear-making maniacs. But our only heros refuse to take matters in to their own hands and end one life that hates all other life. And it kinda makes the story boring

All superheros and heros are like that, and yet their stories are very exciting. A true does not commit the crimes that the enemy does, which is why they don't take the life of another, even if they are sick and twisted and evil.



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I'm really kind of upset about the "Toa Don't Kill" ordnance. I mean, we have bounty hunters, swarms, tyrants, and just plain fear-making maniacs. But our only heros refuse to take matters in to their own hands and end one life that hates all other life. And it kinda makes the story boring.

I rather prefer the way Tolkien put it by way of Gandalf:

Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. Even the very wise cannot see all ends.


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I'm really kind of upset about the "Toa Don't Kill" ordnance. I mean, we have bounty hunters, swarms, tyrants, and just plain fear-making maniacs. But our only heros refuse to take matters in to their own hands and end one life that hates all other life. And it kinda makes the story boring.


I mean, the Jedi killed, even excluding Anakin. They were more than happy to draw their weapons on the emperor. Obi-Wan aimed to kill Vader on Mustafar and the Death Star. Luke killed Jabba. Why can't hero's just like the Jedi kill villains even worse than the Sith and Hutts?


As for the heat, I can't imagine it. California's beautiful this time of year. But if NE is like the Med-West, I know how you feel. I HATE the humidity in the mid-west. *Chokes at the thought*


And the promo scene is really heating up for BIOINCLE. Awsome. But it really should have been Coldplay for this year.


"Lights will guide you home

And Ignite your bones

And I will try

To Fix you."

...A spider web and it's me in the middle,

so I twist an turn... something something something... I never meant to cause you trouble...


That song of theirs fits 2005 so much it's almost scary.


On topic though, I'm glad to see this issue is being dealt with. I mean, they spend most of the time spitting witty comments back and forth when Kongu could just fire his crossbow and blast 'em to atoms. It'll be interesting to see how you deal with this.


And the heat... blargh it's hot... we're breaking a record every day here in NC.


Your average member,

Dr. Keerakh


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actualy Dr., you have the wrong coldplay song. "tears stream, down your face..." okay, NO MORE COLDPLAY! yeah. actualy, i live in central TX, so its always hot here in summer... and spring... and come to think of it, it's in the 100's or 90's til november... i hate summer <_< "and about the toa don't kill" thing, i was thinking of writing a PM to you, but now i will wait. i don't like it.

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Hey, that's great, Greg! :udaman: The "Toa don't kill" statement certainly brought up some questions in my mind. If evil has already prepared himself to stand by his convictions until the very end, what hope left does he have in life? :sly:


BTW, I've been feeling the heat wave. Just ended last night with a storm and a blackout. Thank God for central air.

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where I come from, 98 is practically a cold front.....

but enough about that. i'm lovin' the subjects you're touching here. Sounds a lot like Eagle Strike from the Alex Rider series, wherte the villian

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
uses U.S. nuclear missiles to destroy drug fields
killing thousands and supposedly saving millions.


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Hm... The Toa don't kill thing has always bothered me... Just like, if you have someone that is visibly evil, that has threatened you and your people, don't just stand there and ask him to repent or be knocked unconscious. Ya need ta take that guy out.


What if, by not killing a certain someone, a whole civillization would die out?

I can't wait to see BL7 and how Greg works this in...



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book #7! :)

i've always wandered about the killing thing aswell.

i suppose the REAL reason behind it is because it's for kids aged 8-16 and at one time 7+ but it will be real interesting.

can't wait for 07 now,wish i don't look at your blog now, it gets me too excited and i go CCRRAAZZYY!!!!!! partly because of the heatwave :)

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greg, i feel your pain over here in litchfield county, just so hot, don't you just love air conditioning :lol:


i've been wondering that question about the toa for some time myself, i'm glad to see that it will finally be answered


but you know what they say, if you don't like the weather in new england, wait a minute :P

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It is a difficult issue, and it's one that has split the Toa down the middle. But it's an important one, for a number of reasons --


1) If a Toa chooses not to kill a villain -- as Batman has chosen not to kill The Joker -- are they then partially responsible for anyone that being kills?


2) At the same time, if a hero kills once, where does he/she stop? What gives them the right to judge who lives and who dies? If a bank robber is trying to escape and driving recklessly, would a cop have the right to kill him -- because after all, he might hit someone with his car?


3) What is the effect on Toa as a whole if they blur the line between themselves and those they fight?


4) And finally, think about the Bohrok -- the Bohrok were carrying out the will of Mata Nui, just at the wrong time. If the Toa had blown them all up, thinking they were evil, they would have caused all sorts of problems down the line -- simply because they were mistaken about the nature of their enemy. Once you kill someone, you can't take it back.


So it is going to be an interesting issue, and I think it is coming up in the book in a very natural way, given their circumstances.



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(It's more fun to write if the books aren't just plot, but actually are ABOUT something.)
And those kinds of books are also more fun to read :). There are a ton of fantasy books that have a very detailed plot, charatcers, locations etc.--but that's it, and it's not enough.
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Yeah, that should be very interesting... can't wait for 2007 things (only after 2006, though).


And yeah, it's really hot. I'm lucky I had a lake to swim in...



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Imagen the heat down here in Florida Greg...It's HOT!!!!!


Anyway,Ive been wanting to know why Toa don't kill there enemies.I always thought that is had to do with the lego viollence thing but now there's a storyline reason too.Cool!

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Very interesting... I cannot wait for the book!!!!!!!!

What do you mean that us fans are not completely behind Bionicle?

At once I was too emmbarassed into a store and buy a set, but now I just love it! :)



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Nice job Greg-the issue of Toa and ethics is effective and I'm impressed already on how you're presenting it. I can't wait to see how it is resolved.


Don't worry, I for one am 100% behind the line, buying every set I can if I have the necessary cash and ability to get them.

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