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After nearly two entire months as Princess Peach, over 1,000 posts in hot pink with a wub smilie, and hundreds of PMs about it, I am finally back.


To be honest, I only have a faint memory on how this whole ordeal even began. The prankee making a typo on the abbreviation “gj” inspired the whole prank idea. That formed my member title, and the avatar, banner, and custom rank image were also formed. A little while before me, one of my fellow FAs was also pranked -- Than. For a week or so, there was a chaotic topic on our pranks, which eventually was spammed up to a point where closure was necessary. Shortly after that, our Matoran of Faux Topic Closing and the Village People was changed back to the Angry Matoran (I’m sorry to report that the Faux Closings do still spring up at times, you have to watch out). However, the Princess still stood tall and proud, just as pink and pretty as ever.


In between all this, another FA was pranked -- Redeemer. Unfortunately, he disregarded my warnings, and what I had left of his hair was thrown into the incinerator. Oh, and if you ever want an easy win at online golf, you know who to ask.


Shortly after that, Omi was united with his favorite fanny packs. At least somebody is enjoying his prank.


Oh, and speaking of Omi, it was all his fault that I had that disturbing banner. My apologies go out to anybody who received any injuries due to this image. I’m sure you might also be wondering about this “caress the server” thing, as it did also appear on the banner, but it’s an inside joke kinda thing that only Tufi and I will fully understand. Again, highly disturbing. Try and push the mental images out of your mind.


For the last several weeks, the PMs I had been receiving about the prank also started changing. It went from people asking about the prank, to people asking if I really was PP, asking my gender, asking if I was ever going to be changed back, asking if Kex had died... I mean, all kinds of things.


And now, alas, Kex is back. To a degree, you could say I “earned” it, but that’s nothing for you to worry about. Just be glad there isn’t a pink fool in the presence of your beloved BZPower. And remember, normalcy is overrated.




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(I'm sorry to report that the Faux Closings do still spring up at times, you have to watch out)

Tis a lie. All these so called "faux closings" aren't exactly "faux" because they all ended up closed by me in the end. The only true "faux closing" was the Sets one. That was completly 100% faux.

Oh, and if you ever want an easy win at online golf, you know who to ask.

True dat yo.


Anyway it's nice to see the good 'ol Kex return. Princess Peach was getting old and I was frankly tired of your pink posts.

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It's good to have a member of the Purple Clan back. Ever since Rama went incognito, it's been sorta dwindling.

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Wait a second, you got PMs for the prank!?


That is so unfair. I never got any. :(



That's because Kex is ten times more popular than you... and me... combined.

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Wait a second, you got PMs for the prank!?


That is so unfair. I never got any. :(



That's because Kex is ten times more popular than you... and me... combined.

No way. Well at least I don't get bothered with the same question coming from different members. :P




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No, I think it's probably because it stayed that way for an ungodly amount of time. Anyway, I happened to think that despite the intensely disturbing banner, you made a pretty whacked out Princess Peach. It was a good look for you. Ah well, I'll probably keep calling you Peach UNTIL THE END OF TIIIIMMMEEE!!!!!!!! (Like I'm calling you anything often, but eh.)

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It just occurred to me that I never called you Peach during the whole ordeal. I always still called you Kex.


So I think I'll infuse irony in its purest form and reverse the situation. From now on, I will endeavor to refer to you as "Peach."


And for the record, Peach, I am extremely hurt that you're using a headbanging emoticon other than the one I painstakingly crafted and convinced Fuss to add to the list. :smeag:

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My apologies go out to anybody who received any injuries due to this image. I’m sure you might also be wondering about this “caress the server” thing, as it did also appear on the banner, but it’s an inside joke kinda thing that only Tufi and I will fully understand. Again, highly disturbing. Try and push the mental images out of your mind.

the disturbing images sent me into a mental chaos, talk about irnakk to the extreme :lol:


good to see that you're back to normal ^_^


so i guess the princess is in another castle after all :P

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over 1,000 posts in hot pink with a wub smilie,



Again, highly disturbing. Try and push the mental images out of your mind.

I can't. I'm terrified. :fear:


For the last several weeks, the PMs I had been receiving about the prank also started changing. It went from people asking about the prank, to people asking if I really was PP, asking my gender, asking if I was ever going to be changed back, asking if Kex had died... I mean, all kinds of things.

Yeah, that was weird. Everywhere I went, there was always someone asking where Kex was, who Princess Peach was, etc. It was just...weird.


Well, glad to have you back. And now the torch has been passed from you and Than(although Thanny Poppins isn't completely through) to Redeemer and Omi. The disturbing images keep coming... :fear:

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Glad to have you back -Kex-. I knew that you'd be cured soon after your rank picture was back to the "Voya Nui Discovered" pic. Hope you got out of it untraumatized :P.


- :t::l::h:

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Tis a lie. All these so called "faux closings" aren't exactly "faux" because they all ended up closed by me in the end. The only true "faux closing" was the Sets one. That was completly 100% faux.


Stop making excuses, Mr. Fauxer. :wakeup2:


Wait a second, you got PMs for the prank!?


That is so unfair. I never got any. :(




....No, Omi, no. You don't want PMs. They're contagious; one spam PM leads to ten the next day.


But now we will no longer be able to see that pretty face... :(




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Oh, and speaking of Omi, it was all his fault that I had that disturbing banner.


Ahahaah, blame it on Omi. Yesss...score. ^_^

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Glad to have you back, but why wasn't it possible to get back to normal yourself?



Staff Members lack the ability to change their user names. Plus he couldn't change other things such as his member title, those are things only an admin can do.


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Just be glad there isn’t a pink fool in the presence of your beloved BZPower.
Now there's this purple bold one we can't get rid of. :psychotwitch:



Wait a second, you got PMs for the prank!?


That is so unfair. I never got any. :(

Heheh, poor Omi



....No, Omi, no. You don't want PMs. They're contagious; one spam PM leads to ten the next day.
That's only really bad if you're not Premier, which means your inbox fills up faster.


Ahahaah, blame it on Omi. Yesss...score. ^_^

No, blame it on Schizo... blame everything on Schizo. Never forget that. :evilgrin:


Still it's good to see things are back to "normal," which means absolutely nothing. ^_^


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM


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Well, I was starting to wonder if you were actually a girl... actually, I've always done that... but...


Welc'm back, and may the princess rest in peach.



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Finally,Kex is back!(That rhymes!)

I actually got nightmares from that pic.That's why I try to stay away from princess peach.Really.Or put my hand to block the banner.

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My fave FA is back!. Phew, that 'Caress the Server' pic is gone. That freaked me out. Who's the guy dressing up as Peach?

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Who's the guy dressing up as Peach?

That would've been Kex, as edited by one Omicron V. Fannypack.







That it was not.

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