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Zakann the Delirious

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Year 16

About Zakann the Delirious

  • Birthday September 26

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    Waffle House

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Tohunga (6/293)

  1. I have 10 Kraata total, but 6 of those are reserved for the Rahkshi since I'd like to be able to sell those complete. The four extras are: Sand Blue Metallic/Medium Blue (choice of Stage 1 or Stage 3) Lemon Metallic/Sand Blue Metallic (Stage 2) Sand Blue Metallic/Dark Gray (Stage 3) Bright Yellow/Reddish Gold (Stage 4) If you'd be interested in any of the Rahkshi, those come with: Guurahk - choice of Stage 1 or Stage 3 Turahk - Stage 5 Lerahk - Stage 2 Kurahk - Stage 5 Vorahk - Stage 4 Panrahk - Stage 4 Hope this is helpful!
  2. 2001-2003 is probably the area where I'm most behind, but I'll get on putting those guys together as soon as possible. Jaller and Gukko should be the first up from that era, I just have to find one of those little flex hoses that go on Gukko's back... I'll make that a top priority going forward!
  3. What's up folks, I spent literal weeks scouring my closet and various bins to organize and rebuild as much of my old collection as possible, and now I'm finally putting them up for sale. I have over 100 Gen 1 classics to ship out! Current Listings: 2004 Vhisola (4.99 USD) Tehutti (4.99 USD) Orkahm (4.99 USD) Ehrye (4.99 USD) Toa Whenua (9.99 USD) 2005 Toa Hordika Whenua (9.99 USD) Toa Hordika Nuju (9.99 USD) 2006 Piruk (4.99 USD) Hakann (12.99 USD) Piraka Outpost (29.99 USD) 2007 Barraki Deepsea Patrol (44.99 USD) 2009 Skrall (12.99 USD) Kiina (12.99 USD) Skopio XV-1 (119.99 USD) This is what's available right now, but I will be regularly adding more listings as I photograph the sets I've finished - if anyone has any requests, I will do what I can to make those sets a priority. There are a few favorites I'm hanging onto for nostalgia, but I most likely have what you're looking for! Every set I am selling will be 100% complete and in - at least - functional condition. I've kept mostly great care of my parts, but there are of course a few casualties of reckless youth and the Great Cracking Crisis of 2007-2008ish. I'm prioritizing my sets with the most pristine parts for the time being, but may start selling some of the jankier ones at discount prices if I work my way through all the good stuff. I am open to negotiating prices, but note that I probably won't go any lower than the original retail price for the foreseeable future. I've done my best to keep the pricetags fair based on Bricklink's recommendations and matching other listings on Ebay, but please do let me know if you think I'm overcharging on anything! Hope you guys are interested. I will be editing this post with updates! EDITS: 12/1: All Metru Nui Matoran are now listed! 12/3: Gadunka Sold 12/6: Lhikan Sold 12/12: Jaller and Gukko, Piraka Outpost are now listed! 12/13: Jaller and Gukko Sold 12/15: Exo-Toa, Balta, Piruk, and Barraki Deepsea Patrol are now listed! 12/16: Nuhrii Sold 1/16: Nuju Sold 1/19: Irnakk is now listed! 1/23: Balta and Irnakk Sold, Kiina is now listed! 2/3: Avak, Vezon and Fenrakk, and Lesovikk are now listed! 2/5: Avak Sold 3/1: Icarax is now listed! 3/7: Exo-Toa Sold, Hydraxon is now listed! 3/8: Onewa and Whenua Metru are now listed! 3/19: Vezon and Fenrakk, Lesovikk, and Onewa Sold 3/21: Karzahni, Nuju and Whenua Hordika, Skrall, and Ackar are now listed! 3/23: Hydraxon Sold, Brutaka is now listed! 3/25: Fero and Skirmix is now listed! 3/27: Brutaka Sold, Hakann is now listed! 3/28: Skopio XV-1 is now listed! 4/4: Karzahni, Icarax, Ackar, and Fero and Skirmix have Sold
  4. Nex, Thornraxx, and XT4 arrived yesterday. I ended up liking all of them a lot better than I thought I would.Nex is simple, but has a nice aesthetic, namely the kind of unorthodox orange/white combo which seems to be equal parts loved and hated. I'm definitely in the love group, I thought it looked great on Nex 2.0 and still does here. The semi-custom laser weapon looks pretty cool, not a lot to say about it. The helmet's very nice, and much like Evo's it manages to capture the look of its 2.0 version while still adding new elements, like the circuitry pattern seen on his chest.Everyone's seen most of Thornraxx by this point, but I cannot stress how awesome he is. The color combo is one of the weirdest things ever, but it works toward making Thornraxx look like an exotic, not to mention venomous, predator. Even for a small set, he has so much going on in his design that he looks like he could easily hold his own against Breez- or even Bulk, for that matter. I always loved Gorast's wings, so the reuse of those (on a much better set) is a welcome sight. I have to say, he is so far the only set I have that can challenge Core Hunter as my favorite.XT4 is odd, but interesting. I didn't think much of him from pictures, but seeing him in person he's growing on me quite a bit. His plethora of weapons makes him look pretty ruthless and intimidating, though he still doesn't hold a candle to the menace of Core Hunter. In his defense, I don't mind his unamored limbs. Unlike some of the Barraki of old, the spindly limbs actually work toward this guy's persona, I think. I read the comparison a while back to some kind of junkyard bot, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. XT4 may be an unusual set, but he does have a lot of personality for a piece of plastic.All very nice sets, though if I had to recommend only one it would be, without a doubt, Thornraxx. I will possibly be heading by TRU later today to see if they have the remaining four sets, so expect more mini-reviews soonish. Maybe.
  5. I recently picked up Breez, Bulk and Core Hunter from TRU. Not sure if this is news or not, but I haven't seen any mention of them being available in US stores yet so I thought I'd let you all know.Breez is pretty much old news at this point I guess, but she holds up well even after waiting an additional six months for her release here. That shield looks great in red, and since I never got the Batman set the swords are nice to finally have too. Other than that she's sort of generic, but has a nice overall aesthetic.I'm seeing some complaints about Bulk's color scheme, but I think it looks fine in person. Yes, the silver is kind of bunched up toward the top, but somehow it just... works. I don't know, but I really like the way his colors are organized. The one thing I will concede is that the black feet bother me. Sometimes I feel like Lego whips out random colors or neglects an opportunity to please the fans just to mess with our heads. How hard would it have been to make them gunmetal, especially when feet already exist in that color? Also, the posability in his upper half isn't great. His head can't really turn side to side because of the shoulder armor(which I do think looks cool) and the rocket launcher thing has a limited range as well. That said, he looks really awesome if you can pose him right, and the way the cuffs connect to his chest is TOTALLY RAD, BRO.Core Hunter has been my favorite for quite a while, and definitely lives up to my expectations. Though he's the same size as Breez or Bulk, the choice of armor makes him look much thicker and more imposing. Unlike the little issues with Bulk, Hunter's color scheme is perfectly balanced, and the gunmetal doesn't really look out of place since it's only on the weapons. My only real gripe is that the right arm can be diffcult to pose, due to a combination of its general shortness, the red fin on the launcher, and the ammo belt. The short gun arms don't bother me on Rocka or Bulk, but because Hunter already has big shoulder armor the fin can often bump into it and restrict movement. Other than that minor issue, he's pretty much perfect. His left arm is extremely menacing with that core remover tool, and his helmet is a work of art. Big recommendation for this guy.I also ordered Thornraxx, Nex, and XT4, who should be here around Monday. I'll offer up some more thoughts when they arrive.
  6. Hello again BZP! I haven't been around much lately, but I've had these MoCs lying around that I've been meaning to share for quite a while. Finally, nearly three months later, I'm actually getting around to posting them. They're not very custom for the most part, as the idea was to make them quasi-setlike, but I do have a bit of backstory to go along with them as well.HEROES:Joseph Shadow, a veteran member of Recon Team, has recently been assigned to train two rookie heroes: Jay Solar and Brian Aegis. He's not entirely thrilled about this as he would much rather be out on the field with his usual teammates, but he finds himself relying heavily on his new companions when the Breakout occurs and Black Phantom seizes control of the Factory- trapping the trio in the Training Spheres in the process!Jay SolarDespite his initial reluctance, Shadow sees a great deal of promise in this young hero and sends him to apprehend Statix, one of the mysterious villains who stayed behind after the Breakout. Armed with a powerful plasma cannon and scope, he is eager to demonstrate his worth, but will that be enough to take on Statix?Brian AegisOnce Solar departs to confront Statix, Shadow takes it upon himself to guide Aegis through the Factory's network of ventilation shafts and storage units to safety from lingering escapees. Just when they think they're in the clear, the two heroes encounter Shadow's old nemesis, Ethan Torch, who went rogue about a year prior. When Black Phantom locks down the Factory, however, Shadow is shut out of the room, leaving Aegis to deal with Torch alone.Joseph ShadowBackThough he doesn't want to leave Aegis behind, Shadow is forced to press on in order to escape the Factory and seek help from the outside. Eventually, he finds himself face to face with the mighty Sonic Boom, an escaped criminal seeking to steal Hero Factory's strongest weapons from storage. Now Shadow must use his Dark Plasma Blaster and energized cable cutters to bring down the titan before it's too late.VILLAINS:Black Phantom wasn't the only villain who stayed behind to cause havoc after the Breakout. Three other notorious inmates infiltrated the Hero Factory in the chaos, each with their own nefarious motives...StatixBackAn electric dynamo with an explosive temper, Statix has the ability to absorb static energy from any device that runs on electricity. He can then channel this energy in a deadly attack, but must periodically release the energy or risk overloading, which could be fatal. It is a delicate balancing act, but one he has become a master at maintaining. Statix made his way to the Factory's basement, where he plans to sap its power grid of electricity and plunge Makuhero City into a blackout.Ethan TorchBackAfter his failed attempt to carry on Witch Doctor's plans for the jungle planet Quatros, Torch was incarcerated by his former teammates. When the Breakout was initiated, Torch opted to sneak deeper into the Hero Factory to track down and exact revenge on Joseph Shadow. Shadow may have been locked out of the battle, but Torch will take what he can get, focusing instead on eliminating the veteran hero's protege, Brian Aegis. Upgraded with parts he found in storage, Torch is now equipped with a plasma cannon, superheated blades, and a hex shield.Sonic BoomBackThis dastardly powerhouse is armed to the teeth with hi-tech weaponry, and his quest for more has led him into the Hero Factory's deepest storage facilities. With an energized whip, modified plasma beam, and generator thorns, Sonic Boom will prove a deadly challenge even for the celebrated Joseph Shadow. If he is allowed access to the Factory's experimental weaponry, it will spell doom for the entire city.tl;dr here's the Gallery. Look out for the second half in the Fall! ...Or possibly winter, given my history with procrastination.EDIT: I didn't even notice, but I guess this can be considered my 800th post special!
  7. The Avengers. So much freaking win.The most common worries seemed to be that the movie would suffer from hero fatigue or that Black Widow and Hawkeye would feel tacked-on, but surprisely every character had several moments to shine. We already saw Loki become pretty unhinged in Thor, but now he makes the full transition to complete revenge-fueled sociopath with almost Joker-level dialogue and still manages to be a sympathetic character. Tom Hiddleston did a really amazing job with that.Then there's the Hulk. I'll admit I wasn't crazy about the film of the same name, mainly because Ed Norton just didn't really fit for me and the action sequences seemed to get repetitive and stale after a while. Both those problems are completely turned around in the Avengers. As much as I love Norton in just about anything else, Mark Ruffalo made the PERFECT Bruce Banner, and the CGI on the "other guy," as Banner calls his alter ego, is miles ahead of what it was in his lackluster origin story.What really made this movie work, at least for me, was that is was easily the funniest installment in the Marvel series yet. Humor was already an important factor from the first Iron Man, thanks to Robert Downey Jr. in all his self-promoting, perpetually buzzed glory, but it's a factor that seems to have decreased somewhat in the other films, namely Hulk and Captain America. While I still thoroughly enjoyed the latter, the tone of this film shifts much closer to that of Iron Man than any of the others, and it pays. Almost every tense scene is eventually lightened by a remark or gesture from one of the heroes, but not at all in a way that cheapens the heavier moments. In fact, one scene in particular has some extremely vivid, disturbing dialogue but seconds later you will want to high-five Black Widow for the way she turns it around. This is mostly made possible through the fact that every major character/actor in the movie has fantastic chemistry with just about everyone else on-screen. RDJ can conjure that up with just about anyone, but seeing Ruffalo, Hemsworth, Evans, etc. all getting acquainted with each other, often in violent ways, put their acting skills to the test and they all passed with flying colors.I could go on for pages, but I'll leave you with this. The Avengers makes you feel as though you're watching an entire season of a TV series in 140 minutes, and not once does it feel rushed. It has succesfully dethroned the original Iron Man as my favorite superhero film, barring Nolan's Batman films of course.
  8. Granted, but everyone joins at once and there's never room for you.I wish I had the ability to digest rocks.
  9. Off the top of my head, these come to mind:10) The Raid on Vulcanus, mainly any parts with Fero being a ruthless monster9) All of the Makuta deaths in Karda Nui, especially Icarax getting 'sploded8) The final battle royale in Dark Mirror, lots of creative deaths including the infamous portal-slice7) Creation of the Boxor and the defense of Ga-Koro, crowning moments of awesome for Nuparu and Takua6) Lewa VS Onua, both the Infected Kanohi and Krana fights were amazing5) Matoro's sacrifice, which was made even more powerful by his struggle with Makuta's influence4) Supercharged Hakann and Thok and the subsequent Axonn VS Brutaka, this was pretty much DragonBionicle Z3) The entirety of Time Trap, which is probably my favorite book in the entire series2) The climax of MNOLG, where Makuta is finally revealed and proceeds to melt your mind with pure evil1) Teridax's victory, I was debating whether to make this or the MNOLG battle #1 but decided on this, because it really establishes Teridax as the ultimate antagonist after his almost episodic role on the sidelines of the previous few years. Then suddenly, he makes his comeback by laughing in the face of eight years of the Toa's hard work. WINNING.Teridax's death might have made it on here if Lego had allowed Greg to go with his original idea. I don't remember the exact details, but it was something about his chest exploding?
  10. *Ahem*Yup, Stormer XL won't be fitting on that. I wouldn't rule it out entirely.Seriously though, I'm not sure about Stormer having a bike. Aside from the obvious scale issues, it kind of cheapens the set itself. What's the point of being STORMER XL BOSS MODE DELUXE if the show's just going to make the whole thing into a high-speed chase scene?Also, I had this really cool visual in my head of Stormer grabbing Speeda Demon off his bike as he speeds past and slamming him into the ground, and now it seems no such thing will happen in the episode. Tragic.EDIT: I'm aware that late response is late. Somehow I failed to notice there was a new page.
  11. Eleven years ago, I was at Disneyland with my dad, already sorta kinda into System Lego but when we visited the Lego Store it was Pohatu that caught my eye. Upon discovering the Bionicle website I used to play the MNOLGs for hours on end, and being immersed in that world at the impressionable young age of six and seven really inspired me to be more creative. I was kind of disconnected from the storyline starting in 2004, but that all changed in late 2005, when the Piraka were just on the horizon- back then I thought we would be venturing further into the past to explore the Toa Hagah's backstory, so imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon BZP and discovered that we'd be seeing more of the Toa Nuva, the ones that started it all.I lurked here for quite awhile, amazed by just how little I actually knew about the storyline and trying desperately to catch up on what had transpired over the last few years. Naturally I spent a lot of time reading the Greg F Discussion topic back then, but never joined until much later. A good friend of mine, who was probably a bigger fan than me in those days, signed up in 2007 and occassionally let me borrow the account to contribute to discussions and our first attempt at a comedy, which we thought was absolutely hilarious back then but was actually pretty mediocre in retrospect. Eventually his interest started to wane and he gave me full control of the account. I was ecstatic, of course, and went on an excited posting spree for quite a while.For a couple years, BZP and the Bionicle web page itself were the only sites I frequented, but since then I've expanded my horizons. I was heavily enthralled in the BZPRPG world toward the end of "BZP 1.0," but ever since the Downtime and Greg's disappearance I haven't been as attached to this place as I used to be. Still, if not for BZP I would have next to no knowledge of internet lingo and etiquette(if you can really call it that). It gave me years to rediscover my love for the Bionicle story, vastly improve my writing and communication skills, etc. etc. It's been a long time, but maybe one day I'll try my hand at another comedy or something. After all, it doesn't seem like BZP's going away anytime soon.
  12. Granted. But the scrambled eggs are so good you can't stop eating, and eventually you explode.I wish I had a talking spatula.
  13. I'm now caught up through Chapter 37 and I must say, I'm very impressed. Not just in how seamlessly the posts are put together to make a cohesive story, but in how much all of our writing has improved over time! That's definitely a neat aspect to see, which wasn't quite as obvious in the original RPG.And of course, there's another side to the story I knew next to nothing about, which has been a lot of fun to discover. Some really likable and endearing characters there, I especially enjoy Lohkar and Scurra. Odd coincidence how close that is to Lohkare. Anyway, I'm rambling now. This has been a great read so far and I can't wait to see the rest of the events leading up to where we are now.
  14. As much as I thought George Clooney was great in the Descendents and he's probably a shoe-in for the award, I think it would be pretty cool if Gary Oldman won for Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy(especially since it wasn't nominated for Best Picture. Nine nominees? What?). He's a brilliant actor and he's never even been nominated for anything, so it seems long overdue and certainly well-deserved for the role.
  15. Windows are the eyes to the house.

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