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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2024 in Blog Comments

  1. Hm, a German name does seem fitting for him. His previous owner named him Whiskey, but I don't really like that, so for the time being I've just been calling him Whisk lol. Well, I can play a little, but not well enough to blog about I'm slow improving, but I don't really think anyone left on BZP cares about that particular subject lol
    1 point
  2. Hooray for blogs from Bambiland! Welcome back!!! Oh snaps, what a majestic companion! Congratulations! If it were me I’d give him a traditional German name given his ancestry (probably biased due to my own though, haha). Oh! I meant to say on your last suggestion blog: tis epic that you’re able to play an instrument, and if I had such fine skills I’d blog about it l. I know nothing of music notes, etc and am amazed by those who can wield such magic! Happy (belated) Palentines day!!!
    1 point
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