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Everything posted by Bambi

  1. Bambi

    Wizards in Winter

    Are you calling the cows scrumptious? I'm not really tempted to pet them, considering there are multiple electric wires set up around the fence to keep them from leaning on it.
  2. Bambi

    Wizards in Winter

    Welcome to Bambi's Winter Wonderland! Woke up to see a nice layer of ice covering everything, so I decided I'd try and take a few pictures.
  3. This just reminded me of the Cult of Makuta/seventh tribe they were apparently thinking of adding to MNOG. For further reading, if anyone is interested: Also, I love that this topic, and the way it's been presented, even exists. Reminds me of old BZP lol.
  4. Mostly this, though I'd like to be a Toa. Toa of Water sounds nice. Ga-Koro has always been one of my favorite locations, and water has always been one of my favorite elements.
  5. "Predominance" by Godflesh. I enjoy all of their discography, but Streetcleaner and Pure really stand out to me.
  6. I do, in fact, like having my booty frozen off, so I am looking forward to this. Supposed to be in the low 40s in my neck of the woods.
  7. I was planning on typing up a whole 2024 recap/my thoughts on the year, but no one cares about that so I'm not going to bother wasting anyone's time lol (not much of a state of the union I guess). So here's your obligatory "Happy New Year" blog entry. This is usually the part where I'd say something like, "I'm going to blog more", but I'm pretty sure I said that last year, and I completely failed lol. Blogs are pretty much on life support anyways. I feel like this is a fitting song to end the year on. See you in 2025, I guess? Do you have any New Year's resolutions or anything you're looking forward to? Happy New Year, and I hope 2025 treats you well.
  8. Somehow never heard this version of the song until now. I love the wintry atmosphere; it makes me feel cold (even though it's about 75 F here lol).
  9. One of my first Bionicle sets. ❤️ Glad you're enjoying him.
  10. Bambi

    I've Waited Long Enough

    Thanks! Multicolor lights are much better than plain yellow or white lights in my opinion. Not a full-sized jukebox, just a small one, but I think it fits with the rest of it. Hopefully Good Guy doesn't take after Bad Guy and come steal it. Just remind your mom that Thanksgiving is the 28th, so if you wait to decorate, you'll have less than a month until Christmas, which means less time with the decorations. :P
  11. Bambi

    I've Waited Long Enough

    It is time. First Christmas in the new house. Although the tree isn't 100% finished, I still think it looks pretty good. ^^ I love this little Christmas "village" we have setup. I think it goes together well, except for the random Pokemon lol. I guess the jukebox is kind if out of place too, but I still like it being there. I think it fits with the penguins playing their little instruments. And yes, if you have them wired together, they do play music. I didn't forget about Thanksgiving, but I'm just so happy to finally be able to have all this out. ❤️ Happy Thanksgiving!
  12. Can't go wrong with one of the classics.
  13. Bambi

    Halloween 2024

    It's not really November already, is it? Although I didn't get to carve nearly as much as I wanted to, I was still able to keep the pineapple-o-lantern tradition alive for another year. I don't know why they always look angry; it's just funny to me lol. I wish I could have destroyed more produce this year/put more effort into it, but I slacked off too much and then before I knew it, it was Halloween. Sorry, I'll try to do better next year. If you're wondering what that thing in the back is... Mushy suggested trying cabbage, and unfortunately I don't have the skills or tools to pull it off lol. It looks like the head of some kind of swamp monster. But now that I see what is possible, I'm definitely going to try next time! Happy Halloween, and I guess I'll see you around Christmas?
  14. Thank you so much! ;_; The art is wonderful, as always! Can't believe I'm finally turning 1!
  15. I'd go Thrawn, but I'm also a bit biased.
  16. Bambi

    Hurricane Debby

    This is BZP meteorologist Bambi, reporting live from the comfort of my home. Hurricane Debby has been hanging around my state (SC) for about a day now. Fortunately, all we've had in my area is rain so far. We'll see how long this keeps up. All we're expected to get here is more rain for the rest of the week. Not exactly ideal, but knowing how destructive hurricanes can be, I'll take it. At least it makes for a happy dog! Hope everyone stays safe!
  17. Almost a quarter of a century is pretty crazy. Happy belated 23rd!
  18. Not really, but one time I worked for a boss who was like Makuta.
  19. Gone but never forgotten
  20. Bambi

    Oh No Not Him Again

    Her name is Luna! Currently, there are two critters indoors (dog and cat), and eight or nine semi-feral cats outside. Hopefully you can get all that done before it gets too hot out. : >
  21. Bambi

    Oh No Not Him Again

    Time for my annual/biannual/quarterly BZP blog entry. This time, you guessed it, it's more of the same old goofy garden pictures. I present, the Bambfarm 2024: Probably going to be my last entry about this stuff, since there's only so many way to post pictures of greenery. We've got corn, pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons, and tomatoes. Exciting stuff. I'm also taking care of my sister's old cat. Her whole family is apparently allergic, and I couldn't say no. I truly want to blog more, and I know I always say that, but I just really don't have anything interesting to talk about. I'll try and find something. How has your day been?
  22. This is amazing! The Kini-Nui and Lewa model both look great. I appreciate the time you put into both the models and the video, which also turned out wonderfully. I'll be keeping an eye on your YouTube channel.
  23. You could also try using an image upscaler. Don't know how well it'll work though.
  24. While all those things you mentioned are definitely a big part of Bionicle, I'd have to say the story. Bionicle is essentially a collection of the legends and stories of many characters. Think about it: how many people who are into Bionicle stopped buying the sets, but continued following the story? I know I did. Around 2006 is when I stopped collecting, but I religiously kept up with the lore. Mata Nui Online Game is arguably the most iconic thing Bionicle ever produced, and while yes, it was made to sell sets, one of the reasons it's so beloved is because of the great world building it did.
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