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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2024 in Posts

  1. While not as sought after as these two, I have a boxed/unopened Skull Scorpio with a gigantic "CLEARANCE $4" sticker from Walmart slapped on the front of it.
    1 point
  2. Actually, there IS a translated script of MOL that JRRT did a while back.👍
    1 point
  3. I made this with the intent of integrating G1 parts onto a CCBS body and connectors. I appreciate the sturdiness of CCBS but I wanted to keep the more "mechanical" look of G1 and have it done in a manner that could be believable as a standard canister set.
    1 point
  4. Now that I'm finally not so busy with other things, I can take this opportunity to share my thoughts on all of this. I will say that now that I know I'm capable of accessing a Twitch livestream on my tablet, that'll make it a little more convenient for me to be able to watch whenever the stream is on. The reason I had suggested a notification at least a day ahead of schedule is because I'm not exactly checking in on BZPower more than once a day. I typically check on things here around the early evening (6 or 7 pm Eastern time), so if the word gets out just hours ahead of a stream, there's a possibility I could miss out if I happen to be later than usual to check the site for whatever reason. Of course, that's more of a problem that I would have more control over, so long as I can remember to at least briefly check in early enough to find out whether or not a livestream will be on soon. While I'll definitely continue to watch livestreams of you playing Lego games, live builds are a more open possibility for me. While some builds would interest me more then others, I was usually never able to watch any such streams because my weekends are usually preoccupied with other interests, not to mention those build streams tend to last longer than the game streams which makes it difficult to me to have much interest in such live builds (unless of course if it's a particular set that I really like a lot). Now that I know that I have the option of accessing Twitch on my tablet, that'll make it possible for me to do other things on my computer while I listen and occasionally watch the stream on my tablet beside me, so I just might be able to join in on some of your lives builds (though weekends are still going to be very unlikely for me). Overall, I'm okay with whatever you decide to do moving forward.
    1 point
  5. I think Vakama created them, and then he and the other Toa Metru hid them across the island to get ready for the Toa Mata.
    1 point
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