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Toa Kanas

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Status Updates posted by Toa Kanas

  1. prepared for noobwar sir!

  2. Sorry Tufi, i dident know. =(

  3. Sorry, i must have mistaken you for someone else.

  4. stress and rubber bands?

    wow. the only ilegal conections on mine are the legs. could you explain more about the plier conection?

  5. Take this!

    *fires super Anti noob roket form anti nooob suit*

  6. Thanks, but that was made by a friend. His name is Gatorak. Also, I dont make comics.

  7. that comic was super cool. awesome work!

  8. That sig. its mean. i have relatives who did that. its not funny.

  9. that thing in your sig creeps me out.

  10. Toa Kanas reporting for duty sir!

  11. Too complicated for me. Maybe in the download store.

  12. Waited 10 hours by the phone waiting for a call. Turns out she had to work at KFC so we couldent go to the movies. You?

  13. What exactly did you do to close the sig topic?

  14. yeah. thanks. (ARGH! HOW CAN LEGO DO SUCH A THING!?!?)

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