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25K Now!

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Everything posted by 25K Now!

  1. IC: [Rannin]Rannin followed Bruntoa outside, quickly glancing around the area. He couldn't really see any source for the tremors, but he slowly moved his hand to the massive broadsword hanging off his back, just in case something happened."My name is Rannin," the Iron Toa said, replying to his fellow Pakari-wearer's question.That was when he saw the horde of fangirls came charging towards them.
  2. I learnt a random fact today. Carrots used to be purple. Bananas used to look like faeces. But with the power of SELECTIVE BREEDING, we got our orange carrots and bananas which fit perfectly in our hands.
  3. IC: [Rannin]"So," began Rannin, turning to face his fellow Pakari-wearer, "what exactly brings you to Ga-Koro?"It was rather nice to meet someone who enjoyed the same things he did, like the exquisite and beautiful tea the inn provided.
  4. Tuyet.There aren't really that many evil overlord Toa, and it was rather refreshing to see a Toa actually be evil in an awesome way, and survive as well.
  5. IC: [Naona]It had been a day since Stronin had escaped again, and everything had returned to normal, which meant that Naona was stuck doing paperwork, the bane of all high-ranking people and officials."What next?" she groaned, slumping back into her chair. "Stronin trying to steal a legendary artefact? People invading Po-Koro? A random group of Toa setting up a school?"Sighing in exasperation, she got back to work, hoping to return to the field, wanting to get away from the horrors of paperwork.
  6. IC: [Rannin]"I agree," said Rannin as he finished his cup. "The tea leaves have a rather unique taste."He put the empty cup down, and quickly manipulated his tentacles to poke the bartender."I'll have three more cups of your tea," the Iron Toa called out. OOC: Are we seriously having a conversation about tea?
  7. IC: [Rannin]Rannin returned to his chair, the metal tentacles receding back into his armour. Despite the fact that there was a fight nearby, he decided to continue drinking and try his best to ignore the loud noise coming from the fight's direction. However, he did leave metal tentacles attached to his back, in case anybody decided to hurt him. The tentacles and his scarred body combined together made him look like an Eldritch Abomination."What about this tea do you like best?" the Iron Toa said to his fellow Pakari-wearer as he continued sipping his drink.
  8. But holidays allow you to take days off! So no, I care for the holidays.TPBM likes candy.
  9. IC: [Stronin]"That would be rather difficult," said Stronin as he took hold of the unconscious Matoran. "Turaga Vakama is the scariest of all of the elders, and I doubt he'd believe you two."The Iron Toa shuddered as he remembered his attempts at stealing something from the Fire Turaga, all of which had ended in failure."I'm also pretty sure he has some mysterious evil past as well."
  10. IC: [Septimus]"Yeah," replied the Plasma Matoran. "It's a rather nice place here."He paused for a moment, before his eyes flashed over towards a stall in the marketplace."Can you guys wait for me? I need to buy something."
  11. IC: [Arkrak]The Toa of Sonics smiled."Well then we'd better find out who gave it to you," he said cheerfully.
  12. Okay, Rannin has decided to interrupt the fight in the Ga-Wahi Inn. With tentacles.
  13. OOC: Tentacles.IC: [Rannin]Rannin rubbed the sides of his forehead, sighing in exasperation. Why was it that every time he tried to peacefully have a drink people would end up fighting nearby, disturbing his attempts to enjoy the beautiful and exquisite tasting tea that the inn had provided for him. It was very annoying, so he decided to interfere.The metal located around his disfigured arm lashed out, forming into a tentacle. On other parts of his armour, the same thing happened as steel tentacles erupted from the metal, making him look like some eldritch monstrosity. There were even tentacles sprouting from his back and his disfigured legs."CAN," he began, sending all his tentacles speeding towards the group of fighters, grabbing onto them, "YOU."As every tentacle grabbed onto their targets, the Iron Toa began to shout louder."ALL. JUST. LET. ME. DRINK. MY. TEA. IN. PEACE!"
  14. Botar's death was rather meaningless in the long run. I mean, his death was basically a single sentence, and nobody really cared that much. And he got a replacement goldfish as well.Wait, GADUNKA died? No!!! He was my favourite character in 2007! But yeah, why kill off a Rahi that doesn't really contribute much to plot?
  15. I loved Time Trap, which is a sentiment shared by a lot of you guys. Why? Because it has Vakama in his full manipulative/somewhat-evil/darkish glory! And because he threatened to destroy the fabric of time. Not many people would threaten to do that.Other than that, I also loved the Web of Shadows novelisation. Possibly because it had Vakama in his full evil/darkish glory. And because Matau somehow became awesome.
  16. Nope.TPBM knows where the quote: "The geography I stands compares you superior!"; comes from.
  17. IC: [Rannin]"I agree," said Rannin as he continued drinking, "The drink has an exquisite taste, and the blending of flavours leaves a rather enjoyable taste in my mouth."The Iron Toa put his cup down, briefly glancing over at where the wolf-being was still arguing with the Toa he had met before in Ta-Koro."He is rather irritating," he remarked, "but it isn't really my problem. Yet."
  18. Of course. It's 3.1415926TPBM can reverse the polarity of a neutron flow.
  19. Ships? I don't own any.TPBM can survive an INFINITY! BIG! BANG! STORM!
  20. Yep. They dance to music to cheer people up and/or bring people back to life with the power of music.So is your avatar supposed to be two trolls?
  21. 2/5I see you floating around this part of the forum sometimes.
  22. Elite Beat Agents. Not angels.No idea what those are. Trolls?
  23. Nah. I'm fine with cheap stuff. You're a Gainax guy? So am I!TPBM has watched Evangelion: 2.0
  24. Granted. But you had known that your sister had been slowly eaten by wild dogs after falling off a cliff and left to rot for many years. (Oh god I feel evil for typing that.)I wish that I was omnipotent.
  25. I don't watch sitcoms.TPBM digs giant robots.
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