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Based Goomy

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Status Updates posted by Based Goomy

  1. Which one do you play? In case you ask, I'm a tenor and soprano man!

  2. Another sax man on here! Woo!

  3. Happy Birthday good sir!

  4. Happy Birthday dude!

  5. Dude, you remind me of my band teacher. Welcome to BZP!

  6. Is it my imagination, or is that Sauron's eye in your avie?

  7. I need your discipline. I need your help.

  8. So, you like Rush?

  9. 1000 posts? Sweet

  10. You got it right. If you were standing next to me, I'd high five you.

  11. Trumpet player?

  12. Dude. I love that movie!

  13. Welcome to BZP Venomclaw! If you need any help around here, leave a comment on my page :)

  14. Are you really the Toa Of Comedy?

  15. Welcome to BZP! If you need any help, feel free to leave me a comment.

  16. Remember, there is nothing wrong with being totally nuts.

  17. Your name is Riley? Awesome! My name is also Riley!

  18. Happy Birthday Senor Fog Flame!

  19. Welcome on BZP. If you need any help, feel free to leave a comment.

  20. Why thank you kind sir.

  21. Thanks. I'm lovin' it!

  22. Seriously 10,000 posts? You've been doing the walk of life.

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