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Based Goomy

Premier Members
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Everything posted by Based Goomy

  1. As many people would say, I have finally come to my senses and purchased premier membership. I don't really feel any different. As I type this, I have just come back from a skiing day on Mount Cypress. Gee, for a first entry this is pretty sad. What's On The Horizon? April 1st- Muse concert! April 15th- Band trip! See you guys around the forums with my new Premier status! Here's a lovely random picture. Heeheehee
  2. Thanks. I'm lovin' it!

  3. Seriously 10,000 posts? You've been doing the walk of life.

  4. Ahem. Your name is amazing.

  5. Proto is basically a system based on your behaviour. If you do good things, it goes up. If you do bad things, it goes down. To become a PM, you send money away somewhere, it should say on the front page.

  6. May I ask you, why do you dislike Coldplay?

  7. I know. I didn't make the banner though, someone else did.

  8. Okay, Toy Story is alright. The set with the soldiers is however, amazingtastic. Atlantis minifigs are pretty sweet.

  9. Hey there, do you know when the next VLC meeting is?

  10. You need to have 10 posts before you can PM people.

  11. Welcome to BZP! If you need any help, just leave a comment.

  12. Based Goomy

    Yet Another

    The Eagles are coming to town?
  13. Welcome to BZP dude!

  14. Nice, nice. What are your opinions on Toy Story and Atlantis?

  15. Hey Kakaru! How have you been doing?

  16. Oh Dang! I missed your Birthday!

  17. Happy late Birthday! I couldn't say it because I was away.

  18. Your name is awesome

  19. Based Goomy

    Oh How Lovely

    Oh boy, that's a painful one. How long will you miss school for? Get well soon. P.S., you have just put our flute section in a shopping cart and sent them tumbling down a hill!
  20. I like the Tahu in your name. If you need help, just drop me a comment.

  21. Money For Nothing, So Far Away, Brothers In Arms, and Walk Of Life. I'm not gonna lie, that albm is amazing!

  22. Heck yes. Probably my favourite album of theirs :)

  23. WEEEEEEEEEZERFAN. Good for you.

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