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Status Updates posted by Vettel

  1. Yes it is, my target is to become a motor sport journalist when I'm older. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. Happy birthday mate! I'd buy you a 599GTB as a pressie, but sadly.....I'm hard pressed for cash at the moment! Will a picture taken by yours trully do? :P

  3. Indeed, all in all it was a bad weekend for him!

  4. Just seen your comment on Tifosi 92's profile, Alguersuari was taken to hospital partly because he was winded, partly as a pre-caution.

  5. very funny I'm sure.

  6. stop messing around, your spoiler tag ISN'T working. You didn't type anything into the spoiler for it to work. And in any case, you could just type it out without a spoiler.

  7. Yep, i was the same there. I really like any tech though, and in a way I wish I'd taken a second tech voer Photography.

  8. I choose Food Tech, Photography, Spanish and Geography. For A level though, i've taken double english (Lit and Lang) and I.C.T.

  9. Thanks! A good thing about A level is you don't have to do as many subjects as you do in GCSE and you don't have to do science, english or maths anymore if you don't want to. Good look with GCSE, it's hard work, but as long as you keep up with the workload, you'll be fine.

  10. "comparethemeerkat.......com!"

    They are seriously annoying adverts, but also kind of addicting! You seen the we buy any car ad? It was on during BTCC.

  11. latest news! On Lucas Di Grassi's twitter, he dropped a hint that Alonso will be driving for Ferrari at Monza! Di Grassi is very close to Renault of course.

  12. You're boring me with your attitude now. Bottom line is you don't like F1, but we do. Until you become a 7 times world champion in it, i'll never accept that it's "driving in circles". So that's never then. Maybe you should learn a lesson from this and stop spamming in topics you aren't interested on, because your ignorance of what is involved in F1 is hilarious.

  13. That still isn't a debate. That's called annoying me and several others. Read what I said on TKavy62's profile as I can't be bothered to type it all out again.

  14. And to me, call me stupid but a debate is ahrdly "Driving in circles. Amen to that" that's not a debate, pal.

  15. Everything is fine mate. It's just some people think reporting them is "attacking them" when they spammed in the F1 topic.

  16. I have simply had enough of arguing a pointless and irrevelent topic about who should post what because to be franck, I have better things to do. I expect you are the same. Goodnight.

  17. But when you know your going to post a comment that will only get 1 or more people annoyed, as you have, what do you expect? You are inviting trouble. And no, I did not say goodnight because i was running out of an argument....

  18. I could voice my opinion on your sunglasses topic if i was so bothered too. But i repsect people like them and have different opinions to myself so avoid posting what I think.

  19. A discussion forum for discussing things you LIKE!

  20. And if you think reporting spam is"blowing this into huge proportions" you are very much mistaken. Goodnight.

  21. It's an opinion that adds nothing to the discussion and generally annoys us fans of. As far as I'm concerned, if that's all you're going to do, my friends are allowed to call people who post that dorks.

  22. Welcome to BZP!

  23. Yes, it was just wrong place wrong timing. But even if he'd missed it, the guy directly behind him could have got hit by it isntead :(. But yeah, the impact what severe, so it flipped his visor up.

  24. Yes, I was close friends with young Henry. Another bright young talent gone forever :(

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