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Status Updates posted by Vettel

  1. I'd rather be seen in a Ferrari than any other inferior car, end of! I look at other cars and they just don't have the same magic as what makes Ferrari Ferrari, just plain awesomeness!

  2. Just because Merc got trashed (AGAIN!) by Audi in the DTM! :P Heh, for me, it's Ferraris or nothing. I really don't see the point of these "mad" supercars. they are nice to look at, but come on, at least a Ferrari even attempts to be practical! :P

  3. Yeah yeah, whatever. I hear a certain Veyron has 1001bhp that blows all mercs into the dust and you don't get some wimpy sticker on that! They are just so boring, too clinical, too....bland. Nothing shouts to me when I see a Merc that I'm looking at a great car. Ferrari on the other hand, ho ho, now you're talking! :P

  4. Tsh tsh, Michael off to Mercedes and now you're a fan of the Mercedes range TOO? :P J/K Yeah, I'll support Merc in F1 now, but really, there cars (apart from the Gullwing SLS) are as dull as dish water for me. too clinical and too old-man like!

  5. Haha, thanks. there was nobody online to talk to at that time so i just went crazy! Oh, and Schumacher IS going to change his helmet btw, I've seen a link to an early mock-up of what it may look like. rest assured, looks very nice!

  6. Lol fair enough, it's a good laugh, but oh well.

  7. Haha thanks mate, I was generally taking the mick the entire time. :P

  8. I can send you the link through PM if you wish to see it? Along with the Brawn GP iron and toaster collection that is just pure WIN! :P Don't ask how I find this stuff, it's a mystery myself!

  9. Haha thanks, yeah, it's a great cartoon. I also found a site tonight made by Alonso, Vettel and Barrichello wheere they are posting funny pictures (recent and older) of F1 drivers. Obviously they can't wait for the season to start again :P

  10. Yeah, I guess it may be hard sometimes to know who's done what in the past few seasons if you are only just starting to pick it up. but yeah, watching races for the heck of it is always fun :L

  11. Yeah, I record races from the summer to watch in the winter to beat away those blues! But nothing beats it being live. Oh well, don't have long to wait as the season stars to gear up!

  12. Haha, you've picked a good year to get fully interested in it. I can't wait either, the winter is boring when there is no racing on! :P

  13. Hey, how's things?

  14. Haha, if Microsoft was "lucky" enough to get my money, they would have built someting that didn't have any problems! :P

  15. Oh, an Xbox? Yeah, I hear they break all the time? :P j/k

  16. Haha, no thanks. Can't beat the atmosphere track side at races for me, and besides, I'm getting F1 2010 for PC. :)

  17. haha, you won't find me splashing out on cash for any console, a PC will do me for now! Besides, I'm saving money for various races I plan to attend this year!

  18. sorry it's taken so long, but it is sent at last!

  19. Haha, yeah, good point. the thing is that was made before Fernando was confirmed at Ferrari, so yep, it's out-dated. I'll get around to changing it soon. :P Oh, and no problems!

  20. haha, okay, i'll get around that later today then. :)

  21. Sure, go ahead. I meanwhile, am getting more in love with it from not liking it at the start! :P Oh, and did I reply to your last PM? I can't remember, sorry. :P

  22. I believe so, yes, why?

  23. Haha, no problem, it's a German spelling anyhow. Just as a motorsport/car fanatic, I just noticed that. Sorry! :P

  24. "...exactly the same shape as the Nurburg ring" It's Nurburgring. Sorry.

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