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Everything posted by Casperger

  1. I leave home for a few days, and look what happens.
  2. Maybe it's poor observation on my part, but it seems like the US has been getting shafted on release dates over the past few years. I remember sets used to consistently come out end of June, no later than end of July. Now there are plenty of times I'll go to a store never seeing new sets for the longest time.
  3. It was a tough choice between Photok and Makuta. I really like the simplicity of Photok, but I have to give it to Makuta.
  4. I have to say that Oohnorak's use of ccbs is lovely and adorable overall.
  5. If I hadn't entered, I'd have to go with Vezon. As great as Dume and Nivawk, I feel like the ccbs is a bit weak since ccbs revolves around the use of bones.
  6. I have to say, I love the way you build the bodies. And don't worry about a having feminine figure or not. Who says that a girl has to be feminine or vice versa.
  7. This is really cute! n__n I have no idea how you kept the body so small, but I love it. Especially the head.
  8. Thanks! Unfortunately, the mail room here screwed me over again by being closed on Saturday, though the mail could've been faster, too, since I ordered them the week before. I got the blue spines the following Monday, but the entry period already ended.
  9. Thanks! It is Gadunka's head haha, and I really wish I could've gotten a better angle of it. I do see what you mean about the skull spiders. But in person, the greens don't contrast as much, plus they have a similar texture to the small Takadox armor pieces. I really did contemplate on which colored Skull Spiders to use, but I felt like the dark blue ones stood out too much.
  10. Not to be that guy, but there's still time. It still goes till about midnight, not noon haha
  11. Nocturn Prisoner of the Deep I don't really know what to say other than it's Nocturn in CCBS. I thought Nocturn would've been a good idea to try until I saw him mentioned. So I redecided to try Kardas until that didn't work either. So In the end, I ended up re-purposing the Kardas I had into Nocturn. And I have to say that I'm personally happy with how he turned out. Here are a few other pictures of him when it's public, but I don't have a great camera to take pictures with. http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=553360
  12. Not specific to just the contest, but legal building as a whole, are we allowed to remove printings from parts? I'm curious because if pieces came with stickers instead, like Onua's chest, but we didn't put them on, are we allowed to take the printing off another Toa's chest?
  13. I find this baffling that they won't be released in North America. Though I suppose after the whole late Hero Factory release...
  14. Won't somebody please think of the children?! But in all seriousness, I liked it when Lego didn't have so many licensed themes.
  15. Uhg, I already have all the sets, and I don't known which one has the most useful parts. I think maybe Frost Beast, but I don't know if I want another light blue brain slug.
  16. It's there. You have to read between the lines.
  17. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait... FRIENDS won overall Toy of the Year?.. Oh my... (call me biased, I guess)
  18. Yeah, okay. Let me just go sell a kidney, my spleens, my right knee, and one and a half of my lungs. I'll be sure to buy it right after.
  19. Why are Hero Factory's prices going up? They already ditched the containers and boxes. And it's not like they aren't already double that at Toys R Us...
  20. Another license theme? As if Legos weren't expensive enough, and I won't even mention at Toys R Us...
  21. Anyone else notice all of the grammar errors in the set descriptions? It kind of... bugs.. me. Hehehe
  22. Okay yes, firstly I'm bad with play-on-words. But now that that's out of the way, the topic! So, I've just about finished my... maybe first?... MOC trying to use the Hero Factory building style, focusing on ball and socket as much as I can. (You'd have no idea how hard of a time I'm still have switching from Bionicle) But I'm not sure if I'm just bad at building with Hero Factory parts, or if others have this problem too. So what I'm getting at is that there isn't a piece for the waist/hips/crotch. Multiple times now, I have been able to build decent upper bodies, but when it comes to the waist... Nothing. What I mean is, look at Toxic Reapa. He has a custom torso, but his hips are bare and look... unfinished. It seems that there are no parts that can be used even somewhat easily to help fill out the waist properly. It looks like the only way to do that on smaller builds is to use a Hero body/chest cover. It just... It baffles me because I've never been so stuck trying to build an MOC. And it's the same issue on multiple builds. I've even tried to look around and see what others have done, but I can't find anything that fills out the waist on a Hero skeleton body. Why hasn't there been a piece like that so far? I mean, there's an available ball joint(?) right there. But even the villains use the same Hero chests. I'm sorry for rambling. It just... confuzzles me to no end! I guess what I'm trying to say is, what have you been able to come up with, and why Lego hasn't made such a piece? Or even just your thoughts and opinions. Okay, I'm done... for now.
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