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Guardian Knuckles

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Status Updates posted by Guardian Knuckles

  1. Out of room! "I've" (mispelled on the first) been stuck with Sonic ever since and just recently beat the first three Genesis games.

  2. Pikmin 3 is going to be epic! Can't wait!

  3. Probally not, I'm saving up for a 360. Are you going to get it?

  4. Profiles are the only thing on Bzpower that work for me...

  5. Remember when team "3 miis and a monkey" beat Perfect Chaos by dancing? That was a fun day.

  6. Rezid's pretty cool, but where's it from?

  7. Same, but the doll would be scarier...

  8. So your favorite scatman song is "Scatman's World"? Well my favorite is "Everybody Jam".

  9. So... You like both Earthbound and Sonic?

  10. Thanks! :D You got the pannel message?

  11. Thanks! I didn't notice!

  12. The story in Earthbound is a bit wierd and funny in the first two games. But in Mother 3, it suddenly becomes sad ( with some humour from the other past games). My good friend got me into Earthbound. Well, for Sonic I remember another friend describing him in preschool as a "little blue man who runs real fast". I'm been stuck with Sonic ever since and just recently beat the first three

  13. Typical stuff. I better watch my comments or I'll be sued by your profile picture.

  14. Um, you're the guy who helped me out with my sig. Ring a bell?

  15. Ummm...the only one I played is number 1. It's fun!

  16. Wanna make your own earthbound plush? Here's the tutorial: http://www.metroidhat.com/mother/plush.html

  17. Welcome to Bzpower! Hope you enjoy your stay! :P

  18. Welcome. :P Do you think that someday, they'll release Earthbound for VC?

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