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Guardian Knuckles

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Status Updates posted by Guardian Knuckles

  1. The story in Earthbound is a bit wierd and funny in the first two games. But in Mother 3, it suddenly becomes sad ( with some humour from the other past games). My good friend got me into Earthbound. Well, for Sonic I remember another friend describing him in preschool as a "little blue man who runs real fast". I'm been stuck with Sonic ever since and just recently beat the first three

  2. Out of room! "I've" (mispelled on the first) been stuck with Sonic ever since and just recently beat the first three Genesis games.

  3. He's a Hedgehog!;) Which reminds me of a funny glitch which occured on the final boss in Sonic 1. I defeated Robotnik, and the explosions occured, but boss fight continued! I then beat him again and the same thing happened! This would continued until he defeated me. :(

  4. Continue* (Hard to write on an Ipod.)

  5. Hmph. I get the bad ending on all of them. Then again, I never do good in the special zone.

  6. Rezid's pretty cool, but where's it from?

  7. For Pokemon fans, that be a nightmare.

    Sure, Ninten would be epic on Brawl, but Pikachu is the mascot of the series. Imagine replacing Mario with a Goomba!

  8. Not that I don't support the idea.

  9. Lol, I got a ton of stuff ready to be sprited. If you want to take a break from the current character, you can pm me for something else.

  10. No, the dungeon was empty!

  11. Falcon Approved! Cool! B)

  12. Yoshi thinks it's food!

  13. Hey, did I tell you the name of the character you're spriting?

  14. Hey, I just read the article of Sonic Colors in Nintendo Power. It looks pretty cool. The food part is a bit funny. :)

  15. Typical stuff. I better watch my comments or I'll be sued by your profile picture.

  16. I'm a member now! Yeah!

  17. Thanks! I didn't notice!

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