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Blog Entries posted by HahliLavender

  1. HahliLavender
    I've been recently studying Japanese more, and I think I'm starting to get the hang of the language! It's not as hard as everyone says. Maybe because I enjoy it! The hardest part for me is probably putting words in the correct order. The sentance structure is "Subject, Object, Verb." I can put together small sentances though.
    Props to the first person to correctly translate this...
  2. HahliLavender
    The LGD and COT forums are no longer available! *gasp* Are they permanently gone, or will they eventually come back?
    Maybe thinking it's a joke is the joke, and they really are gone! Or maybe thinking the joke's a joke is a joke, and they'll be back soon? Or maybe this was the prank! To make you think it was a joke, but realizing that it's most likely not a joke that it's a joke! Or... wait...
    ... I lost where I was going...
    Oh well. It'll still makes since if those forums are permanently gone. After all, this is a Bionicle site.
    Wait... maybe they were going to do this (for real) anyway, but waited until April Fool's Day so we'd all think it was a joke. Then we'd later realize it wasn't! That'd be a good prank. Though, disappointing to the people of those forums. Oh well, I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens. But if someone could please give a firm answer, are they gone for good?

  3. HahliLavender
    If you're reading this, then I suggest you stop for a second to read this.
    These are just my thoughts on the matter...

    I'm glad TP posted that. General Discussion is overflowing with stuff like that. It's called general discussion. Things should be disscused there. Almost every topic I see there is a question that anyone can easily answer with just a few words. Easy post counts. Don't get me wrong, some of them are pretty good questions. But In my opinion, some of those topics are just scraping the surface of being spam, but following the rules just enough to be allowed. Like eating something on the experation date.
    Now, questions are usually the most common things to start discussions on, but questions so simple, anyone in the world could answer so easily are best avoided. But all the examples I can think of would go in S&T. In fact, the S&T forum pretty much eliminates the use for GD. Now, I don't browse S&T very often, so I'm probably missing something. But I just thought I'd point that out.

    Come to think about it, there are so many other forums here that questions seem to be the only things to put in there. But if the question is good, then there could be a real discussion-- a word which Dictionary.com describs as "an act or instance of discussing; consideration or examination by argument, comment, etc., esp. to explore solutions; informal debate." --It's just that everyone makes one post in the topic, then their gone! From the "discussion" I mean.

    Well, this is pretty much me thinking out loud, attempting to make a point... Where's the discussoin? So I'd like to end with a song... Sing to the chorus of "Where is the Love?" by Black-Eyed Peas.
    People asking simple questions
    Easy posts, a new hot topic
    All the questions are the same
    "What was your previous name?"
    I know, I know there are other
    topics that can be discussed
    But people got me got me questioning
    Where's the discussion?

  4. HahliLavender
    Somebody's trying to prevent anyone from using this name.
    Also, I've updated my blog a bit.
    That's funny... blogabit...

  5. HahliLavender
    Ok, I finally entered the art contest! I wasn't sure if I was going to... I didn't have any ideas of what to do. But this morning I finally thought of it. And now I'm finished! Click the banner below to go to the topic.

    If you want to say something about the entry, please do so in the topic.
  6. HahliLavender
    I got Age of Empires III! I love that game! It's so much fun! We also got the LarryBoy PS2 game! It's fun too! What short sentences I'm speaking! And all with exclamations!
    OK, I'll stop now...
    I so want a Mac! (sorry, that will be the last time.) My PC can't handle anything I like to do. ;_; I want to make movies and create music! But everything I try doesn't work on my computer. Except Roxio, which is the only media suite I can get to work on my computer. It's good, but not perfect (like iLife). My dad said we're going to try to 'switch' sometime this year. I hope that's soon.
    *get's hopes up*
    My dad wants to get an iMac for the family, a MacBook for himself for work, and I totally want an iMac. Seriously the best personal computer invented! I just have to be patient.
  7. HahliLavender
    It's Groundhog Day. A holiday nowhere near as great as Christmas, but not as useless as Arbor Day. So I thought I would post some groundhog trivia.

    (1) The groundhog (binomial name - marmota monax) is also
    referred to as a woodchuck or wistlepig. 
    (2) They eat grass, garden vegetables, leaves, twigs, apples, berries, and even dandelions.
    (3) Groundhogs burrow tunnels up to 5 ft deep, and 45 ft long.
    (4) Common predators of groundhogs include wolves, hawks and owls.
    (5) There's a 1993 movie called Groundhog Day.
    (6) You can learn more about groundhogs at Wikipedia.
    Also, it looks like some groundhogs don't agree on having an early spring.

    6 more weeks of winter — Jimmy the Groundhog, Holtsville Hal
    Early Spring — Punxsutawney Phil, Staten Island Chuck, Wiarton Willie, Shubenacadie Sam and General Beauregard Lee of Georgia, Malverne Me
    * Information brought to you by Wikipedia. *

  8. HahliLavender
    Last night I was feeling sick of my crowded junk-filled room, so I decided to do something about it. For over a year now, my bed was resting on two saw-horses, my closet was filled with random junk, and things slowly piled up under my bed, on my desk, and all over my shelf unit. Well, I was up all night last night starting this daunting task, and I got everything out from under my bed, which was a lot. My bed was about 3 ft above the ground (I wanted it elevated then), stuffed with a ton of things underneath. So I pulled everything out! My entire room was then filled with junk, you couldn't even see the floor! ( well, you could, but you know what I mean. )
    Then I went to bed.
    I spent all day today cleaning and organizing my things. My closet was packed with who knows what, and now it's almost empty! Nothing's under my bed, and nothing ever will, because it's on a platform now... real low to the ground.
    I'm finally almost done! I just have to find a place for some things... and then vacuum, of course.
    So tired...
  9. HahliLavender
    It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring
    He went to bed, and bumped his head
    And didn't...
    Gosh, nursery rhymes are morbid.
    It's raining here. And everything is covered in ice. Dangerous, but it looks cool!
  10. HahliLavender
    Just a small update... I fanally changed the navigation images! I was pretty tired of the other ones. They weren't very good.
    Oh yeah, and I moved my website to a new host. In case anyone wanted to know.

  11. HahliLavender
    Sorry for not being active for so long. We had some family visiting from New York for the past week!
    And I got Comatose for Christmas!
    Why does that relate to this entry?
    Well, for the new year, I present to you a piece of work I've done based on Skillet's song Looking for Angels. I really like that song, and after hearing it, I got inspired to make this. Click here for a wallpaper version. (1024x768)
    Happy New Year!
    Hard to believe '06 is over now.
  12. HahliLavender
    I thought the Free the Band thing was passed, but I've just received something else! I didn't know it, but apparently I won 2nd prize! I got a skate deck, poster, t-shirt, lanyard, Inika Hahli, an AAR CD, and Bionicle heroes for PC!

    The poster is in much better condition than the last one I got, and this lanyard card has Nuparu on it. The only thing is the t-shirt is very small. I might give it to my younger cousin for Christmas. And since I already have Hahli, I might give it to someone else for Christmas.
    I would of posted this earlier, but BZP was down. (And Bionicle Heroes is just so fun! )
  13. HahliLavender
    All day yesterday (and today until about 5:15) we had no Internet! That was rather hard, due to the fact that we have Vontage. (An Internet-based phone service.) So we couldn't even use our phone! But I'm back again! In case anybody noticed I was gone. *sees that nobody noticed* um... well, it felt like a long time.
    Anyway, I drew a Bionicle-Christmas-themed picture a while ago, colored it up in Photoshop, and it just needs to be uploaded. But I'm wondering if I should wait till it's closer to Christmas to post it. Or should I post it tomorrow?
    On a random note:
    I was bored, typed Vakama's intro from MoL and recorded Microsoft Narrator narrating the said typed content.
    >Download & listen<

  14. HahliLavender
    I just got my my Free the Band prize in the mail! As mentioned in a previous entry, I won a T-shirt, lanyard and poster. Unfortunately, the poster is folded, so there's crease marks on it, but it's a good size. Probably around 2' long by 1½' wide. The lanyard card I got has Hewkii on it, and the shirt looks pretty good.

  15. HahliLavender
    It's been sleeting all day today, and now it's snowing! Everything's coated in ice with a predicted 6 to 8 inches in snow. Almost everything's going to be closed tomorrow, so we can pretty much consider ourselves stranded.
    How do I feel about that?
    Look how beautiful it is outside!
    Duh,duh,bumm,bumm... ... Huh? What?
    All that in one.
    Oh, and check out this apple I made last night.

  16. HahliLavender
    I saw President Bush!
    A short summary:
    We were invited by some friends to see President Bush land here in Air Force 1 to make a speech. It was pretty exciting! We got in the crowd (very near to the front, just behind the VIP section) at about 1pm to wait till he arrived. There were three bands, a country one, a school one, and a percussion one, and cheerleaders from two different schools. We waited and watched the previously mentioned entertainers until about 4pm until Air Force 1 finally arrived! Then President Bush walked on stage and gave his speech, which lasted about an hour. The speech, not the walking. After his speech we watched him board his plane and take off.
    Afterwards when we were leaving, the line for the shuttle to take us back to the parking lot was so long, we decided to walk. we walked for a mile or two untill we finally got to our car. Then once we got home, at about 6:30, we ordered pizza!
    It was a lot more exciting than I can describe right now. I might add more details later.
    Also, if you were there tonight (Arkansas) then I'd like to hear from you!
    Air Force 1

    Prestident Bush 1-2-3-4-5

    I took a lot more photos than that, but those are just some of the better ones.
  17. HahliLavender
    Ok, it's been a long time since I last posted an entry, so I'll fill you in on what's happened so far.
    My dad and two of my sisters had a birthday at the beginning of the month. My sister Megan turned 15 on Sep. 30, and both my dad and my other sister had a birthday on the 1st! My baby sister Liana turned 1, but I forgot how old my dad turned, (though he'd probably appreciate that .)
    Let's see... I know, my current favorite songs:
    Not listed in any particular order.
    Song Name - Artist - My Comment
    Never Alone - Barlow Girl - (love the video)
    Whispers In The Dark - Skillet - (I just plain like it)
    Move Along - AAR - (nope, still haven't gotten tired of it.)
    We Live - Superckic[k] - (great message)
    Never Far Behind - Aly & A.J. - (what friendship really is)
    Technologic - Daft Punk - (believe it or not, I think I know all the words)
    Nuisance - John Reuben - (a nice rap with a melody)
    Hero - Superchic[k] - (the smallest act of kindness can change the lives of many)
    Ok, back to other stuff. In the past several months, my dad and the company he worked for had been working on a mall. It finished Oct. 4! The day it opened the Malco theater that was part of it was showing every movie for $1, and all popcorn & soda just 50¢! But they were showing movies that either are, or are about to be on DVD. Hence the "bargain." I wanted to see PotC2, but I saw cars again with my family instead. Which, in the end turned out to be best. Near the beginning, PotC2 started to go in slow motion, then started blinking, and went completely black. Everyone in the lobby was talking about it.
    Oh yeah, and I got Nuparu!
    Well, that's about it for now. Just assuring you all that I am indeed still alive.
  18. HahliLavender
    Let's see... I'll start with Wednesday.
    Two days ago I got a haircut. At first I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. (Before, it was just below my ears.) But I like how it looks now. Not too short, but I like it. I don't have a very good past with haircuts. For several years, everywhere I got a haircut, they either cut it shorter than I was comfortable with, or I just didn't like it in one way or another. But I like this haircut.
    Ok, on to yesterday...
    A family in our church gave us free guest passes to an amusement park in Missouri called Silver Dollar City. And we went yesterday along with practically our whole church. It's been about 7 years since I last went to an amusement park. I went to Six Flags in Wisconsin once before.
    I got to go off with one of my friends and go on rides and stuff. There are two major rollercoasters, and I went on them about 6 times each! It was so fun! There were many other rides as well that I went on, but those two rollercoasters were my favorite! I've never been on the back of a rollercoaster before this, but yesterday I did just to know what it was like. I'm never doing that again! I found out that if you sit in the very back of a rollercoaster, there's more pressure and afterwards you feel dizzy and sick. The front is much better. And for me it's more fun! So if you want to feel fast, scared, like you won't survive, or any combination of the three, ride in the front. But if you want to feel compressed with pressure and almost black out then feel sick and dizzy afterwards, ride in the back. According to my experiences anyway.
    My feet were killing me afterwards from all the walking. When we got home, I couldn't wait to get to bed. Fortunately it was a Friday night, so I got to sleep in. I woke up at 10:30 today! In fact, I went to bed at 10:30 last night. Whoa, I slept for 12 hours!
    Also, there was a huge storm last night. B) In case you wanted to know.
  19. HahliLavender
    Just so you know, that's not a scream.
    It's such a nice day out today! I opened my bedroom window a wile ago and now is smells so good in here! So fresh!

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