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Blog Entries posted by HahliLavender

  1. HahliLavender
    Turns out I got Hewkii and Hahli! I thought I had enough for the rest, but I didn't. So I got Hewkii and Hahli! (I already said that.) They're awesome! I can't wait to get Nuparu and Jaller! My sister and I were reinacting scenes from Power Play and listening to songs to see who could sing what in each song! (For a band.)
    *sees Jaller singing lead vocals in Hawk Nelson's "Hello"*
    I'm so glad I got them! What with Hewkii's original color scheme and chain, and Hahli's "faded jeans," They're awesome!
  2. HahliLavender
    Finally! The past few months have been totally hot, between 75-106° F. Well, the entire sky is a flat white color now and everything is wet. At first I'm like, "FNALLY!" *runs outside with excitement, only to find it's still hot and now totally humid.*
    Hopfuly it will be cooler by the time I go out tonight. My family and I are going to the mall, Barnes & Noble and Toy's R Us. Mostly to just go out, because we've been cooped up in our house for so long. And I have to pick up a book I ordered at Barnes & Noble. (Not to mention I want to wear my new clothes out somewhere. )
    While we're at TRU, I plan to get the rest of the Inika. Though I might just get Hewkii and Hahli. We'll see.
  3. HahliLavender
    It's Wednesday, and Wednesday is when we usually go grocery shopping. I don't usually go, but I went to see if Wal-Mart had any Inika. I was particularly after Hewkii. Our whole family ended up going, except my dad. He was at work. And once we get there, we stop at McDonald's for lunch. My sisters got happy meals, and I must say, the toy they got is pretty cool for a happy meal toy. They got a PotC Pirate journal thing. I saw the image of the toys they have. I like that that Jack Sparrow plushy!
    Anyway, we start the shopping, but first I go check out the Bionicle stuff. My sister came with me, and when I got there, I almost overlooked them. Those canisters are huge! I'd say they're about the size of the Nui Rama box! As you probably saw in the Hahli review, the canisters are 9" tall (aprox. 18cm), and the width is the same as the width of a CD case.
    Well, all they had was Kongu and Matoro. No Hewkii. So I got both Kongu and Matoro. They also had V&F, and Axxon, and I had enough money for all of them, but I thought it wiser to wait a little longer.
    After I put them in our cart I remembered that I needed clothes. I literally only had two pairs of pants that fit, and of all the shirts I have, Only a few are appropriate for summer, and I was getting tired of repetitively wearing them. So I asked if I could get some clothes, and my mom was all "Oh yes, definitely, you need more cloths. Go pick some and you can try them on." So I chose a bunch of clothes I liked, and tried them on. This one pair of jeans I liked was too small, and they didn't have any more, and two shirts we ended up not getting. And there was this pair of tan urban pants I liked, but my mom didn't like them, so I couldn't get them. But I did get a similar pair, though it was black camo. They're awesome. After that we did actual grocery shopping.
    I'm so glad I got Kongu and Matoro. They're better than I expected! Below are some pictures I took.
    Strike a Pose
    Matoro using his Iden

  4. HahliLavender
    Translated: "Hello, how are you?
    I'm currently learning to speak Japanese! Well, mostly to read and write it, but you need to be able to speak the language too. This is the first secondary language that I enjoy learning! It's easier for me than any other language to learn. I'm particularly learning how to write in the Katakana form of Japanese. That's a good basic to start on, since foreign and food words are written in that style. You can go here to learn basic Japanese.
    Go here for a Katakana character list. To write words, you just add the characters sounds together. e.g. you could add the "me" and "nyu" characters together to make "menyu", or "menu". Get it?
    Have fun!
  5. HahliLavender
    I saw Cars yesterday! It was hilarious! I might be able to see it again once my family gets back from Pennsylvania.
    Today's my last day at my grandparents. I'm going home this afternoon! There's nothing like the comfort of your own home. I can't wait to go home, because there's not much to do here. I've pretty much been listening to my iPod, sketching stuff and reading.
  6. HahliLavender
    I just realized... I like books. I never really noticed that before.
    Lets see... I like mystery stories, old-looking journal-type stuff, and fun facts-type things. Oh, and info books on fictional universes. Prefrably Star Wars and Bionicle.
    Also, I think this is my first entry where I just typed stuff. The rest was when I had something useful to say.
  7. HahliLavender
    I just added a new content block of the messages you get when the sever's busy. I'm gong to add more as I find them, but feel free to post any here that you find. (That's not already listed, of course.)
  8. HahliLavender
    My sisters and mom left for Tulsa Oklahoma, where my sisters friend's family will pick them up and fly them to Arizona. That leaves me and my other sister home for the rest of the day.
    No, we're not gonna have a party.
    I woke up at 10:30 today, because I stayed up all night making a wallpaper. Personally, I think it's the best wallpaper I've made to date! It's a wallpaper of Vakama with a vintage, journal-type look.
  9. HahliLavender
    We totally rearranged our living room today. It looks much more organized now.
    I just thought of something... why does organized have the word 'organ' in it? Sounds like what you do to add organs to something. Ok, now I'm being gross. I better stop.
    Anyway, I need to start packing soon. I'm going to stay at my grandparents for probably a week 3 days, starting Wednesday. The rest of my family is going out of state. Two of my sisters are visiting a friend in Arizona, and the rest of my family is going to Pennsylvania for a special flexible back brace for my other sister. she has scoliosis, and that brace will straighten her back in a comfortable way. As far as I know.
    I've been playing SW Battlefront II lately. What an awesome game! IMO anyway. I want to try to get my PS2 connected to the internet for online play.
    Also, there's always a gnat flying around somewhere in my room. Every time I squish one, another one pops up. And I don't have any kind of food in my room. I don't know where they're coming from.

  10. HahliLavender
    Today is my sister's birthday, she's 12 now. Last night she and I browsed around Barnes & Noble while the rest of our family went to Toys R Us to do last-minute b-day shopping for her. She's a huge horse lover, and they got her a huge stuffed horse! She was so excited when she opened it.
    While at Barnes & Noble, I got BL3. I'm on chapter six right now. Greg did a good job on this book.
    Well, as much as I'd like to write a larger entry, that's all I have to say right now.
  11. HahliLavender
    Books. A great way to melt the boredom blanket which hovers over your otherwise bright summer day.
    I just got back from the library. I cheched out a few calligraphy books, The Ultimate Lego Book, and Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography. My library also has this small room where they sell unused books for 25¢, and I got The Slippery Slope. It's not in the best condition, and I already had that book, but I'm like, why not? I might be able to sell it or something, though I don't think I'd get much for it, seeing it's condition...
    Well, I'm gonna get reading.
  12. HahliLavender
    Well, not much happened today. I had summer boredom, so I just played Star Wars: Jedi Knight Academy most of the day. Anyone else have that game? I enjoy it.
    Two of my sisters packed their stuff today. They're visiting a friend in Arizona for a week, and they're leaving Monday. My other two sisters and my parents are going to... Pennsylvania, I think, around the same time, which leaves me. I'm staying at my grandparents house while everyone leaves the state. They have a nice computer though, so I'll still be on BZP.
    Also, I have this awesome leather journal, though I don't exactly write in it anymore, but I really want to do something with it. I was wondering if you have any ideas of what I could keep in it, or how I could use it, or something, because I can't seem to think of what to even write in there. I seem to be having some sort of creativity block. I need inspiration.
    Whoa, I kind of drifted off topic there.
  13. HahliLavender
    The longest word in the english language. It's a lung disease caused by breathing in particles of siliceous volcanic dust.
    Why do I tell you this? Because I can.
  14. HahliLavender
    What a day!
    This morning starting at around 9:00 we were in a parade to pass these flyers out to everyone. They were for the state senator's campaign. He's running for Lt. Governor, so we walked the parade route to hand them out to everyone. A few others and myself took the left side of the street, and some others handed them out along the right. We walked about 3-4 blocks handing the flyers out, and then about 3-4 blocks back around the other way. I assume we walked about a mile, but I could be wrong.
    After the parade we went home to freshen up. Then around 3:00 we went to a BBQ party and played volleyball, lit off fireworks, and other random things. We stayed till like, 8:30, maybe 9:00, and left for home. By then my feet were killing me, (they still are) after all that walking and stuff. But we weren't finished yet.
    After we got home, we lit all our fireworks we got. They were mostly sparklers, but we also had 'Black Snakes', an exploding frog, and those white wrapped things that spark when you throw them on the ground. The sparklers were fun though. I took a bundle of six and lit them all together. The result was a big white orb of sparkly goodness.
    So now I'm here... typing this, with aching feet, and pleasant memories of volleyball, deafening noises and controlled fear.
    Oh, and ping-pong!

  15. HahliLavender
    I just got back from watching fireworks at a local park. Even though it's currently the 3rd of July for me, it's gonna be the 4th in 20 min. I don't know why they held them tonight instead of tomorrow. Anyway, the fireworks only lasted about 25 min., and the car line to get out of the park lasted about a half an hour. When we were on a small hill, the line moved a little and so did we... right into the back of the person in front of us! Our breaks gave out, so we couldn't stop in time. Nothing serious happened. The guy before us just got a little scratch on his bumper, but he was ok with it.
    Later on our way home I saw an armadillo scuttle across the street in front of us. I've never seen a real armadillo before. Well, not a live one anyway.
    Well, it'll be tomorrow in 5 min. for me!
    Happy Independence Day!

  16. HahliLavender
    Last night I updated my website a little to make it easier to read... in a sense.
    Warning, web talk below. Feel free to skim through, read thoroughly, or skip it enirely.
    Before, all the content was near the bottom of the screen in an iframe. I was going to eliminate the iframe and give every page the header, but that didn't work. Then I thought, "Duh, I'll just add my logo underneath the iframe." So I tried that and it works great! The only problem is in the blog archive for April, when you hold your cursor over any links, the under/overlines don't show up. So untill I figure out how to fix that, it'll be like that.
    End of web talk.
    Well, I guess that's all for now.
    Also, I was just wondering... who else here has Jedi Knight Academy?

  17. HahliLavender
    I can't think of any good blog titles lately...
    Anyway, I've just completely updated my website. It has a totally new layout featuring two drawings I've drawn recently. The one to the left is my interpretation of me, and the one behind it is a picture of a sunset I drew completely in pen with the character Aqual I told you about in a past entry. I really like this layout, compared to the last one. If you view my past layouts, you can see how my web design skills have improved.
    About that drawing of me... I sketched it a few nights ago. I was originally going to just doodle, so I just used a notebook. That's why there's lines on it. Even though I could of Photoshoped those out, I decided to leave them, and I came up with a new technique that gave it a nice, sketchy look. You can see the entire image here.
    And if you wanted to, you can view the sunset drawing here.
    I also changed the name of my blog. I personally like this name better.
    Nevermind, I actually like this name better.

  18. HahliLavender
    I just moved my computer into my bedroom! Before, it was in a built-in desk center in our downstairs living room. I find it much more convenient here, since everything I need is is in one place. Now I can do stop-motion stuff without loseing LEGO pieces around the house.
    I've also learned the guitar solo for Fourteen by Hawk Nelson. I love that song.
    Well, I guess that's all I have to say right now, so... bye... or, something...

  19. HahliLavender
    Some friends of ours visited today from Missouri. They were passing by on their way home from... Texas, I think. We had lunch with them, (sub sandwiches) and then just messed around the house. We have this empty lot that we own next to our house... we don't live in a modern suburban area. It's filled with trees, and we have this disc swing tied to a tree, which we swung around on. I filmed my dad pushing my little sister on the swing at a wide angle, and when he pushed her she swung out of the shot, and since on the film you can't exsactly see the rope, it looked like my dad threw her... it was hilarious! Don't worry, it just looked that way.
    Later, we searched for a place to play softball. It took a while to find one, but we found this "abandoned-looking" one, where we played for a while.
    After all that, we went to McDonald's for supper, and played Mad Gab while we ate. That was a lot of fun! After we ate, we played freeze-tag in the parking lot (it was vacant). We probably looked ridiculous, but it was fun. I'm all wobbaly now from all the runnng I did today.
    I just saw Smeagol4's review. Great job, that was entertaining! "Why don't you go prank -Kex- or something." ... funny!

  20. HahliLavender
    Well, The final polls are open! I think I have a sporting chance. Vote here!
    I've updated my avatar! It's a pixel drawing I made recently of that character I talked about in the last entry. I still don't have a name that I like for him. Any ideas? Here's his bio...
    Class: Toa
    Element: Air
    Weapon: Windstaff
    Wears a mask of molecular fusion. It lets him become the very substance he touches, though he can't change his mass.
    He is an adventurous fun-loving Toa, but is usually quiet and keeps to himself. He's very agile and trustworthy, but tends to forget things from time to time. He has occasional visions, and can see things before they happen. Though he has no idea how or why it happens.
    I was going to name him Aure, it's an actual name that means soft breeze. I might use that one. If you have any other ideas for a name that fits his personality, I'd like to hear it. (or read it, if you wanna get technical)
    Well, that's about all I have to say for now. Except that I just got a mosquito bite... on my foot of all places. And I'm wearing socks!
    Random thought: I wonder when the rest of the new skins will be up...
    << Like my logo?
  21. HahliLavender
    I'm currently working on writing an epic about four Toa who somehow get their memory wiped. I haven't thought of a reason why yet . They find themselves on an island with no idea who, what or where they are. Though some Toa where effected more than the others. One in particular is this guy. I haven't thought of a name for him, but I'm using that to my advantage. He was effected by the memory wipe the most. And this story is written in first person about him. The other characters don't have definite names yet, except for Aqual.
    I'm also working on a game for this story, using all my own sprites. Though I'm still getting the controller to work efficiently.
    Here's the character:
    How do you like it?
    I might name him Akhanre... I don't know.
    Anyway, I have a name for the story, but I'm not going to reveal it yet. I hope to complete this. I tend to move on to other projects and forget the ones I started. I need to work on that. So I'm going to try to finish this. I really think it'll be a great story... with a game!

  22. HahliLavender
    The AC11 polls are open! I'm in poll #1 in catagory Other. Or you could say Poll 11. I'm so excited! Well, Vote here!
    Good luck to all who entered!
  23. HahliLavender
    I just got back from helping set up our church's VBS. It's nowhere near finished, since we just started. The theme is Around The World, and my sister and I need to draw a map of Africa and the Philippines. We also need to draw a windmill mural (on large paper) for the Netherlands.
    And I just got a bunch of masks I ordered in the mail! There's 19 in total, one of them being a CMoV!
    Also, I've just always wondered this, do you think the Mcdonald's version Kopeke has a sand-blue mask, or light a blue mask?

  24. HahliLavender
    Well their not "twins," but I needed a word that meant two in some way. (without saying two.) Anyway, yesterday I had the whole day free, so I basicly just MoCed all day. I made these two awsome beings that I must say, I think are my best MoC's to date. But I think I'm going to save them for the next BBC contest, if it fits into the catagory. If not I might post them. Well, I don't have anything else to say, so...

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